You Still There Tinnitus? Silly Me, There You Are!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Ang, Jan 5, 2015.

    1. Ang

      Ang Member

      Brisbane Qld
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      No idea!
      Of course your there....your always there. How many times a day do you check? My success first began when I stopped. Like many stories here, it began out of the blue. A high pitched sound that must have been coming from an electronic in the house somewhere...anywhere, sadly not the case. Depression set in fast. I am not a crier I rarely talk about my emotions but tinnitus consumed me like nothing has before. Months had passed with no sleep... I could hear it over conversations, the loudest places were not match for Mr T. My husband was deeply concerned. He found me slumped over my computer googling anything possible for a cure that none of my Drs knew about, crying so hard... I had officially lost it. Taking everything and anything that would allow me to sleep, I was a walking zombie. Even though I knew about white noise, I was too concerned and involved in finding a cure rather than finding a method to help me cope. He stepped in and research all kinds of things I could do to help... and finally found the right white noise to mask the sound so I could sleep. Finally a good night sleep and rational again. I still cried everyday.... for a long time... but not anymore.

      As the days passed by, I noticed I stopped checking to see if tinnitus was still there, because yes, yes it will be there...your always there. My advice to anyone who has recently found they have tinnitus, is to tell someone who really cares for you how sad or depressed you are so they can fight the battle with you.

      Many years later, as I post in this forum, the tinnitus is there...loud and clear but I promise you even though you may not believe it, it will become normal, you will be okay.
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    2. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Thanks Ang. That is a very encouraging success story. It shows that even though we suffered mightily at the start, it doesn't mean we will stay in that miserable state forever. With some strategy, with some caring support from love ones and/or members here, and with the passage of time, things can improve for the better. A cure may not be at hand, but habituating to the same loud T can be achieved in time. Congrats and thanks for sharing.
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    3. flkb

      flkb Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      It's hard to ignore when it's a high pitch EEE accompanied with a constant wobbly noise. I'm trying but hoping I can habituate soon but it's been knocking me down lately.
    4. AUTHOR

      Ang Member

      Brisbane Qld
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      No idea!
      I have the high pitch eeee as well . It took time ... I didn't ignore it , impossible for me but somehow it just stopped bothering me. At night is different though , I need my white noise to sleep. What have you tried so far ?
    5. flkb

      flkb Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I've been using a white noise app when I go to bed. During the day i have either the radio or tv in the background although I can still hear it still. It's mostly bothersome at night. On good nights I can turn up the volume on my iPod only one click up but on bad days I turn it up 2-3 clicks. The white noise helps but this new wobbly noise (like the dryer running next door) isn't making things easier. I take vitamins too---Mg, Ca, Ginko, ....
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    6. flkb

      flkb Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Do you get that pressure feeling at times? I get that in my left ear (I have T in both ears) but not my right ear.
    7. AUTHOR

      Ang Member

      Brisbane Qld
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      No idea!
      I did in the beginning so the dr told me t was temporary , maybe a few months at best but the pressure went away and the t stayed. 4 years later the pressure is back. I'm thinking its not related but who knows really .
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