Recent content by Bazan

  1. Bazan

    Tinnitus for 13 Months — Still Suffering — Have Tried White Noise Generators, Mindfulness, CBT

    @brownbear thanks is as always for your advice, yiu def hit the nail in the head regarding hearing it, it impossible to not be aware of it as it’s loud / intrusive and yes I thinks it def. time to start weaning myself of the white noise , might try 3o mins a day and build it up slowly
  2. Bazan

    Tinnitus for 13 Months — Still Suffering — Have Tried White Noise Generators, Mindfulness, CBT

    The only thing that’s not effected is my sleep I take citapram 40mg
  3. Bazan

    Tinnitus for 13 Months — Still Suffering — Have Tried White Noise Generators, Mindfulness, CBT

    Still struggling to be honest, I thought by now I'd be able to cope much better. I have tried everything, WNGs (still have them on), mindfulness, CBT. Not sure how I am ever to get to a place where I can co-exist with my tinnitus and live a life of not suffering...
  4. Bazan

    “Jesus Christ — the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever.”

    @Jazzer many thanks for the reply if i can lose the fear and anxiety in time then i will take that, it truly soul destroying, i am bout to start TRT......
  5. Bazan

    “Jesus Christ — the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever.”

    Hi @Jazzer thank you for your honesty, iv just come up to a year and was beginning to cope better but this week the fear and panic have come back and the distorted thinking is also back feel like back at square again, i am so distressed and disheartened i guess only time will tell if i can...
  6. Bazan

    Nearly a Year In and Still Struggling with Tinnitus

    sadly i am in the same boat, still struggling about to start TRT
  7. Bazan

    Doctor Wants Me to Change from Citalopram to Mirtazapine

    @Bam cool think I'll just stick with the citalopram, as the only thing that has not been affected is my sleep, just reading your story and posts exactly how I feel, I have a 3 year old and the strain it's put on my family members is so sad, they do not deserve to also suffer like we do, I...
  8. Bazan

    Doctor Wants Me to Change from Citalopram to Mirtazapine

    @BobDigi how are you doing these days? I remember reading you had habituated then you were in a bad place again? Hope yo are in a better place now? Strangely the only thing Tinnitus has not affected is my sleep, I will be taking 15 mg of Mirtazapine too, did you find it any help with the...
  9. Bazan

    Doctor Wants Me to Change from Citalopram to Mirtazapine

    Hi all, I've been suffering from intrusive tinnitus for 11 months, it’s been the darkest year of my life, things are slowly improving, doing mindfulness everyday / just finished CBT on NHS. My doctor wants to change my antidepressant from Citalopram to Mirtazapine. Has anyone done this and...
  10. Bazan

    Intrusive Tinnitus

    around the 10 month mark from very mild to loud and intrusive, felling a little calmer but still have a long way to go, such a daily struggle, not to mention the impact it had on me and family and my relationship, watching me having panic attacks , depression, and anxiety through the roof..
  11. Bazan

    Researcher Told Me Reactive Tinnitus Is Not Hyperacusis

    @brownbear this is so good to hear i am 9/ 10 months in and still struggling to a lesser extent, you very kindly spoke to me on the phone in my darkest hours, glad to see have got better...
  12. Bazan

    Has Anything Helped Improve Your Tinnitus Distress?

    Thanks for all your advice, it’s means a lot I just hope to get to a place where I have peace of mind and not be in a constant state of anxiety and depression
  13. Bazan

    Has Anything Helped Improve Your Tinnitus Distress?

    @glynis my next appointment with hearing theapist is in 3 months time so I guessing I’m left to my own devices....
  14. Bazan

    Has Anything Helped Improve Your Tinnitus Distress?

    So it has been 9 months, since my very mild tinnitus became loud and intrusive due to an ear infection and it's been pure hell, chronic anxiety, the worst depression ever, needed to have 4 months off work. I am definitely feeling a lot calmer today but still suffering to a lesser extent...