Tinnitus Louder and Sensitive to Loud Speaking/Noise After Dust Exposure

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Brian C, May 25, 2023.

    1. Brian C

      Brian C Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      dont know
      Hello everyone. My name is Brian. Thanks for reading this and for any comments/advice you can offer.

      Last month, I was cleaning up my garage which was loaded with heavy dust and mouse droppings (we had an infestation). Sometime after working on this, I noticed my left ear would ring loud, then drop back down.

      I had very low level tinnitus in this ear but never really heard it except in a super quiet room. In addition, I also developed a crackling noise EVERY time I swallow and most disturbing, I was having an issue when loud speaking (mine or others near me) or music would cause the ear to hear strangely. It's hard to describe but it's like each syllable comes with a ring to it. It's very irritating. Kind of like what maybe some people might call "tinny" sounding but it's only when the volume gets to a certain level. My other ear is fine.

      So... I have seen 3 doctors already. I did Mucinex D for a week, and afterwards a Prednisone pack. I saw an Allergist who put me on a couple of nose sprays. I went to an ENT who gave me more Prednisone (higher dose). NOTHING has changed! I have also just bought the Eustachi device to try and open the Eustachian tube more.

      The ENT and Audiologist ran hearing tests (tympanogram and others) which all came back normal. Initially the first 2 doctors saw some fluid in the ear but the ENT says it is no longer there. He really doesn't know what's causing it but he thinks it should resolve since there is no hearing loss that they can see from the tests. My gut feeling is that it should get better so I'm not depressed over it but I don't like feeling this way. For now I continue to use Flonase, nasal rinses and the Eustachi device.

      Can anyone relate to this or have any ideas? I do have bad allergies and this year has been especially bad in NJ with everyone complaining.

      Thank you for reading and for any ideas on what might be going on here.

      God Bless.

      -Brian C.
    2. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      I recently had a rat infestation in my garage and I cleaned it up wearing a N95 mask to limit breathing the particulate. I didn't get a spike and other than being disgusted by the rat crap and piss, I felt as I did before the clean up.

      I doubt that the dust you breathed has anything to do with your tinnitus. I think you're on your way to healing through habituation. It will just take time, but you'll get there.
      • Friendly Friendly x 1
    3. Nick47

      Nick47 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      @Brian C, do not worry about the dust. It had nothing to do with it. Noise exposure and hearing loss over the years cause tinnitus in most people.

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