The Akloma Tinnitus Patch in Patients With Manifested Tinnitus (Aktin)

Investigation of the antinitus patch in patients with manifested tinnitus.

    1. Tinnitus Talk submitted a new resource:

      The Akloma Tinnitus Patch in Patients With Manifested Tinnitus (Aktin) (version 1.0) - Investigation of the antinitus patch in patients with manifested tinnitus.

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    2. RaZaH

      RaZaH Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Reykjavík, Iceland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Benzo + loud noise
      Is this for real ? What is going on here ?
    3. Beste

      Beste Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Benzo/Clonazepam, Stress
      Any update to this?
    4. lapidus

      lapidus Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
    5. Seanie n

      Seanie n Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      August 2014
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud band and tmj
      I've tried this and it didn't work for me, my tinnitus was noise-induced, one night out on the town too many times, also I have a TMJ-related issue just to complicate things even more.
    6. Frédéric

      Frédéric Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Advocate

      Marseille, France
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      In order to update this thread and to give a conclusion to this clinical trial, I found these links:

      At the company website:

      The results released in June 2017:

      Pilot Investigation of a Topographical Filter Dermal Patch in Patients with Tinnitus
      Authors: Peter Ahnblad


      Objective: A new topographical filter in a dermal administration patch that organizes water molecules has been suggested as an alternative treatment for manifested tinnitus. The aim of this study was to evaluate this patch in a pilot study.

      Materials and Methods
      12 patients were included (10 completed) in an open study all receiving treatment with daily changed patches. The objectives were to evaluate safety and performance of the patch during and after treatment. The primary objective was to evaluate the tinnitus severity (by Tinnitus Severity Questionnaire, TSQ) and tinnitus annoyance (by Visual Analogue Scale, VAS). The secondary objective was to evaluate if the patch could improve the patient’s quality of life (by SF-36 Quality of life questionnaire) and sleep initiation time (self-rated).

      At visit 4, after 21 days of treatment, an improvement (decrease in TSQ score) was seen in 5 responder patients, which was sustained at the post-treatment visit. A marginal increase in TSQ score was seen also initially in 5 non-responder patients, 4 of which were responders post-treatment. The rated tinnitus annoyance, quality of life and sleep initiation time did not show significant changes. The safety evaluation did not present any safety concerns.

      This small pilot study indicates that it can be reasonable to recommend on a risk-benefit and safety perspective treatment with the dermal patch to patients with tinnitus as a consumer product based on the lack of other effective alternative treatment. Further and larger studies, and also proven experience, are recommended for stronger evidence.

      Keywords: tinnitus, transdermal patch, consumer product safety
      • Informative Informative x 1
    7. Frédéric

      Frédéric Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Advocate

      Marseille, France
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma

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