Talking to My Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by tokyotony, Oct 27, 2014.

    1. tokyotony

      tokyotony Member Benefactor

      New Jersey
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Some hearing loss more likely due to aging
      I have some experience with hypnosis, and when I was in that in-between state between waking up and fully awake this morning, I was able to calm the tinnitus down by focusing my energy on where the sound was coming from and imagining it getting smaller and saying "Thank you, but you are not needed anymore." I was able to bring the zipping sound to a very low and slow zip, however, once I stopped focusing, the sound went back to normal.

      Anyone have any experience with this? It's a bit draining and I don't think I can keep up the focus all day.
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    2. Larry OT
      No Mood

      Larry OT Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Volume, meds and motorcycles
      Once when my T wasn't too loud I imagined I could make the pathway in brain that sparks the tinnitus get smaller and smaller till it was gone.
      Worked for a while. Then it came back. Mind over matter for a moment.
    3. Sound Wave

      Sound Wave Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably headphones
      Many people claim they get help from self suggestion / hypnosis. This is something I would like to learn, because I truly believe it can help us.
    4. AUTHOR

      tokyotony Member Benefactor

      New Jersey
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Some hearing loss more likely due to aging
      I've worked with this guy and he has some good information on his site, not necessarily about tinnitus but about hypnosis and awareness. You might want to give it a gander....
    5. DebInAustralia
      No Mood

      DebInAustralia Member Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Geelong, Victoria
      Tinnitus Since:
      I use self hypnosis as a way of dealing with anxiety.

      It definitely calms the central nervous system down (which is consistent with what Julian Cowan Hill states what we need to do to make our ' tinnitus back off'). From what I have read about hypnosis, you release GABA in a relaxed state, and this might be the reason why you are able to turn down the volume of your t.
    6. AUTHOR

      tokyotony Member Benefactor

      New Jersey
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Some hearing loss more likely due to aging
      Yes, I definitely feel that hypnosis helps with the anxiety. So does accupuncture. All of that HAS relate to the nervous system which is why I think it has some kind of effect on the tinnitus.

      Now, if I could just learn how those gurus can change their involuntary nervious system parts, then I think I could get this noise to stop rather than just calm down.

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