

Nov 7, 2012
Tinnitus Since
Okay, so I've noticed this happening for a while and now I'm curious if anyone else has experienced something like this. During the day, my tinnitus might be mostly one highpitched tone, but it seems like once I go to bed and lie down on my side (I usually sleep on my right side, which is also the ear where my tinnitus is typically louder), the tone will gradually change and become more quiet and starts resembling some distant soft buzzing kind of sound. I can't really explain it. It's as if when I lay my head down it influences what my tinnitus does. I mean, I'm not complaining, this sound is more bearable than the usual, kind of relaxing in a way even, but I wonder why this happens?
Hi Alexa, I feel for you. I really do. My tinnitus started Oct 8th for the 3rd time in my life. The first time was from using ear buds at work (metal stamping, press shop) instead of ear plugs....stupid. Had a faint high pitch electrical noise in my ears for a couple weeks. It slowly faded out each day and eventually (I'm not even sure when) it was completely gone. This was when I was 18/19. Then when I was 21, was parting with some buds listening to music maybe a little to loud? I don't know they were shifty computer speakers as that's all we had, but we are metal heads so of. Ourselves, we had them as loud as they'd go. Anyway ended up passing out in the bathroom, woke up with a fairly loud tonal ring, again both ears the same. At first I thought nothing of it but after 3 days I started freaking out, so much so I ended up moving back in with my mommy, lol. So there I stayed doing nothing for a month and a half (yes job as was too are ked to go, funny cause he first.time when I was younger I really didn't give two suits, and kept going to work...with ear plugs of course). About 5 weeks after moving in with my "mommy" lol, got really sick and developed several eye floaters (that I still have to this day) but one night after coughing up an assload of green phlegm, I was laying in my room, no backround noise, I refuse to use noise to cover noise, seems silly to me anyway, noise is noise, had my ear on my pillow listening to my tinnitus thinking "fuck it, my ears ring I'm getting a good sleep" literally 10 seconds after that I actually listened to my tinnitus stop. Dropped about 70percent for no apparent reason, then couple seconds later, quit completely. I didn't bother to get to caught up and just rushed to sleep hoping for my brain not to think of tinnitus seeing as it just went away for the first time in a month and a half. To my surprise.It.was.still gone in the morning, minus some small rumbling in my right ear. That too eventually faded and styaed gone until I suffered a neck injury at 26, and 2 jaw injuries also at 26. After the neck injury I went deaf in my left ear temporarily, then ringing in the right for awhile, few hours. This stopped and I went months symptom free, till I started a new job running a loud ass machine, in which I left with a super loud tonal ring, exactly like the second time I got it, except when I got home it was gone, minus rumbling. Then I noticed if I laid down my ear would start beeping. Tinnitus came and went for the next few weeks, until today where it constant and fluctuates all the damn time, but when I lay down it changes to, usually gets more staticky and a bit softer, which has is nice. I can also.manipulate it with my jaw neck and eyes, which is why I think it keeps going, because there are somatic factors influencing it. So my question to you is, can you modulate your tinnitus? Clench jaw hard, push bottom jaw in, out? Stretch neck in anyone direction, strain eyes by looking far left, right, up down? If you can do these, and alot can, you have more than one influence on your tinnitus, brought out by noise exposure and have what is termed somatic.tinnitus. You may be able to remove the influences if you can find here root cause (bad skeletal alignment, jaw etc) by chances are you won't find anything. The good news is it can eventually work itself out as the body does want to heal itself, however his hasn't happened to me yet, bug the chance is "ALWAYS" there, no matter how.long you've had it for. And if it doesn't we will live, that's what we do. For now at least, this is your silence, don't be its enemy as it will drain you, accept it for what it is and time will tell. Tinnitus has so many causes, as I've had noise induced, sinus infection, and now somatic tinnitus. And if you can modulate your tinnitus get evaluated by an upper cervical care specialist, NOT a regular chiropractor as these assholes make things worse more often than naught. And seek out a good tmj doctor (if you can modulate with jaw) and get his opinion as to whether you have any tmjd or not. If you can't modulate I'd be incredably surprised because you have so few noise traumas, but in that case should totally go away eventually as there should be nothing left keeping it alive. Have you had your hearing tested by the ENT? For "hidden hearing loss"? (auditory evoked brainstem response) but to your answer, yes I have multiple sounds that do what the he'll they want when the he'll they want, and when I lay down it usually alwys changes depending on the side I'm laying on, which make me think you too can modulate your tinnitus.

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