Tinnitus Advice After Cold. Please Help. Scared.

Discussion in 'Support' started by Lostrekkie, Jul 29, 2013.

    1. Lostrekkie

      Lostrekkie Member

      Hamburg (town), New York
      Tinnitus Since:
      So Im just looking for advice and/or help. So I went to a concert in October that was really loud, and I developed Tinnitus. It was loud for a decent while but after about 2 weeks or so, it went down to a low level that I could barely even hear, except when it was absolutely silent AND I listened for it. So it wasn't a problem for months until late June, when I got a cold. A few days after getting the cold, my tinnitus got a lot worse. Ever since then, my tinnitus has been significantly louder. It has been variable, meaning sometimes its louder then others and the noise changes from time to time. But its almost basically louder then it was. Also, whenever I yawn or swallow saliva or move my jaw in a certain way, my ear pops a little bit. At first I thought it was congestion because I had a stuffy nose and a sore throat. But it has been about 4 weeks and my nose is clear and my throat is good. So I guess the question I'm asking, (as everyone with Tinnitus I guess) is is this permanent? Like I said, I had tinnitus before, but I could live with it the way it was. This just seems so much worse. What gets me is that the noise level keeps changing. If it was just one constant level, I'd be almost certainly be sure it was permanent, but I can't be because it keeps changing slightly. Also, the popping is annoying as well. Is it something to do with the cold, or something else because its been so long? I could handle having tinnitus after a concert. I mean, I was stupid and I got it, thats on me and I can deal with that. But its worse now because of a stinking cold. I don't want to be fearful of every cold I get for the rest of my life for fear of making the tinnitus that much worse.
    2. Dhaval

      Dhaval Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      4 months

      Firstly, don't panic the more you do that the worse it gets. We were all exactly in your situation. As I write this even I have the same questions and anxieties....I also experienced something like what you have....of course i'd see a doctor and confirm but it may be possible that you may have something called as negative pressure or some fluid buildup behind the ear drum. You should go to your ent or gp preferably the former...they may suggest an impedance audiometry along with a standard one....this is what I can suggest.....one excercise you could is try popping your ears once or twice now and then (if you can't pop them......do not use excessive force).....you do this by holding your nostrils shut and slowly breathing out.....if you hear your ears pop with moderate pressure and if it feels better it mostly means what I said ....but pls do visit an ent.

      Finally you may inhale steam
      and try blowing your nose gently that might help clogged sinuses

      Hope this helps

      Take care and keep us posted
    3. AUTHOR

      Lostrekkie Member

      Hamburg (town), New York
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi. I'm 21 years old. I'm very scared with whats happening right now and need someone to talk about it. A few months ago, like October 2012, I went to a concert and ended up with really quiet tinnitus. It was there, but I could barely hear it, but it didn't go away for several months. Then, this past summer, around end of June, I got a cold and a few days later, my Tinnitus got a lot worse. It got a lot louder but it was variable. Some days it would be really loud, some days quieter, but it never would go away. Plus, my ears started to pop really loudly ever time I swallowed. My ear pressure got worse too, I could feel an imbalance in pressure between ears. I went to a ENT after about 3 weeks or so of this problems starting, and he told me it was probably just the cold, and to give it time. I also started taking some steroids for the ears, antibiotics, some nasal spray, as well as Ginkgo Biloba. Now its been about 2 months and a week, and its getting worse. I came home (I was working in a higher altitude for the summer if that has anything to do with it.) Now that I am home, the tinnitus is just as loud if not worse. My head has a lot of pressure in it and the ears are really sore and hurt sometimes. The pressure differences are obvious. My ears are still popping. And its scaring me a lot. I also, sorry if this is TMI, have diarrhea that I have had for the past couple days. I don't know if its related.

      All I know is that I'm really scared about this. Im going to see another ENT this Monday, but I just want someone's advice. I'm reading a lot on the internet (a terrible idea I know) and I'm worried that I have Meniere's Disease. I know its rarer and the chances of me having it are small, but I'm a bit of hypochondriac. Not a really one, but I worry when things like this happen.

      Does anyone have any advice or anything. Just scared.
    4. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Can you see an ENT again? Did he instruct you to book another appointment if the drugs he prescribed didn't help?

      Which antibiotic did he prescribe?

      I wouldn't worry about Meniere's at this stage. You don't have vertigo? Do you have hearing loss? Have you had an audiogram? I know it's possible to have Meniere's without all of the classic symptoms, but you shouldn't be concerned about it as of now; let the ENT make a call like that based on your overall situation and his expertise.

      But considering your earache/soreness, pressure, etc., I think the only course of action is to see the ENT again soon.

      Please let us know how it all develops.

      Best wishes,
      • Like Like x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      Lostrekkie Member

      Hamburg (town), New York
      Tinnitus Since:
      I went to visit the ENT. They tested my hearing. At the very least, I learned my hearing is still good. But the ENT told me nothing I didn't already know, and didn't seem to say anything. He didn't give me any new information, even when I said I felt pain the past few days due to ear pain, nor anything on the extra popping in my head other then to say that it is normal. But how can it be normal when whenever I swallow its way louder then it used to be? I now popping is normal, but it was never this loud before.
    6. AUTHOR

      Lostrekkie Member

      Hamburg (town), New York
      Tinnitus Since:
      I just wish someone would do something because I feel like its getting worse and the longer it takes the worse it will get and there should be something to do. Dang it, sorry, Im just really freaking frustrated.
    7. James White

      James White Member Benefactor

      Toulouse, France
      Tinnitus Since:
      April 2013
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Maybe loud music. Not sure.
      ENTs are basically useless when it comes to ears, they should be called Nose and Throat doctors !

      Either way, you could have your blood tested ? Did you check your tension ?
      • Like Like x 1
    8. AUTHOR

      Lostrekkie Member

      Hamburg (town), New York
      Tinnitus Since:
      Where would I go to do that? And what would that show me?
    9. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Hi, Lostrekkie,

      A general practitioner can check your blood pressure, etc., to make sure there is nothing else causing your problems. If the GP cannot find anything, then that's good news, that you are otherwise in good health. Did your ENT rule out ear infection?

      Many of us who have tinnitus have experienced changes in ear pressure, popping, etc. I know I did, in the beginning of my tinnitus. After awhile, however, it settled down by itself. The ear pressure is kind of like a fullness in the ears, and it makes you want to pop your ears continually. I think that is from an imbalance in the Eustachian tubes; it will probably calm down on its own, eventually. How long that takes depends on the person; there are no hard and fast rules.

      I really doubt you have Meniere's disease; your symptoms don't go along with the standard symptoms, so I don't think you need to worry about that.

      Most of us who have tinnitus have gone through something like what you're going through right now. It's scary, and there are no definite answers; and the ENT's don't usually give us much information or guidance. However, after a few months, your tinnitus may very well settle back down again to a level that you can live with. I think that having a cold can make tinnitus seem so much worse; I hope your cold symptoms will subside soon. Then, you may find that things look a lot better.

      P.S. --- I'm a bit of a hypochondriac, too! Try to keep from reading all that information on the internet; it can make you think you have a lot of different conditions that you don't have. That can make you feel even worse!! You are going to be all right. Please keep us posted on how you're doing.
      • Like Like x 4
    10. Leah

      Leah Member Benefactor

      Chardon, Ohio USA
      Tinnitus Since:
    11. Aeryes

      Aeryes Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2014
      I am at the start of a cold currently and all I can do is pray mine does not get like this. My T spiked before I knew I had a cold and was due to usage of cannabis. I have learnt my lesson and understand not to use cannabis or smoke anything ever again. I hope your condition has improved.
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    12. Shadow of Earth

      Shadow of Earth Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I stopped cannabis and everything..became vegetarian and am taking 10+ supplements at the same time. Tinitus has somewhat decreased.
    13. Gosia

      Gosia Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      earplugs/ hearing loss
      Could you update on your condition ? I think my t has raised after a bloody cold too, even though during the cold it was quite silent.
    14. wayne cleghorn

      wayne cleghorn Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      08/ 2015
      Tinnitus sufferer @ 7 long months. Unfortunately it can be a vicious cycle of stress /anxiety . The more you think
      about the cause the worse it gets. I'm writing this with a head cold and seems 3x worse.
      Nighttime is a killer for me, will wake up 3am/4am with serious high pitch in head. This itself causes anxiety then leads to high heart rate ect. Not good for blood pressure.
      I also smoked weed often which i'm starting to think there may be a link.
      I don't smoke now but think the brain over compensates for sound and that is what tinnitus is all about.
      The brain anticipates sounds and sends signals to your ear.
      Love to know your thoughts .

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