Dec 21, 2019
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@serendipity1996 how has your hyperacusis been lately? I know we used to be in a similar place so I’m curious if we still are! Apr 28, 2021

    1. MrCrybaby
      @serendipity1996 how has your hyperacusis been lately? I know we used to be in a similar place so I’m curious if we still are!
      1. serendipity1996 likes this.
      2. serendipity1996
        Heya. Overall doing better but still getting flare-ups - in the midst of one right now! How has yours been?
        Apr 28, 2021
        MrCrybaby likes this.
      3. MrCrybaby
        @serendipity1996 Mine is doing shockingly well. I think the pandemic isolation helped a lot. Fullness fluctuates but only extra loud noises, like construction, will trigger a period of pain. I hope you recover swiftly from your flare up!
        Apr 30, 2021
    2. serendipity1996
      Hey, did your face pain issues from hyperacusis ever improve? I remember you saying you experienced some nasty symptoms from it
      1. View previous comments...
      2. serendipity1996
        Fantastic! I am around the same as you, 7-8 months now and it has definitely improved a lot. Ear burning and pain went away by April but I have still been dealing with lingering trigeminal forehead tightness. It's trending in the right direction but still fluctuates-
        2 weeks ago it was virtually gonr and now it's returned. It's exacerbated by noise but also seems to act up on its own. Hope I am not an edge case.
        Jul 24, 2020
      3. serendipity1996
        Is progress linear or more up and down (whilst trending in the right direction) for you?
        Jul 24, 2020
      4. ShaunR
        Sorry to jump on your post. I'm a month in and the burning has already almost gone (Praying it doesn't come back). Still got facial tightness and now my back wisdom teeth are now sore. This is all on my right hand side. From what ive read (Horror stories aside) most people improve if not have all there symptoms go away. Seems like everyone improves in a non linear way too.
        Jul 25, 2020
        twa and serendipity1996 like this.
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    Tinnitus Since:
    2014, 10/2019
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    School Band, Noxious Car Radio
    I cry and I cry, but I drink lots of water so it’s ok.
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