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  • I can hear the spasms in my TTTS ear when performing valsalva maneuver. Anyone can relate?
    I haven't done it but I haven't heard great things coming from doing the valsalva maneuver I've read it has worsened people
    "At the time, my life just seemed too complete, and maybe we have to break everything to make something better out of ourselves."
    Is it possible to lose hearing by using silicone airplugs (loops) almost 24/7? I'm afraid of overprotecting but TTTS is so annoying.
    Mother developed MEM after cold. Thinks it is correlated with her TMJ but having myself experience with that I don't think it'll disappear.
    I often think that resolving all my hearing problems would make me so zen. I'm not sure whether it's true.
    It feels like it would be a stepping the right direction at least.
    Can't seem to resolve my neck pain since developing all my ear issues. Although deep tissue neck massage helps a lot.
    How about trying to build awareness on T/H in mainstream media? Or getting in touch with big guys (Musk?) on Twitter?
    I've had neck pain for 2 years since developing TTTS and it prevented me from exercising for a long time. It's fantastic to be back at gym.
    Even though I am still very far from being absolutely alright, It's good to remind myself how much better I am compared to year ago :)
    It would be much easier to live with it knowing when cure will come
    The cure will come soon. Just make sure you live long enough to enjoy it.
    Probably is easier to forget about cures. I doubt anything substantive is coming anytime soon.
    Considering AI development going fast, how long until treatment for T, H, Hearing Loss? How long until we get real breakthrough in science?
    Ryan Scott
    In my honest opinion I think it will be at least a decade possibly longer. AI is improving exponentially. However, researchers/medical field still have to learn how to use it, pay the cost for the programming, and pay the cost for the equipment to run it. People don't realize we are really at the augmented intelligence stage more so than the singularity point.
    Ryan Scott
    With that being said if there are any experts on AI being used in the medical field on here, I would love to learn more.
    Good question
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