Tinnitus from a Nerve Block

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by jeannie, Sep 9, 2014.

    1. jeannie

      jeannie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise-induced, Ear Infection, Medication... Who knows?
      im new on here and have had tinnitus for 19 months... my name is jeannie. i pray we get a cure soon, as this is horrible to live with... i got my tinnitus after i went in for a tca 30% chemical peel on face and doctor gave me nerve blocks in face for pain and also inside of jaw area for some strange reason??? meds used were lynocane and zinephrin??(not sure how to spell those 2 words),my reg, gp doesnt think i got it from these meds or peel, i think i did. i didnt have it until a week afterwards though and mine started with a stiff neck (which i never had any problems with) and watery eyes and the dreaded tinnitus came about a week after my stiff achy neck.i have had these same issues ever since then... im so mad at myself for getting such a foolish thing done ........
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    2. Raindance74

      Raindance74 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sorry to hear about your tinnitus Jeannie although I have doubts that it was caused by a chemical peel procedure. Epinephrine is a natural hormone produced by our own bodies and sometimes used to control bleeding. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that has been around for a long time and has actually been tested to treat tinnitus, although I do have a friend who had maxillofacial surgery performed to realign her jaw and was administered lidocaine and ended up with nerve damage in her face. Some of these nerves are connected to the vestibular system which is why people with TMJ sometime develop chronic tinnitus. If yours is 19 months in, I would make an appointment with an ENT doctor.
    3. AUTHOR

      jeannie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise-induced, Ear Infection, Medication... Who knows?
      hello, was wondering if anyone knew what might be going on with me... first my tinnitus all strted and all of my symptoms in dec 2012 when i went in for a tca 30% chemical peel on face, i had nerve blocks in face and inside of jaw(which i didn't know i was going to get, and i know very stupid of me!) anyhow about a week later my neck got very stiff and my right eye was watering very bad, then a few days later i broke out on middle of body(not my face) and about a week later my ringing started in right ear as it was aching, started in left ear a few days later doctor put me on antibiotics because i MIGHT have an inner ear infection, it didn't help so back i went and more antibiotics, at same time neck is hard to turn. i ended up going to walk in clinic and they said my ear was very red and put me on stronger antibiotics, didn't help with ringing, but if i had an ear infection it must have cleared it up.noone ever really said i had an infected ear. anyhow... i got mri on neck and head about 6 months later and i have ddd and bulging disc in neck . but not bad at all. so fast forward to now.. almost 2 years later, i have tenderness in neck to the point i cant stand anything to touch it or it aches especially right side, right eye waters bad to the point of me needing a tissue, right shoulder area and trap of neck on right side ache , nape of neck up into hair and below the right ear gets very tender and aches, i had tender spots on back of head and pushed on them thinking tight muscles and next day very sore, when i barley pushed on them ache went into right eye. eyes will twitch sometimes and jaws have also twitched at times, sometimes my tinnitus has gone completely away in left ear and to a 2 in my right ear (very seldom) when i first got i was put on steroids a month into ringing and tinnitus went completely away only to come back.( have since took them and sometimes it lowers it and sometimes it doesn't?) today i took Mobic for neck and my tinnitus is a 1-2 right now but in an hour it might be a 8? it fluctuates all the time. i still break out in bumps and it goes away and comes back? something is whacked out in my body i just have no idea what? i did do special diet for a month to help rid body of toxins ,but didn't really do any good just did a strict diet by a chiropractor.. any ideas??
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