Using Magnetic Wave Therapy to Help Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by calin, Feb 26, 2012.

    1. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      Tinnitus sufferers are always being told to try acupuncture. This is like that but is Electro-Acupuncture or Magnetic Wave Therapy.

      See what you think!

      Using Aculife magnetic wave therapy and...

      Aculife - Acupuncture without needles and the...
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    2. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
    3. mock turtle

      mock turtle Member

      puget sound
      Tinnitus Since:
      07/26/1992...habituated after 2 years; 11/04/11 new outbreak
      i cant find any double blind studies or other relevant scientific studies that indicate this works

      what evidence do yo have besides anecdote ?

      id like nothing better than to be shown im wrong
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    4. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      If you read what I wrote it shows that I only posted it for those wanting to consider it. I have not looked for anything validating it other than the typical suggestion for tinnitus sufferers to use acupuncture.

      I did not recommend - only offered it as I found it on the web.

      Double blind studies aren't what they should be. That is a long story however, and we are left with medications that are approved by the FDA only to cause more problems which require more medication. Like tinnitus. Many medications and even aspirin can cause tinnitus. Where are the double blind studies on aspirin? And even better, where is the warning on the aspirin bottles that state aspirin may cause tinnitus?

      The first question my ENT asked me was if I took aspirin!!
    5. Jim

      Jim Member Benefactor

      San Francisco
      Tinnitus Since:
      I watched the first video up to the point about "realigning your body energy". That's was enough for me. Smells like snake oil.
      • Like Like x 2
    6. mock turtle

      mock turtle Member

      puget sound
      Tinnitus Since:
      07/26/1992...habituated after 2 years; 11/04/11 new outbreak
      calin rote "...I did not recommend - only offered it as I found it on the web.
      Double blind studies aren't what they should be...."


      i kinda thought that with all the information and references you were offering this up as a possible effective therapy....i get it now... you are not, mistake, i apologize

      as for double blind studies, yeah they are often far from what we would like them to be, but the alternative is anecdote which is even more problematic

      as for aspirin, in fact, the tinnitus aspirin causes is very often temporary, ie reversible, in the vast majority of cases
      Reversible hearing loss in acute salicylate intoxicationWecker H, Laubert A.

      HNO-Klinik der Universität Witten/Herdecke, Katholisches Krankenhaus Hagen gGmbH.

      or this, half way down under drugs and ototoxicity
      after 100 years of use and even more by native cultures that used tea from willow bark it seems to me aspirin works as indicated

      but i agree that aspirin should have some warnings on the label

      btw, just as a side issue, which you did not raise, but i will because so many people choose paracetamol over aspirin... paracetamol in cumulative doses near or slightly above the recommended max daily dose poses a substantial risk for liver toxicity. ..... in recent years has caused more causes of liver failure than alcohol and a number of others combined !
      Stronger Warnings On Tylenol And Liver Toxicity

      by Jane Akre Friday, May 29, 2009 11:02 AM EST

      best wishes
      mock turtle
    7. AUTHOR

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011

      Good to know that the effects may be temporary with aspirin!

      I don't take aspirin for even headaches. Once a year or so I may take an Advil. One or two a year is too much for me as it is. I do what Jim laughs at - I realign my energies! lol. Drinking water also helps with headaches. I actually don't get many headaches.

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