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  • Tinnitus does not have to be an end to your peace and joy. It is an obstacle to be overcome however. The bible says, that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil. 4:13)
    Hi Sara, hope you're doing better.
    If you ever need some support in French, don't hesitate to ask me. I know support in one's native language is sometimes useful (provided French is your native language ;) ).
    I got my T 3 weeks ago at a concert. It's gotten quieter now but it's still kinda there on my right ear.
    Do you think it'll go away? My T switches sides and can be heard in my head. But it has gotten quieter lately. Which pills do you use?
    I don't know if it'll go away... Only time will say it. But it's a 2 dont' be worried, you can cope with it as you can't hear it ouside.
    I rarely hear it outside.
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