Trying Different Things

Discussion in 'Support' started by Missy Garner, Feb 3, 2018.

    1. Missy Garner

      Missy Garner Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure

      I just introduced myself last week. I have been reading on this website for about a year though. My T started about 4 years ago. I went to ENT he told me I had small hairs that are bent and nothing they can do about it. He told me to take melatonin and ring relief pills. Both of those did not help.

      I have suffered from allergies for years and not even seasonal as I had thought, more like year round. I live in Ohio the ever changing seasons, ugh. Anyhow, recently I went on a cruise in October and flying my ears were so clogged and painful after both flights. I of course have nasal drainage everyday and running nose no matter what allergy medicine I take.
      I bought the eustachi eustachian tube exerciser and this did unclog my ear for maybe one day. So now I have tried the following:

      Apple cider vinegar dropped into my right ear where the fullness occurs. Nasonex nasal spray (done the correct way) and I am going to try the lympathic massage later today and see if that helps.

      I had a spike in my T about a week ago, very loud it was driving me crazy. I used noise therapy that night with ocean sounds and took magnesium before bed. The next day T was so low I could barely hear it.
      Since that spike a week ago my T has been extremely low which is great!! But, the fullness of my ear remains and now I can hear myself talking inside of my hear or my voice sounds weird sometimes when I speak ugh!!

      I work in healthcare and need to be able to speak to my patients. I am also considering steam therapy. Hell if I can get the fullness gone and my T to remain as low as it is I will be so happy!!

      I will keep you all updated. I pray we all find relief.
    2. Luman

      Luman Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Intermittent Tinnitus probably noise induced
      Good luck I hope that you find relief, soon!
    3. MBH

      MBH Member

      Upstate NY
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Overloaded stress
      I also had allergies/sinus all year round what works for me singular med form. Tylenol sinus severe and the only nasal spray I use zicam, I know people who do a water flush. I also use a cold press on my face. It doesn't spike my T. It works well for me. Feel better

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