Tinnitus Has Been Going On For 24 Days Straight — Questions...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by happyfriend, Dec 7, 2014.

    1. happyfriend

      happyfriend Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      24 days ago 11/2014
      I have bad allergies. 24 days ago i was going to bed and noticed my ears were ringing like if i had just gone to a concert. I looked it up on line and sort of began to freak myself out. Anyways the T has been going now for 24 days straight. The Dr. put me on zpak and Flonase. Z pak has been done for a week now and i have still been using the Flonase but i think it puts me in a brain fog. Here is the question, Yesterday and a few other days it seems my T is down to an almost gone level in the day, where i actually think THank God its going away. I will go to sleep and wake up at 1 or 2 in the morning with the cicada sound loud in my head. Then the cycle of the sick stomach and panic seem to creep back in and the cycle continues. I try to block breath myself out of it and sometimes it works. Could this be related to my sinuses? I do have some headache like feelings at times behind my eyes, bridge of my nose and forehead but i do not feel congested. I am so sad and frustrated. Have not gone to an ENT yet. Why is it coming back at night after it seems gone all day? Also wondering if the T could be related to night time grinding of teeth and jaw clenching. The dentist has told me in the past i have worn down back teeth from grinding. So sorry for such a jumbled up post!
    2. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Welcome. Your T is so new and it already has days gone down to very low level, then count it as a blessings. It may be a mild case and don't worry about it much. Many people report that their new T fades or just disappear. Even if it stays, mild T will be easier to habituate. There are people who has loud T and still habituate over some time. If you read the success stories, you will find many examples of that. You may want to post your questions to the doctors too (at the Doctor's Corner). If you find the sounds too stressful, you can also do some masking. Search this site with masking you should find many suggestions. Youtube has some video with T masking sounds, or you can download Aire freshener for free to your PC. Take care and don't panic.
    3. AUTHOR

      happyfriend Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      24 days ago 11/2014
      Thank you for this reply! Today it seems to be extremely loud hissing and is making me become un hinged but your reply has helped! I will go to the Doctors corner!
    4. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Also, tinnitus suffering or sensation is usually the toughest during the initial phase. When you read the success stories, you will notice that most people suffer much at first. This is due to the fight or flight mode of the nerves at this phase. Give it some time, try to understand T more, seek advice from others, or get some treatments, and also get some hope and comfort from reading the success stories, and you will likely to recover from the initial shock of T. Take it easy and God bless.
      • Winner Winner x 1
    5. AUTHOR

      happyfriend Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      24 days ago 11/2014
      How long does the initial phase last usually? On some days I feel like i start putting it out of my mind for a minute or two and then I remember. Drugs are not an option for me unfortunately. Some times I can think really clear and other times like today I feel so afraid and depressed. My family is getting fed up with me. I know I just need to keep telling myself this could be alot worse and that I am ok. I think if i can get my nutrition back up and get my stomach settled then I would start feeling better and could better deal with this. But the stomach and headache and feeling of dread are coming from the T. Basically are there any words of encouragement to get me out of the loop so I can start to habituate? Thanks for listening! I do know I can do this but its hard! I have to get it together because in 16 days I have a slew of family coming in for the Holidays!
      • Winner Winner x 1
    6. AUTHOR

      happyfriend Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      24 days ago 11/2014
      Also I made the mistake of reading to much junk on the internet which depressed me even more!
    7. James Brown

      James Brown Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      09-1998 2013(worst)2018 (T+H)
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposition-noise trauma-siren
      If you can't hear it when you have a tap with running water believe me, you have luck. If you listen to it even if you are taking shower then it's really hard to get use to it.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    8. gary

      gary Member Benefactor

      Macomb, MI. USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Who Knows
      Hi Happy, a lot of us here have what I call cycling T, mine may be blasting for 6 days, then I wake up and it is mild for 6 days. when you think you can't take it anymore just remember relief is just a few days away.

      As for your family members, pick out some posts on the "Support forum" where some have gone to a very dark place, can't work, etc. because the T is affecting them so badly. Perhaps after reading through some of the posts they will understand somewhat, what you & the rest of us are going through...

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