Soft Chamber HBOT (No Oxygen) for Hyperacusis with Ear Pain

Discussion in 'Support' started by messedupmyears, Feb 21, 2021.

    1. messedupmyears

      messedupmyears Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      December 2020
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music
      For budget reasons I cannot afford the hard shell HBOT with oxygen, but I’ve located some places that can offer lower cost HBOT (with only like 25% oxygen as opposed to 100% oxygen) so it’s just the pressure that could relieve symptoms in this case (assuming between 2-2.5 pressure).

      Would this treatment even be of benefit if the oxygen part of it isn’t included in the process? I have a TON of pressure in my ears and painful hyperacusis directly in tandem with noise exposure.

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