You Guys Are Lucky if You Are Habituating, You Must Not Have Very Substantial Hearing Damage

Discussion in 'Support' started by Jeff Hinkel, Feb 5, 2015.

    1. Jeff Hinkel

      Jeff Hinkel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      You guys who habituate are very lucky;......You must not have Tinnitus very acutely......I stupidly started to listen to very loud rock music at age 14 through my parents stereo when they were gone . Later in life I became a truck driver and used loud music and caffiene to stay awake ......Today, at 4000hz, the lowest volume I can hear is 70db.........For me the depression and anxiety generated by " T " is , for the most part insurmountable and I can see why people commit suicide from Tinittus;.......It should be regarded as a life threatening ailment............I'm sick of hearing talk about treatments, treatments, treatments;.......We need this to be understood and cured !!!!!!!!.......It is my hope that there is more than just greedy , profit-motivated groups involved in the administration of the research connected with Tinnitus;......Those type of groups will never produce a " cure " if they believe it's more profitable to deceive the patient into accepting " treatments "..........

      Ever since I was young I've seen billions raised for research in every field of medical research one can think of but ;.......As far as I'm concerned we don't get much bang for our research dollars...........Maybe I'm wrong but I think many " cures " and effective treatments get abandoned because of greedy, self-serving profiteers.

      It is my hope that there are a few altruistic researchers /administrators who can and will come up with the treatments/ cures we need for Tinnitus.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    2. Sailboardman

      Sailboardman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sensorineural hearing loss right ear.

      You're right on the money with your thoughts about T. It's a game changer and living with it, is torture. I have 2K-9K hearing loss and screaming T, that I often just want to turn off permanately!

      The main factor in the research game, is indeed money! However, if a large pharmaceutical company could grab a big slice of the cure, worth billions in recurring revenue, the cure might be here quicker? The problem is awareness and funding. Only around 20% of T sufferers seek medical help and are bothered by T. Not enough Bang for the buck, to stick huge investments into the pot. However, if all 50 million (American) and countless world sufferers, were to scream for a cure, the game might change? It's all about, "show me the money!" However and hopefully, sites like this, will raise awareness and a sense of urgency, eventually.

      The only chance we have in this country, is through our snail slow government & military system, to accelerate the research. For me, I'll be dead and gone, before the FDA commits to the release, of a viable cure. Of course, clinical test will move like a herd of turtles, considering the adverse legal ramifications, if they were to announce a possible cure, well before it's time. Gotta love lawyers!

      Basically, look towards the Europeans or the Far East, for faster results. Stem cell research and approaches like that.

      Either way, we're screwed in the short term and must strive for the elusive, long term habituation process. My entire family has had T, through various and different reasons, for many years and have gotten to that special H place. I'm on 10 miserable months at this point, so the road ahead is gonna be a rough one!

      Good Luck Jeff with your quest! May God bless us all!
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    3. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma are right, a cure would cost the tinnitus industry WAY too much money. We will buy anything and everything anyway. Why come up with a cure? So we go away and quit spending money year after year? I don't think so.
    4. linearb

      linearb Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      beliefs are makyo and reality ignores them
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      this is not rational thinking; it implies there is some vast conspiracy in the "tinnitus industry". In fact, there are a handful of companies making various different devices and hearing aids, a handful of different research facilities doing different kinds of research, and overall the medical understanding of the neurology and psychology behind this condition has exploded tenfold in the last 20 years.

      I'm not saying that I necessarily think a real cure is right around the corner, because this is a very complex condition that has a lot of different causes and can arise from different kinds of damage to different brain areas. But, the idea that research would somehow be held back because it would be "detrimental to the industry" -- that's just not reasonable, research doesn't work like that.
      • Agree Agree x 2
    5. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
      Oh you don't think a 5 billion dollar plus hearing aid industry is enough to squash a cure? Not a conspericy, just about comon sense and following the $$$ trail. You call me irrational, I say you are very naive.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    6. linearb

      linearb Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      beliefs are makyo and reality ignores them
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Okay, can you suggest exactly how that would happen? Do you think these companies have secret meetings where they plot ways to prevent useful research from being done? If so, what means do they employ to do that, and how do they keep it secret? How much of that $5bn is being diverted into this secret conspiracy, and how is that hidden from the numerous shareholders of those companies who would rather see that money go into dividends?

      Why would hearing aid companies, who are largely unable to treat tinnitus, and who also have a much larger target audience for their products (the profoundly deaf), be spending "all their money" trying to suppress tinnitus research?

      If that's the case, then how do you explain the absolutely staggering advances that have been made in the understanding of this issue over the past couple decades? Like, if there really is some secretive cabal dedicated to preventing people from researching tinnitus, why have they allowed people like Georgetown U. to do fMRI studies and map out how misinformation propagates through the auditory system?

      $5bn is drops in the bucket for stuff like this. GlaxoSmithKline (who are backing Autifony) has a market cap of $100bn, and that's just a single company with a single and obvious profit stake in finding a better solution to this issue.
    7. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
      "5 billion is a drop in the bucket for stuff like this". Haha. Now that's funny. Glaxo having a 100 billion market cap has nothing to do with anything. What do they have in autifony? 2-3 mil??? Nice job on trying skew the numbers tho :)
    8. Telis

      Telis Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Drugs barotrauma
      And what secret conspiracy? You think these corporations divulge all information to the public? Come on! really?
    9. linearb

      linearb Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      beliefs are makyo and reality ignores them
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      No, I don't, but what you're suggesting goes far beyond typical capitalist shadiness.

      You have made the claim that the "five billion dollar a year hearing aid industry" is behind a massive conspiracy to prevent tinnitus research. This is an extraordinary claim, and as such requires extraordinary evidence.

      I'm not even asking you to produce this evidence, I am simply asking you to explain how you think this conspiracy would operate.

      I know you're really suffering, dude. I am too, and I'm not trying to fight with you or make you feel worse. I want us both to get better. But, I know that all kinds of misery are possible in the world without any massive coverups or unlikely conspiracies. This problem has been around, as far as I can tell, since the dawn of human civilization, and probably occurs in other animals so it might go back to the dawn of the mammalian auditory system. I think it's pretty amazing that we now have a reasonable model of how it works complete with imaging studies to back it up. It's certainly frustraing that no real actionable treatments have come out of that - yet - but the brain is really complicated, tinnitus is some unfortunate interaction of neurology and psychology/consciousness, and the best science in the world doesn't really have a clue how consciousness works.
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    10. Sailboardman

      Sailboardman Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Sensorineural hearing loss right ear.
      Conspiracy and money diversion actually operates everyday in this country. It's better labeling is, lobbying in Congress and plea bargaining in the courts. The world revolves around money, power, self service and deal making. Governments, as well as, some businesses, prove this regularly. Especially when the're caught red handed, with either their paws in the till or cheating the general population.

      Are there issues like this in reasearch? Of course there are. One example I clearly remember, is the guy who developed a special carburetor many years ago, which ran on mostly water. He was eventually "bought out" of his research business, by the oil magnates and their "deep pocket" legal arsonal. Who's interest were served then? Clearly, not the publics.

      Research is heavily funded by grants, that are written to raise money. It's an art to be able to write impressive grants. However, there's only a certain amount of money available to fund these grant requests. The lobbyist and special interest groups, tend to steer this grant money, to better serve their pet cause. It is done with power and postioning. This is usually beyound the control of the grantee, unless the're screwed into the lobbyist or special interest group themselves. Whatever group is more politically postioned and powerful, usually wins.

      Unfortunately, we are not in control of these processes, even by voting.
    11. Michael2013

      Michael2013 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      September 2013
      Ah, here we go again. :) It's crazy, isn't it? I've asked the same questions in other threads and never received a good answer on how the hearing aid industry is doing anything to actively prevent research. The fact is they are not preventing anything. The hearing aid industry barely has any hold on the people with hearing loss. I've looked it up before and of the 38 million people with hearing loss, 25 million do not use hearing aids! Most people with hearing loss don't want hearing aids and they want better solutions. This is a huge untapped market with potential to bring in billions of dollars.

      There is lots of biological research going on now and whoever finds a cure is not going to be blocked by the big bad hearing aid industry. That line of thinking only comes from looking for someone or someplace to blame their current circumstances on, nothing more.

      As one example, a few years ago the Hearing Health Foundation kicked off a Hearing Restoration Project in search of a cure within the next 10 years. The 'hearing aid industry' is not doing a single thing to actively hinder this progress. You can even find HHF recommending hearing aids and cochlear implants as a current treatment option on their own website. Common sense tells us they would not promote the very industry that is supposedly trying to shut them down.

    12. linearb

      linearb Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      beliefs are makyo and reality ignores them
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I see similar sentiments come up on cancer forums and places like that; I think it's very normal when suffering from something invisible and poorly understood, to want to blame that on someone. But, I don't think the universe works like that.

      I watched a very close friend in her early 30s die horribly of cancer two summers ago. It was awful, no one could do anything, and no one had been able to figure out what was wrong until it was far too late to do anything about it. But, tragedy does not require a conspiracy, tragedy is a normal part of life.
      • Agree Agree x 1

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