The Walking Dead (AMC)


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Mar 5, 2011
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erik said:
Love the walking dead.
Great erik! The Walking Dead's 4th season premiere is in a few weeks! The second season (Hershel's farm) was somewhat worse than the brilliant first one, but I think the third picked up in quality again.
Wonder when and how The Governor makes his comeback. I've also read somewhere that there will be a time jump between S3 & S4 --- interesting to see how long has passed.
Anyone catch the premiere of season 4 Walking Dead? What your impressions.....looks to be an action packed season...
I'll start watching it within the next hour or so! Can't wait - heard it's great.

Have you read the comics by the way? I haven't.
I've watched the first two series and definitely agree with the second one being a bit dull. I'll watch the third when I see the blu-ray cheap.

Contrary to you guys, I've read the comics, and I'd definitely suggest doing so If you haven't. The stories being so similar yet so different really does add tension... you think you know what's going to happen but you never can tell!

On a similar note has anyone played the Telltale game?
Is this TV program like the movie, "Night of the Walking Dead" where there are human flesh eating zombies?
I watched the two first seasons but lost track when they came to the city with the governor. Last thin I remember was that black chick that stabbed him in the eye with some glass.
I watch it and I've read the comics too. The comics are a lot more violent and the story is different somewhat. The farm and the prison are in the comics, but things turned out differently.
not herschel!!! lol i watched this show from the very beginnig and i'v become attached to all of them i dont want anyone to die lol, but then again it would not be a good show if no one died right???
I agree I like Herschel, but he only has one good leg. He seems like the prime one to go in a battle.

Michonne is too important, Carl and Rick can't either, so I don't know I can't see Daryl going either. Maybe it will be Tyreese.
Better not be Michonne, I like her too much! Hahaha Oh and i remember when Lori died. Oh my god i could not stop crying! I just loved her too much to let her go! It was crazy! I usually really grow an attachment to fictional characters i read or watch and TWD is something i have seen since the very BEGINNING so i feel like i really know them so well!
Better not be Michonne, I like her too much! Hahaha Oh and i remember when Lori died. Oh my god i could not stop crying! I just loved her too much to let her go! It was crazy! I usually really grow an attachment to fictional characters i read or watch and TWD is something i have seen since the very BEGINNING so i feel like i really know them so well!
If you cried when she died in the TV show you would not like what happened in the comics.

I remember I read like 20-30 of the comics in one day and it left me semi-depressed because there was so much death and everything.
He was great. Father of the group. Like Dale was before. Damn... :(

TWD returns on Feb 9th. Can't wait for the second half of the season. The gang is divided, so some interesting times ahead. I felt it was about time they left the prison, for the sake of the story.
At least the Governor got what he deserved. I was very bummed about Herschel as well.
Nightmare Theater rings a bell, we are going back quite sometime?

Oh yeah, long time ago. They guy who played Sammy died here a while back. His son is still playing the role according to what I find on the internet. I saw him in person at our mall once. Not without the makeup though. But there are pics online of Bob Carter who played him.
I personally liked Season 1 and 2 the best. Season 3 was just ok. Season 4 I am QUITE dissapointed in so far. It lost a lot of the character development from the first 2 seasons and feels more soap opera-ey to me. It also feels more like a bad zombie slasher film too and I'm NOT into that as much I am interested in the human interaction and the story of survival.
Wow I don't know why I didn't find this thread sooner, The Walking Dead is like my life. I love it, and I can't wait till it comes back next month! I have heard there is going to be a shocking death and it was hinted that the person who will die hasn't died in the comic. So that narrows it down to Rick, Carl, Michonne, and Maggie, also Daryl and Beth because they were not in the comics. I honestly think it will be Maggie though, I don't see them killing Rick or Michonne or especially Carl because he has a lot of development to go through still. Also Daryl is getting a episode or two to himself so I hope it isn't him. But I don't want to make a huge post because I have a lot of topics to talk about lol.

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