Something New I'm Experiencing After A Dumb Decision

Discussion in 'Support' started by II Packy II, Sep 24, 2013.

    1. II Packy II

      II Packy II Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Have you all ever experienced tinnitus that tings only when you say...brush your hair, rustle grocery bags, or sneeze? I have had tinnitus since 2012 and I've been extremely depressed...and in a fit of anger I popped my right ear and since last night, it's reacting to noises around me. not painful or anything like you see with hyperacusis, but rather a ting when I say glide my hands along my shorts.
    2. Sherri786

      Sherri786 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      No Packy never experienced that.
    3. Tamalak

      Tamalak Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes, my T often behaves like this. Sometimes it beeps in rythum to my turn signal, for example.
    4. AUTHOR
      II Packy II

      II Packy II Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      My depression is far worse because of this new sensation. As if regular tinnitus wasn't bad enough. Now I can't even talk beyond a certain tone or my ear rings to match it. I tried plugging my ear overnight and woke up with a middle ear infection. I'm hoping they are related, but I highly doubt they are. Every ENT I've talked to attributes it to stress regardless of the fact that I told them about what I broke down and did. It seems slightly less sensitive today, but I'm not for certain. I've eaten for the first time in 4 days today and I've cried more times than that. I'm so sick of feeling isolated by the doctors that are supposed to treat me and point me in the directions that they are supposed to do telling me it's anxiety or well we don't do intra-tympanic shots at this facility. Then come to find out the other half of the ENTs are out of town at conferences. Meaning most of them won't be able to even get me in within the critical window of time. To some end, I got a steroid pack (whoopdee doo) and some antibiotics for the ear infection (which is the same ear I think I re injured) and am left to hope for the best. Might try and schedule some hyperbaric sessions but not sure if I need a referral. The truth is none of this shit will probably ever get better until either I get down to the Callier Center in UT Dallas or until I am dead of my own hand or something else's. I thought regular tinnitus was bad, but this reactive ring forcing itself into the forefront of whatever is going on has managed to destroy me in 3 days. And all I'm left here to do is wait for it to hopefully stop.
    5. Sherri786

      Sherri786 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      I'm sorry to hear what you're going through Packy :( I don't know what else to say other than hang in there,
      It'll get better. I feel your pain, I've had horrible negative experiences with doctors.

      Are you getting any sleep ? Please drink camomile tea( night blend ) use 2 tea bags to make one cup of tea and
      Take magnesium chelate supplements one hour before bedtime, both will help you relax and get some sleep.
      Magnesium helps keep the T volume down. Try avoid caffeine ,sweet , salt for me they aggravate my T a lot.

      Take care , we are all in the same boat ,and here for you. Hope you feel better soon, keep in touch and keep us updated please.

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