Tinnitus Caused by an ENT Specialist

Discussion in 'Support' started by borris, Jun 22, 2014.

    1. borris

      borris Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi I'm just wondering how many people have got T from going to a ENT specialist and had there ears cleaned with those things they spray water in your ear and sucks it out at the same time. I had mine done and the gurgling sucksion noise was that loud that I was pulling away but the doctor insisted I keep still. But on the way home my left ear had a high pitch frequency ringing and after 12 months it is still there. I really believe it was caused by this procedure. Has any one else suffered T from the same procedure.
    2. RichL

      RichL Member Benefactor

      Palmerston North NZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      Have heard of syringing causing T but have not heard of this technique that you describe.
      I don't think it would be the noise that has given you T more than likely the procedure itself may have damaged something inside your ear.
      But I could be wrong.
    3. peter1974

      peter1974 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes...it can. I got my T from having my ears syringed.
    4. BobDigi
      Kick ass

      BobDigi Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise
      I've had my ears syringed many times. As far as i know, warm water is blasted into the ear, but no suction is used. The wax comes out by the water agatating it. The nurse always warns me the procedure can purferate the eardrum. So syringing can certainly cause tinnitus.
    5. LadyDi

      LadyDi Member Benefactor

      Florida, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I did not get my tinnitus from this procedure. But I do routinely need my ears cleaned by a professional, as I always have had wax issues. In the past, I have had doctors that used that suction thing you are talking about, @borris. But it seems to me that my ENTs, over the past couple years, have gone back to doing it manually with a tiny forceps device - perhaps because the noise the suction device made indeed was dangerous. The only time water has been used on me was once when the wax was impacted, and I never let it get to that point any more.

      From what I understand, syringing pretty much is a bad idea.
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    6. alifalijohn

      alifalijohn Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I had my ears syringed by my doc. a few month 3 I got Tinnitus, It made sucha noise, I jumped and it damaged the carnal of my ears, he gave antibiotic , in case I got an infection, not sure if this is related to my t, because I have it in the ears that he syringed . I did an mri of my ears and the ent said, he does not think it caused it. I went to the ent to check why I was having dizzy spells and he sent me for Audio and my t started . maybe it is all related , my doc. is not taking responsibility. Thanks
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    7. AUTHOR

      borris Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes they all stick together saying they perform this proseger every day with no problems but because they stick together its just too hard to prove. I'd love to stick thet thing in there ear and say now you keep still.
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