Sound in the Head, Not in the Ears, Anyone?

Discussion in 'Support' started by MT09, Sep 5, 2013.

    1. MT09

      MT09 Member Benefactor

      Prefer not to say.
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress induced.
      Hello people, I was wondering if anyone on this forum has T, and can hear the sound inside their head and not particularly in any ear..? I am able to hear a high pitched continuous sound since 3 days, and it seems like it's inside my head. I cannot point it out to a particular ear. I can hear it ALL day long and nothing can mask it. It is not loud, but I can hear it all the time. Anyone with similar situation?
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    2. Hudson

      Hudson Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      My tinnitus has been like this for years. I describe it as a sound that originates from my head, not a particular ear. Almost the "back-center" of my head is where the sound comes from. It is very high pitched, so I hear it even if I listen in environments where you would think it could be masked. It is not particularly loud though, so not terribly intrusive.
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    3. mick

      mick Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      My T sound like it mostly comes from with in my head rather than my ears as well. In my case, it seems like it is a little right of center and behind my ears. Mine is mildly maskable with the right masking sounds. Except for a few fleeting moments silence over the past 10 months, its always there. The best I can do is ignore it which I have been getting more successful at over time. Unfortunately my success progress is not linear. I have setbacks, so I would describe the habituation process as zig zig.
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    4. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD
      @MT09 My sound was originally in my left ear. Then, after about a month, it migrated to the left side of my head. But the sound varies and its location shifts. I always have a lower pitched hum, which is easily masked with a fan. However, this hum is usually accompanied by a high pitched whistle--which is utterly unmaskable. If my tinnitus is low, the whistle is light and generally over my left ear--up a few inches. The whistle has also been at the back of my head near my neck--also on the left side. And when my whistle is very intrusive and loud, it always "feels" like the sound is coming from the top of my head on the left side. Whenever the sound is in this location, I know I'm going to have a rough 24 to 36 hours. But thankfully I only had two of those horrible days last month!

      Of course, it would be useful to see how our noise correlates to specific brain activity. Most tinnitus imaging shows activity in the auditory cortex. But when you're loud it's obvious more centers must be lit up.
    5. Jade

      Jade Member Benefactor

      Sunshine Coast, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Genetics, Beats by Dre, Work
      Hello guys,

      This is pretty much my T to a T lol,
      The way you have described it @Hudson & @MT09 is what my ears/head is doing 24/7.... When I clench my jaw or yawn sometimes even swallow my T goes up @ least 50% only briefly until I stop clenching or yawning whatevr
      Hope your having a good day
    6. AUTHOR

      MT09 Member Benefactor

      Prefer not to say.
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress induced.
      Whoa! Thanks for all those replies n info you people... One thing's for sure, T is such an uncertain thing. Ask 10 people about it, you get 10 different answers and experiences. Anyway, mine's very mild. I'm alright with it for now. Just needed a few days to adjust myself for it. It does bother me when it's too silent, so I try not to be in completely silent areas. Hope you're all having a great day, and I hope everyone's T magically goes away soon! :D
    7. Asian

      Asian Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      4 weeks
      I had it in my ears first then randomly it would be in my head then next day ear then next day head then ear then head now its just there I don't understand where its coming from. Fuck you eeeeee
    8. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
      Both...seems to bounce around the head and ears non stop.

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