Thank You Message for Everyone :)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by AnneG, Oct 22, 2013.

    1. AnneG

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Not sure if this is the right category to be posting this but i just really want to share my progress to you guys.

      Its now been a Month since my T started, it started as a really soft whistling, low pitch but then over time it got louder, now its high pitch. It pauses though every now and then but it is there and i can hear it. A week when this started i was Desperate i juse wanted it to leave me the hell ALONE! But apparently it doesn't give a damn about how i feel and decided to make itself louder when i listen to it. Yeah, the thing's a B*tch isn't it? I became suicidal on those first 2 weeks, depressed, i wouldn't eat, sleep much, go out, Lost contact with my friends, didn't go out much, i build this psychological prison around me and my T that left me listening to it EVERY SINGLE MINUTE! I didn't know what to do, i was scared, lonely and obsessed with the sound. Until then i decided that its time i turn this around! I have dreams! A family who loves me! My friends! (and yes no boyfriend, hahaha) and would i let a mere noise take all those away? Hell No! I decided not to let myself be the victim its time for me to preach! Its time for me to take control! So i started going out with my friends again (not clubs, just malls, the park, cafe's) Hang out with my family instead of locking myself up in my room, and asked myself this question "If i didn't have T what would i be doing?" then once i found that out i tell myself "Do it!" its those little things that has been helping me, and of course everone here who gave me great tips! Markku, meeruf, my friend Christine, Karen, cher, MT09, eric, petloy amd everyone else who helped me get out of that dark place! If it wasn't for all of you i wouldn't have this second chance, i literally felt like i was reborned, i appreciate life more now, a few weeks back i can't see any future for me but now that's all different. I now know i can fight! I can get through this! WE can get through this TOGETHER. It is good tp talk to someone with T for they know exactly how you feel. When i started hanging with my friends again one of them asked me why i didn't show up for almost 2 weeks, i told them everything. Then one of them told me that her mom also had T for 4 years now her mom describe's it as a Steam escaping a kettle, its loud she said. Her mom also tried to find a CURE online, until she got tired and decided to live with it. And now her mom's still a Pediatrician in one of the best hospitals here in the philippines. She said her mom doesn't even talk about it anymore when they ask her if she still hears it she answers that she does "But it just doesn't register" I'm still trying to figure that one out. But one day I'll reach that level, but i am proud of myself though in a matter of months i decided to step up :) Do something for myself, I realized there is a cure. . . and that is ME. YOU can cure yourself, No one else But you alone :) With the help of people who loves you of course <3 At the end of the day We will all realize that There are bigger fish to fry out there, more important things that we want :) and that will fuel you to fighting this Nuisance. So to make things shorter, IT DOES GET BETTER, EVEN IF T DOESN'T :) God bless everyone
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    2. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      @AnneG ,
      What a beautiful message! With your heartfelt comments, you've said in a nutshell what really matters in this fight that we're all in to conquer our tinnitus: "It does get better, even if T doesn't!" That really sums it all up in just a few words!

      Here is a success story, if there ever was one!

      So happy for you, Anne!!

      Hugs, XXXXXXX
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    3. christine kauhane

      christine kauhane Member

      honolulu hawaii
      Tinnitus Since:
      june 9th 2013
      Yes that was a heart felt story, we are all here for a purpose and i happy that there are people here that i can turn too when i feel i need a helping hand. great job anne and i'm so happy to have meet you , God bless....
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    4. AUTHOR

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thank you so much :)
    5. AUTHOR

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I feel the same way :) God bless you my friend.
    6. yonkapin

      yonkapin Member Benefactor

      Melbourne, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      March 2012
      Good stuff yo! Keep it up :D
      • Hug Hug x 1
    7. Cher69

      Cher69 Member Benefactor

      York, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      This site has become like a family to us all - we are all here for each other and offers you a hug from all over the world wen you need it most ! Makes the world feel a smaller place and full of love and care xx. Good going AnneG xxx
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    8. Leah

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cher69 ,well put. Everyone here "gets it". They have empathy, sadly because they hear the noise too.
      Would really enjoy a sit down opportunity with this group of people.
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    9. Riikka

      Riikka Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes, it is nice to have people here who understand what it is like to live with T. And not think we are just being whiny. It seems you have come already a long way for having had T only for one month. I'm sure you will soon be able to not be bothered by it any more.
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    10. Amelia

      Amelia Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Wonderful, uplifting message @AnneG
      I'm having a bit of a down T day and this really perked me up!
      • Hug Hug x 2
    11. AUTHOR

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I'm glad :D
    12. AUTHOR

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey guy's! Its me!

      So Basically a lot of you here have been there on my Journey on T since my first week and i am so so so Thankful for all of you! If it wasn't for you guy's i couldn't have gotten out of that dark whole that i am so happy that i managed to get out of.

      I posted here a few weeks ago a good news about my T Vanishing in thin air! Yep, it went away for almost 2 weeks! It was just the best thing ever! The silence, a glimpse of my old life came back, I was the 100% Anne i was before the onset. But T being the backstabber it naturally is CAME BACK! Yep, It came back with vengeance. It didn't just bring my old noise back but also a New one. It sounds like White noise from a radio when there's no station.

      It was a shock when it came back, I started feeling that worry and fear again. . . I thought I'm back to being like i was before! But you see hours before my T came back i was having a walk with my dog, and basically i heard a sound that i thought were insects, I ignored it for 30 minutes and managed it, but after a while i wondered why i can still here it, when i came home sure enough. The noise was in my head. So what helped me was the though of me being able to ignore it for 30 minutes even if i had it because of just the THOUGHT that i was hearing it from a source! That pretty much became my anchor. And while I'm writing this the noise did stay, its still here. But guess what, I'm still me :) I learned my lesson and i am so not shoving myself down that dark tunnel again! There is just no way! I decided to just continue doing what i love doing! Watch TV, Hang with my friends, video games, reading a book and just go on with it. . . guess what. ITS WORKING! As long as your busy your brain won't focus on the T. (Learned that from someone here too)

      Its still a shock to me, How on my first week the noise was so low that its not even noticeable yet i became obsessed with it! I would go into quiet room and stick my fingers in my ears and just listen . . . and once i hear it I would just have a meltdown! But now this, this new sound is louder yet here i am, Alive and well, When i hear it i distract myself right away, Turn on music, or the TV anything to keep my mind out of it. Once i'm distracted its like nothing happened. :D Background noises are very important, it keeps the noise at bay and helps distract your attention from your T. I guess my turning point was when i finally accepted T as part of me, That there will be up and down days, Days where the T will bring new sound, Days that it will get loud, and days that it'll be quiet like its not even there. I learned to stop fighting, and just went along with life. Let your dreams be your inspiration, your family, friends, your kids, your girlfriend or boyfriend because when you let yourself suffer, they suffer with you. Think about it, Aside from that noise what else changed? . . . NOTHING your still you! So be you! Do what you loved doing, and don't stop! And soon you'll realize that you don't even think about your T anymore! Its possible i just know it! All this things are easier said than done i know, but take it day by day! Its not gonna be easy but know that this pain will be temporary, that soon you will get your life back! And always know that you are NEVER alone :) Your Success is in your Hands, its up to you to make it!

      If you don't let Tinnitus bother you, Then don't you think its good as it is Gone? Think about it.

      xoxo Anne
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    13. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Wow, bravo to you, Anne. You used your tinnitus as a teacher and obviously have learned much from the experience. Acceptance is everything and you have embraced it, despite the challenges. Very proud of you.
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    14. Scubadude

      Scubadude Member

      Exmouth Devon UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Jan 2013
      I see your in the Philippines!. My problem started after I left Oriental Mindoro 3 years ago. Keep the faith and remember you had the conviction to post here. I am just starting this ride myself.
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    15. VelvetFont

      VelvetFont Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey AnneG,

      It is funny you mention the new noise in your T as the white noise of a radio. Just before reading your post I was thinking that T is like a radio station in your brain. You just have to not tune your conscience to it.

      When I wake up after a good night sleep I swear I do not hear the T for few seconds, sometimes minutes. But as soon as I make the conscious thought of not hearing it.. like "Dude, I am free of Tinnitus, try to hear the noise, it is not there"... BAM! It starts as loud as ever.

      If your T disappeared for two weeks I know that it will disappear again. It is all in your head. It's the ultimate Zen test of keeping your mind off something.

      Keep up the good work!
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    16. AUTHOR

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I totally agree with everything you just said! :)
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    17. AUTHOR

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Are you filipino too? I hope you are doing well :)
    18. Scubadude

      Scubadude Member

      Exmouth Devon UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Jan 2013
      Hey AnneG for my sins I'm an Englishman I lived abroad for 7 odd years in Cyprus and spent 6 months in Mindoro
      One of my students has a rich father and I stayed working with him for a while. He's the owner of Alibatan Island to the south of Bulalacao.
    19. lana

      lana Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I love your attitude Anne:) it is so true. I havnt heard the humming sound half as much as I used to and I am grateful but also it's important to think that it is probably still there but not to panic when I do hear it. (As my partner always tells me) I was like you Anne when mine first started( I have a noise like an electrical whine that's constant) I would plug my ears and couldn't sleep etc now it doesn't bother me in the slightest( it started last June) I started getting humming 2 months after my daughter was born and was devastated it was happening all over again but the nature of this annoying thing you just can't predict so maybe the key is just to get on with life especially if you're sleeping and who knows there may be that cure after all :) stay strong
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    20. AUTHOR

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      Oh wow. I'm so happy to hear that you are finally not bothered by it. that gives me more strength! i wish you all the best!
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    21. lana

      lana Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes I'm not bothered by the constant sound as its so mild but i had to go to hypnotherapist to help with it even though it was mild! This humming bothers me much more as it fluctuates and even though its not always there you never know when it'll say hello!
      Did you watch the hunger games? I went to cinema last night without earplugs and I was fine. :)
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    22. AUTHOR

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      oh really!? I'm so happy to hear that! It'll be out tomorrow so I'll be seeing it. I hope I'll be fine too. and your rigjt i also have a noise that's not always there but also says 'hello' its a whistling. hahaha we have a lot in common.
    23. AUTHOR

      AnneG Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Was the hypnotherapy helpful?
    24. lana

      lana Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes the hypnotherapy was v helpful and he was a tinnitus specialist too so knew a lot about it. ( he also told me there'd be a cure soon!) I have a whistling also in one ear that's how all this started, but I v rarely hear it now just in morning sometimes
    25. fatz1126

      fatz1126 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Anne! How are you? I know this is an old post and I just want to tell you that you that I got inspired by what you said here. I just got T just this June so you can say that I'm a newbie. I'm Filipino just like you. :) I'm still on the process of taking my life back, accepting T (the hardest part for me), losing the fear. Developed anxiety and insomnia because of it, lost a lot of weight. But I am trying or should I say I feel positive that I will get through this. The Lord gives me strength and my love for my family as well as their support gives me strength. I thank you for your inspiring words. :)
      • Hug Hug x 1
    26. Hengist

      Hengist Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I don't know why do people talk about tinnitus as if it is only a sound, it is not only a sound, it is a potassium channel neuropathy that affects more than just your auditory system. For instance comparative study on tinnitus sufferers who reported no anxiety or depression due to tinnitus performed significantly lower in terms of memory and concentration on tests. Many sports people even stop doing them as their performance drops, their coordination is affected by vertigo-related problems.
    27. Grace
      No Mood

      Grace Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      This is a semi old post, but i had a kinda similar experience today when i was walkin my dog and thinkin bout how much the worlds f'd up ( basically was mad and upset cause of whats happening to america right now, im sure everyone knows.. Even the U.k cause there involved too.. ( the terrioists taking americans and britains hostage) and i had a bout of fleeting T but of crickets! And in that moment i was like wow this isnt so bad cause it litterly sounds like crickets.. And i love the sound of them. Lol idk but made me feel better. Went away though but if my T were to get worse the cricket sound i dont think id take so hard as opposed to a steady ring. Was weird!

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