Mar 9, 2016
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Member, Male

Second acoustic trauma four weeks ago. Devastated and seeing no light at the end of the tunnel. Worst symptom aural fullness, ear pressure. Jul 26, 2024

    1. matt89
      Second acoustic trauma four weeks ago. Devastated and seeing no light at the end of the tunnel. Worst symptom aural fullness, ear pressure.
      1. aab likes this.
      2. 2049v
        Any hearing loss?
        Jul 26, 2024
    2. matt89
      T is screaming. Who wants my money?
      1. Sailboardman
        @matt89, you mentioned you are going to try LLLT. There's a whole thread here on the pros & cons. Maybe buy a Lucky Laser and do it yourself? Might be less expensive?
        May 3, 2016
        matt89 likes this.
      2. Sailboardman
        I wish money could cure us Matt! I'd throw all I have into the pot, just to have peace & quiet again!
        May 3, 2016
        GoatSheep and matt89 like this.
    3. matt89
      1. Zora
        Haha wusste gar nicht dass Postillon auch auf Youtube ist :D
        Apr 27, 2016
    4. matt89
      The sun is shining. Missing the time where I was lying at the beach hearing music via in-ear phones. Wish it will come back someday.
      1. Sailboardman likes this.
      2. Sailboardman
        I'm headed to the beach right now! 85 degrees here and I look forward to the crystal green & blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico! Might even be wind? Wish T could stay home though!
        Apr 21, 2016
        matt89 likes this.
    5. matt89
      Physicians can transplant hearts and hands. Tinnitus is a complex condition. Ok I got it, then please do more research.
    6. matt89
      When my neighbor wishes me a nice weekend it feels like it's from another world. Have forgotten the value of a weekend.
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      2. rzhang
        I also got t because of a third party, how have you struggled with this in regard? Can you forgive them? Do you hate them for causing so much pain and suffering?
        Apr 9, 2016
      3. matt89
        No cannot forgive, but what can I do, indeed nothing. Have nightmares since the accident. Sometimes I think I want to give him a bad injury too. But then I will go to jail and I don't want that especially not with T.
        Apr 9, 2016
      4. rzhang
        Does he know what he's done at least/ apologized? I wish you all the best and I hope we can both make peace with the past
        Apr 10, 2016
    7. matt89
      For a moment I thought about eating chili con carne today, my T will like it I guess :D
      1. stacey likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Arjen
        Mario martz how long is a spike supposed to last? I'm 4 days in now and I'm starting to think it's permenant.
        Apr 8, 2016
      4. Mario martz
        Mario martz
        Hey Arjen! try not to worry man, i know spikes can be scary, i had one last week, and i couldnt even sleep, but after 5 days it went away, this week has been supeeeer quite! i´ve been able to sleep without masking, remain calm and try to keep your mind busy, you can do it! :D
        Apr 8, 2016
        Arjen likes this.
      5. Arjen
        Thank you! I will ty to focus on something else
        Apr 8, 2016
        Mario martz likes this.
    8. matt89
      Where is the cure? We live in the year 2016. Don't want to wait any longer.
      1. Dana, Zora, jeannie and 1 other person like this.
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      3. John G
        John G
        Language above. Code talkers haha
        Apr 5, 2016
        stacey likes this.
      4. Sailboardman
        Matt89, cures for T are a long way off. 10 years, maybe? Live without thoughts of a cure and you'll be better off. I've put it out of my mind completely.
        Apr 6, 2016
      5. aniketpatil
        Effective treatment will be in 20 years. Something will come up. I won't die with T hopefully.
        Apr 6, 2016
    9. matt89
      Sometimes when I see happy people I think life's unfair. Then I'm thinking about the cool guys hanging around here and I know I'm not alone.
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      2. matt89
        Mar 30, 2016
      3. Sailboardman
        Mar 31, 2016
        Dana likes this.
      4. John G
        John G
        Thing is,when you see happy people,you may think they are happy. They could be struggling on the inside.
        Mar 31, 2016
        Dana, Sailboardman and Mario martz like this.
    10. matt89
      Dear Scientists out there. Please help us! We had normal lifes and are suffering now one day after another.
      1. jeannie, Dana, Tamika and 2 others like this.
      2. Starlord
        It's sad that they only really know the textbook definition. But it is so much deeper than that...psychological distress, emotional distress, anxiety, depression, pain, fatigue from not sleeping the same, no solitude of silence.
        Mar 30, 2016
        invictus and Sailboardman like this.
      3. Sailboardman
        I think it's gonna take a very long time, before anyone connects the dots. It's a very complex condition.
        Mar 30, 2016
        invictus and Dana like this.
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Acoustic Trauma


    "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
    James Dean