To Use Headphones or Not?

Discussion in 'Support' started by S.withnell, Jan 3, 2015.

    1. S.withnell

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey all, still suffering from tinnitus but I'm coping better, sat here with it ringing away but it really doesn't bother me, it's weird how only few weeks ago I was in a mental breakdown and I couldn't see a way out. But here I am still and getting back to life best as I can.

      Anyways I want to know is it safe to use head phones? Music is a part of my life and I still have been able to enjoy it but on speakers at a normal level or course.
      But can sufferers use head phones? I want to have moments where it's just me and music. But I've kept well away from them due to the t. Is it safe if they set on a low volume? Also how long for?

      I blame my tinnitus on loud music and this nasty virus ... But I knew I would suffer.
    2. I who love music

      I who love music Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      mid seventies
      Hi. Glad you're feeling better.
      I use headphones everyday. When I start to hear the bass come in, that's it, I keep it right there. Earbuds increase my T at the same volume level, I guess because they're actually in my ear canal. I stay away from them.
      I can't believe I used to crank em up all the way and shake my head!!
    3. AUTHOR

      S.withnell Member

      Lancashire England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Well that's one I've never used , I don't like anything that goes into the ear, so never used ear buds.
      Always normal head phones. But yes I used to listen to the music rather high and I've been to gigs a hell of a lot so I can't say much now thinking back.

      But it be nice to hear music as there's new albums by artists I want to hear.

      And thanks you , yes I've come to terms with my t quiet quickly and I have faced the fact this is it now not much I can do but it doesn't harm me , just bloody noisy.

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