Trying to Understand If My Tinnitus Is Caused by Blood Pressure Meds / Dental Issues / Anxiety?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by GaijinBlues, Dec 22, 2021.

    1. GaijinBlues

      GaijinBlues Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hello, just trying to see if anyone has shared my experience.

      My tinnitus just recently started and may have one of a couple origins.

      It started around October with a high blood pressure diagnosis and pulsatile tinnitus when my blood pressure was especially high, something else happened that may confuse things. I live in a row home in Baltimore city which are long thin houses. Sound is amplified as a result. I noticed when my small dog barked it felt like my ear clicked with every bark. Soon after I also started a blood pressure med and after a month with just the aforementioned clicking with sound I started having low ringing minutes after waking up then, throughout the day fullness in the same ear the clicking occurred in.

      I read blood pressure meds could be a cause or at least an irritant so stopped my medication and very soon after it seemed the fullness at least stopped and the morning ringing lessened. However my blood pressure was still high so I started a new med and my previous symptoms returned. I won’t say it’s a causal relationship, but it seems it could be related.

      With the hypercacusis and clicking it seems it could be noise related, but it could also be muscle related as if I turn my head to the same side as the bad ear the pitch and volume increase dramatically but decrease when I turn it back.

      Also I have full dentures on the top and bottom and my bite may be off as a result.

      When I bite down hard on something I’ll get a quick ringing for as long as I bite down.

      Another strange thing is that I only seem to have sustained ring when I’m reclining in bed in the morning and night and the fullness only starts when I get home from work.

      I have pretty bad anxiety which exasperates the severity of the ringing, so I may be reacting to the place that I believe started the fullness and hyperacusis but I don’t know.

      So with these 3 possible causes I’m kind of stumped as how to proceed in treating it. I’ve been to a ENT once and was told my hearing is excellent, but that was in the very beginning before other symptoms set in.

      I’m thankful that so far my tinnitus is relatively mild most of the time but I’m also worried it could get much worse, and I’m also worried my medication could be contributing.

      I’m aware most people on this forum don’t like to give advice on medication and its possible effects on tinnitus, but any thoughts or advice would be great.
    2. Greg Sacramento

      Greg Sacramento Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
      @GaijinBlues, you have a quick question and I'll give you a quick answer as I also have high blood pressure and pulsatile tinnitus.

      Keywords from your discussion:
      high blood pressure, pulsatile tinnitus, sound is amplified, ear clicking when dog barks, blood pressure meds and ringing, hyperacusis, ear fullness, muscle related, biting down, anxiety.

      All this (your entire discussion) relates to blood flow and this can affect nerves of jaw, neck and ears.

      I have no advice on BP meds, but also doing the following may help with everything.

      Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg a day. Cut pill into three pieces and take one third three times a day. Take one third, one hour before sleep.

      Hawthorn Berry capsules twice a day with food and water. Of of all the supplements and meds that I've have used which would fill a large box, this really helps my pulsatile sounds, blood pressure and blood flow, nerve fibers and anxiety.

      Read lists on what not to eat with high blood pressure.

      Use correct posture - control forward head bending while sitting.

      Take care.
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