Tinnitus After Brain Swelling from COVID-19

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by CanGuy, Aug 19, 2023.

    1. CanGuy

      CanGuy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Brain Swelling from Covid.
      Hello Everyone,

      I'm new here. I have had tinnitus since my brain swelling in 2020 from COVID-19. I went through severe inflammation in the heart, lungs, and then brain back in 2020. It's mostly all recovered now, but I was left with the tinnitus and re-occurring heart inflammation when I get sick (colds etc.)

      Anyways, I'm just now starting to research more about the tinnitus as it was annoying, but not critical or as painful as the heart stuff was. I tried using headphones with white noise, water running and such, and did get some relief from it. I started making my own videos/sound recordings. I store them on my phone and now upload them online so I can access them anytime, and just listen for a few minutes throughout the day if things start flaring up.

      I found for myself anyways, that mixing things up with different sounds, and more recognizable sounds (other than just white noise) was helpful in relaxing the flare ups. I'm curious if anyone else has found different or particular sounds helpful?

      Thanks everyone. I look forward to reading through these threads to see what's been helpful to others as well.
      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      When my super high-pitched tinnitus first hit a decade ago, I had to depend on masking a lot. I need to use high-pitched masking sounds, such as cicadas, heavy rain, strong wind, rapids, waterfall, unbroken waves, etc. At home, before I could set up an iPod for masking sounds, I remember turning on the shower and sleeping by it. Even squeaky faucet noise was used. My goodness!

      I hope your condition will improve. God bless.
    3. AUTHOR

      CanGuy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Brain Swelling from Covid.
      Thanks for the reply. I too find that running water, and water running in streams seems to help settle things a lot for me.

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