Unilateral tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Dr. Stephen Nagler (MD)' started by martin12, Jun 16, 2014.

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    1. martin12

      martin12 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Dear Dr. nagler,

      I am 34 years old and suffered a fall on my right side. Since that i have had a rhythmic/rice crispie squealing like flutter in my right ear. I am unable to mask the sound because it is so called reactive, thus gets louder if merged with most outside sounds. I went to the ENT and they could not help me as all the hearing tests came back with good hearing levels, present oae, and high frequency hearing well into the 16k range. As doctors said exceptional good hearing for my age. In fact right ear equally same measures as left ear. Mra/mri/temporal ct were all normal.

      The first week after my fall i had a constant ring which is now a rythmic squealing ocean wave, or so it feels. It has also been 3 months since my fall and i have been unable to sleep much, little as 1-2 hours per night as the squealing flutter makes me nervous.

      A few questions:

      Could a blood vessel have squeezed up against the auditory nerve.

      Would a fistula be visible on tem

      My chin and jaw were badly bruised and swollen. Could the mandible have bruised my auditory nerve? If so might it heal? I was unable to bite down without intense pain the 1st week.

      Would prednisone be worthwhile to treat inflammation?

      Any help, feedback would be of great assistance. It is kind of you to take the time.
    2. Dr. Nagler

      Dr. Nagler Member Clinician Benefactor

      Atlanta, Georgia USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      @martin12 asked:

      Could a blood vessel have squeezed up against the auditory nerve.

      Not likely.


      Would a fistula be visible on tem

      I do not know what a "tem" is, nor do I know what sort of fistula you're talking about. Sorry.


      My chin and jaw were badly bruised and swollen. Could the mandible have bruised my auditory nerve? If so might it heal? I was unable to bite down without intense pain the 1st week.

      Again, not likely.


      Would prednisone be worthwhile to treat inflammation?

      From what you're telling me, I see no evidence of inflammation at this point in time.

      Seems to me that your doctors have ruled out the causes of tinnitus that can be effectively addressed as well as the (very rare) causes that represent a threat to your health, life, or well-being. Since your tinnitus is so bothersome to you, the next step, in my opinion, would be for you to consider treatment approaches directed towards facilitation of habituation.

      Dr. Stephen Nagler

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