Words of Encouragement Needed Please

Discussion in 'Support' started by HeidiB, May 11, 2018.

    1. HeidiB

      HeidiB Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ/mild hearing loss
      I didn’t want to post this. But I’m struggling so bad today. This has been going on for 8 weeks. I thought it was longer. I feel positive and upbeat for a couple days then today I’m back to feeling hopeless. I can’t stand this. I’m not myself anymore. I hate that I’m negative. This is SO not me. I feel like I’ve been robbed of my life and happiness.

      I’m so sorry y’all...I know we all feel like this otherwise we wouldn’t be here but today the struggle is awful. I know tomorrow will be a new day.... just wish it was like 6 months from now and I’ll be better with this. My lack of sleep isn’t helping here either.

      Thanks for letting me vent.
      • Hug Hug x 14
    2. emmalee
      No Mood

      emmalee Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      It is a good thing that you did post this @HeidiB. Coming here to vent is the very best thing to do, that's what I love about this place.

      Like you, I try so hard to stay positive and then one morning it all hits and I feel very down. I think this is the nature of the beast. Not all of our days can be good. Getting a good night's sleep is so important to our well being, this is true regardless if one has tinnitus or not. Getting out and being physically active and doing yoga helps me to sleep better, maybe something similar will work for you. In the meantime, maybe you could find a half hour or so for a nap. Sleep is sleep, anyway we can get it.

      Vent on, it is a great way to release our frustrations.

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    3. fishbone

      fishbone Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud noise and very bad sickness
      Your words, your feelings have been felt by all here. It's a natural process that all tinnitus folks have been through. Vent as much as you need. Seek support as much as you can. It's a day by day ordeal. Each day can give you strength and make you stronger/wiser as an individual. You are not being negative, your body/mind is afflicted with something brand new.

      It will take some time to adjust/cope/move forward in your life. Do know that it is very possible to do this. It may seem hard/scary and just not possible. But it is very possible and many have done this.

      My formula for tinnitus:

      Time: You will need time to start adjusting. Each day can be a healer and it is a day by day ordeal.

      Support: You will need lots of love, support. gain it from all that you trust. Possibly seek the help of a therapist.

      Relaxation/Distraction: This is a huge component of moving forward. Do something that you love(that is safe for you and your ears).

      At the end of the day, your tinnitus is very new. It will take some time and possibly adjustments to your life, to move forward.

      This board and MYSELF are always here to support you :)

      PS- Avoid loud spots/noises/people. Avoid negative people, that drain you and don't add value to your life. Try to maintain a healthy diet and just have faith that you can make it and live your life...
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    4. Jason37

      Jason37 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      You're gonna make it....habituation takes time and it will happen. Notm matter what negativity creeps in by your own thoughts or others. Most people move on and live great lives. I mentioned the H word so there are going to be some fear mongering in this thread. You can and will make it!
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    5. MeBeSurfer

      MeBeSurfer Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      SSRI Medication, Movie Theaters, or Gaming Headphones
      Have you tried playing this youtube sound clip to see if it masks your T like it does mine?


      If so, play that on a laptop or whatever device you have while sleeping. This worked for me.
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    6. AUTHOR

      HeidiB Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ/mild hearing loss
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    7. Mellow7

      Mellow7 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hey @HeidiB !

      It's been 8 weeks for you and as you have read already, it is perfectly normal to experience this noise as a life-changing thing initially. It's just fine to feel down and out. Do not blame yourself or accept the blame others put on you for this.

      The first weeks were the worst for me too and I could not for the life of me enjoy the little things that make life worth it in the end. Gradually, I have been reintroducing them and simultaneously my tinnitus is becoming less oppressive. Sure, it's still there and it annoys me still for a large portion of the day (some days more than others - that is normal too), but the actual habituation process takes longer than a few weeks for most. Give it time and you will learn to deal with it much better. The sound will probably no longer have the negative emotional association that is now attached to it and thus lose much of its hold over you.

      As the others have mentioned, try to distract yourself by introducing some of the activities again that you enjoy. Take it a step at a time and do not force yourself to enjoy them. Just accept the sound for what it is for now (it doesn't have to be permanent, mind you! The first months you always have a good chance to still be freed of it) and do not fight it actively. You will notice increasing episodes of not noticing the tinnitus as you progress. That is what progress is for us right now.

      I started the post by saying that the noise might a life-changing thing, but you might also be able to turn it around for the better. Some people get out of and on top of this, stronger than ever and ready to take on life's challenges. That will happen to you too.

      Take care and good luck!
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    8. AUTHOR

      HeidiB Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ/mild hearing loss
      Thank you @Mellow7 so much for this... all of you on here are so amazing. ❤️
    9. Zug

      Zug Member Benefactor

      Thing is, the more you wait for habituation, the more frustrated you'll get.

      Is there anything you can do today, just one thing, to feel a little better?
      • Like Like x 1
    10. Jake007

      Jake007 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      December 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      hearing loss for long time, chainsaw, infections
      Hang in there, it does get better in time. Just gotta take it slow. 8 weeks is very new. When bad days come do something you enjoy that makes you happy and try to forget about the noise for awhile to boost your spirit back up again.
      • Like Like x 3
    11. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Heidi, it really does get better with time. I felt just like you and never dreamed I’d ever feel remotely happy again, but here I am. You’ve got to give yourself lots of time to get over it; it’s a similar process to grieving. Try not to read too much about it because it’s very easy to become obsessed, and all that promotes is rumination. Instead, get out into the fresh air and go for some walks, or take a jog (especially if there is somewhere nice nearby). Exercising is a brilliant stress buster which will naturally raise your serotonin levels and your mood with it. Try and eat better because this can also have an affect on your wellbeing. If you find you do the same things everyday my suggestion would be to break up your routine because most of us don’t realise how predictable we are. Be crazy! Shake things up and set a goal for yourself that you’ve always wanted to do, but have always put off. Use all that negative energy to power positive actions and you really will feel the benefit.

      Whatever you do, don’t sit listening to your tinnitus all day. That’s a mistake we all make, but it’s so hard not to. That’s why distracting yourself with deeply interesting activities is so important. Keep your mind elsewhere until you don’t have to. In time you will feel a lot better, so go easy on yourself. The next thing you should do is book a spa day. Immediately ;)

      Take care.
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    12. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Try getting your mild hearing loss corrected with a hearing aid. For best results, go to a place (perhaps an adiologist) who can test your hearing up to 14khz. If you have loss between 8khz and 12khz, I suggest trying the Signia pure 7nx hearing aid as it can be programmed that high. You would have to give the hearing aid specialist a copy of your extended audiogram that you would get from an audiologist. The 7nx hearing aid I believe, connects to a smartphone and can stream music if you want. (Just keep aids and volume at safe level). If you can't afford the 7nx perhaps an aid that can go up to 10khz. I believe Widex makes one or at least they did in the past. I know they can help me get rid of some of the noticability of tinnitus when I put mine on which are only 8khz. I tried the 12khz and they helped even more but they were too expensive for me. I am wondering if ordering a pair on Ebay and having the programmed would be a good idea. Many hearing aid places will give you your money back within a certain time frame if you do not like your hearing aids. With your long hair, people should not be able to tell you wear hearing aids if you have your hair over your ears.

      Hang in there! I know it's difficult but it seems like you realize that emotions and feelings change so someday soon you should feel better. :)

      Btw, I was told I didn't need hearing aids because I only had a mild loss. Well, they help some with my tinnitus and that is the main reason I got them. It is amazing how I can put them on in a quiet room and it can "get rid" of some of my maskable type tinnitus.

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