OMG How could Elon Musk smoke a legal plant on his free time bguthumnfbsnkxbmbfrex he needs to get fired!
Its not the likes of Eton musk we should be worrying about, its youngsters who's brains are not fully developed that we should worry about....I'll leave the discussion of the pro's and cons of cannabis for another forum though, it can get a little bit complicated..
I don't think any kid is going to be swayed to hit the bush because some millionaire decided to smoke it on his free time.
just got new earplugs (3M 1100) they have louder occlusion effect than the Howard Leight earplugs and basically same blocking capabilities
Check to "My Posting Place" on tinnitus talk support forum it's a meme thread dedicated to suffering with hearing loss, tinnitus and hyperacusis's.
I tend to dislike clumsy loud people... they're really good at creating noises that are like 90-100db+ or something
Yes, 3M 1100 are my plugs of choice. If you search this forum, you will see that many others like them too.
I bought Vibes on recc of a friend and I like them a lot. They're confortable, they do a decent job at quieting without excessive loss of sound fidelity, and they're very unobtrusive. They're 23 bucks on Amazon. A bit much for little pieces of plastic but whatever. Though, More for everyday protection (if you want that), not for heavy duty sound.
Theres a busy motorway near by and i can still hear it in my ears after being outside its 0.28 miles away
My walls are paper thin i can hear every plane and car that goes past and its giving me hyperacusis, it is hell :(