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Nov 12, 2020
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Member, Female, from Sweden

I pretend to like people everyday. That’s called being an adult and that’s why we’re allowed to buy alcohol.... Dec 4, 2020

Loui was last seen:
May 1, 2024 at 7:27 PM
    1. Damocles
      Traded in your Alpaca for an Ibex, eh, @Loui? Nice!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Loui
        @Damocles good to hear. I’m happy for you. Seems like you're successful with both managing tinnitus and finishing your course. So are you proceeding with University after the course?
        May 17, 2023
        tpj and Damocles like this.
      3. Loui
        The ibex wasn't close so no worries. It's not much in life that scares me after getting tinnitus.
        May 17, 2023
        Damocles likes this.
      4. Damocles
        Due to start the course this September, @Loui. And yes, I still believe it is possible to get (some of) the things we want (albeit via alternate routes we hadn't considered before).

        Also, good point about the Ibex. 2 days ago @tpj asked me to post an image of something "scary". Closest thing I could think of was: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/420njJWfdnM/maxresdefault.jpg
        May 21, 2023
        ZFire and tpj like this.
    2. Ryan Scott
      Ryan Scott
      How have you been managing Loui?
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      2. Loui
        One can hope Shore's device will be successful and reduces the volume for real. I would be forever grateful to get tinnitus heard in quiet only. I’m kind of traumatized by this experience though and would still be bothered by noise. Unfortunately, we still have ears that are sensitive to loud sounds. But there’s always hope.
        May 17, 2023
        Ryan Scott and Damocles like this.
      3. Ryan Scott
        Ryan Scott
        @Loui They have these home workout machines called Tonal I want one but I think they are kind of loud. Yeah I agree I would be forever grateful if I could only hear this torture when I go to bed. But after this traumatic experience I would still live like a hermit staying away from noise exposure. Would still be nice to be able to drink coffee outside listening to the birds in quiet.
        May 21, 2023
      4. Ryan Scott
        Ryan Scott
        @Loui How has life been on the other side of the world? How has the weather been? Down here in South United States the temperature has been around 40 degrees Celsius everyday lol.
        Aug 23, 2023
    3. Damocles
      hoppas du mår bra
      1. ZFire likes this.
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      3. Damocles
        Yo @Loui. Studying again now and being productive.

        Hope things are continuing to go well for you too.
        Dec 17, 2022
        Loui and ZFire like this.
      4. Loui
        Sounds great @Damocles. What are you studying?

        Sometimes life is almost good and sometimes not. I suppose I still mourn the me before tinnitus and miss my old life. Sometimes life smiles back at me but it's usually for a short while. It's a cruel ailment to live with as you certainly are well aware of.
        Jan 3, 2023
        gameover and Damocles like this.
      5. Damocles
        I'm studying Computer Science, @Loui, so I can follow in the footsteps of my Swedish mate, @Stacken77. Also, just so I can work from home a lot.

        Totally understand the grieving for the carefree person you once were, btw. It took me a very long time to stop beating myself up over the damage I had done, and going over the different steps I could have taken to avoid that damage.
        Jan 17, 2023
        ZFire, gameover and tpj like this.
    4. DooDooBrain
      I'm struggling; that's how I'm doing.
    5. Damocles
      You boil your meatballs also, @Loui? (͠≖_ʖ͠≖)
      1. ZFire and Stacken77 like this.
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      3. Damocles
        I'm not sure @Stacken77. For all we know, it was @Loui who taught YOUR classmate how to boil an entire meal in a pan.

        Beats a microwave dinner, undoubtedly.
        Nov 30, 2021
        ZFire and Stacken77 like this.
      4. Loui
        @Damocles I don't cook Swedish meatballs normally, but if I would then I suppose I’d fry them in a pan. When I do Italian meatballs I fry them and then let them boil in homemade tomato sauce.
        Nov 30, 2021
        Steph1710, Damocles and Stacken77 like this.
      5. Damocles
        Is the right answer.

        @Stacken77, you need some cooking lessons from @Loui.

        ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)
        Nov 30, 2021
        ZFire and Steph1710 like this.
    6. DooDooBrain
      That sucks hard. The good news is that Lyme is treatable and you should mostly recover.
      1. LilSass likes this.
      2. Loui
        It wasn’t lyme and all test results came back clear. All my symptoms are gone and I feel better again. If I’m lucky it was just a pinched nerve. I suppose the future will tell. How are you?
        Nov 23, 2021
        Damocles and DooDooBrain like this.
    7. DooDooBrain
      I'm struggling at work myself. Retirement seems like a dream to me haha. I just need to make it to the ear surgery.
    8. DooDooBrain
      Lyme? You remember ever being bitten by a tick? I suppose it's pretty common. Yeah "Long-Covid" has affected many, so I wouldn't be surprised. Either way, it sucks.
      1. Wrfortiscue likes this.
      2. Loui
        Yes I was bitten by one in late august, when running in the forest. I still have some nerve pain that comes and goes. A few weeks ago I was in real pain. Could barely drive because my arms hurt badly.
        Nov 8, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
      3. Damocles
        Ticks make me scared of going in grass and trees @Loui; I don't want them to get me.

        Nov 10, 2021
        ZFire and Stacken77 like this.
      4. Damocles
        Hold me? ヽ(◕‸◕)ノ
        Nov 10, 2021
    9. DooDooBrain
      When is your appointment?
      1. Loui
        I have none. Currently, I'm waiting for some test results. The doctor think it's Lyme disease. If not they’ll probably say it's post covid.
        Nov 5, 2021
        LilSass likes this.
    10. DooDooBrain
      I believe you'll return to your career someday and be successful.
      1. Loui
        I have a good job currently but of course I want to advance. It's the only way to early retirement
        Nov 5, 2021
        Damocles and DooDooBrain like this.
    11. DooDooBrain
      I hear you LOUD and clear (pun intended). Let's suffer together haha. Thanks again for your support. I'll keep you apprised.
    12. DooDooBrain
      Can't have tinnitus or hyperacusis if you're dust! Good plan! What is your job btw?
      1. Loui
        I’m a real estate manager. I was planning to advance in my career but have put it on hold for now. I’m too distracted with health issues and do not feel like myself.
        Nov 3, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
    13. DooDooBrain
      I'm on disability for a rib surgery I had in September. I have to get surgery on my elbows too soon (cubital tunnel syndrome). I can also say the hyperacusis affects mental health and use that for disability (who wouldn't be depressed with T/H?) Yeah maybe if your case, don't bother with surgery. Might is pretty bad like I said. SCREAMING KIDS OMG THO. Like a kick in my brain's crotch!
      1. Loui
        Sounds like a rough year for you. I suppose T/H affects us all differently. I try to have a positive outlook in life but It gets harder with every health issue that comes in my way. I hope you can do the surgery for H too and that it's successful.
        Nov 3, 2021
        DooDooBrain likes this.
    14. DooDooBrain
      Thanks for your support too. Let us know how it goes. You'll do okay I'm sure.
    15. DooDooBrain
      And YES, no amount of money is worth good health. I get what you're saying. I plan to change jobs at least or be on disability pay until I get the hyperacusis surgery. Tinnitus though: I know I can do nothing about that until Susan Shore's device releases in 2022, so I'll live with it. BTW, there is a surgeon in Europe who does a similar operation to Silverstein for hyperacusis. Maybe you could consider?
      1. Loui
        Are you able to get disability for tinnitus and hyperacusis? My job is very meaningful for me so I would never quit. My hyperacusis is very mild as in I’m bothered by sirens and screaming kids. As long as it stays this way I wouldn’t consider surgery. If I could know that my tinnitus would stay the samt I wouldn’t be bothered by that either. It’s the fact that it can get worse that are the stress factor for me.
        Nov 2, 2021
      2. Loui
        I have my hopes in Thanos pill. I think he’ll be the one that solves the tinnitus and hyperacusis mystery.
        Nov 2, 2021
    16. DooDooBrain
      Perhaps it's fibromyalgia? I have that condition - though it's more a diagnosis of exclusion. I have a sense hyperacusis is related in some fashion via our nervous system. The acoustic damage I received (or many received) probably "pushed" our brains over the edge. Don't be discouraged though; it's definitely real. Science finds more evidence increasingly. There are many ways to cope with it.
      1. Loui
        It's not fibromyalgia since my symptoms aren't constant. Lucky me but something is of with my nervous system. I do to think we tinnitus/hyperacusis people have of over active nervous system. Also I’m super scared of afflictions since being traumatized with these shit conditions so I get worried as soon as something goes wrong.
        Nov 2, 2021
        LilSass likes this.
    17. Damocles
      @Loui, you need to follow me and @Stacken77 now, or imma have to set a smörgåstårta on you. (`⌒´)
      1. ZFire likes this.
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      3. Stacken77
        Definitely need to buy meself some Skagenröra.
        Nov 2, 2021
        ZFire and Damocles like this.
      4. Loui
        Nov 2, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
      5. Loui
        Nov 2, 2021
        Damocles and Stacken77 like this.
    18. DooDooBrain
      Thanks. You're being realistic; I respect that. Unfortunately my career goals require I have better sound tolerance that I currently do, so in a way, I'm being realistic. To me, not trying at least is the equivalent of death. I hope you manage your current crisis. Just know you have some support from across the pond (don't know how Swedes say it).
      1. Loui
        It’s reasonable to try to live your life to its fullest with the limitations we have to face as tinnitus sufferers. I mean don't put your life on hold and wait for a cure. We all want to get rid of this affliction but we need to push through the struggle.
        Nov 1, 2021
      2. Loui
        Maybe you can find an alternative career that doesn't require better sound tolerance? My job is normally quiet and in noisier situations, I wear earplugs. I would love to function normally but I try to do my best with the situation. Most people struggle with something. We have crappy ears and a malfunctioning brain.
        Nov 1, 2021
        Damocles and DooDooBrain like this.
    19. DooDooBrain
      "Other heath problems": I can relate. I won't ask here if it's too personal. I got injured in several places on my body working/working out. Just had rib surgery (that I basically diagnosed); getting elbow nerve surgery soon. Do you think you'll be able to manage/treat your other health issues one at a time? That's the only way that's worked for me.
      1. Loui
        I thought my bad years were behind me but I suppose not. I’ve had nerve pains in my body and got shit scared. I’m waiting for test results. Hopefully, it's not something significant but with anxiety issues, it's not a fun wait. I hope to be back in a good spirit soon again ☺️ Health issues are the worst. Health is wealth. I hope you’ll have a good recovery
        Nov 1, 2021
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    20. DooDooBrain
      I do sometimes function without earplugs and I feel okay. But when I'm in a loud environment (like at work), I'll hear a truck horn and have a MAJOR setback, and the pain in my ear will linger for a long time. I'll feel shaken through my core. And YES, the anxiety/hyperacusis are a positive feedback loop.
      1. Loui
        That's great that you can function without earplugs. I think it's reasonable to protect your hearing in loud environments. I do use earplugs at work sometimes too. It's better to be safe than sorry. Maybe we’ll have a better hearing when aging compared to normal people because we are so careful.
        Nov 1, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
    21. DooDooBrain
      I'm 33, so we have something in common besides a debilitating disorder haha.
    22. DooDooBrain
      Thus, the surgery and the tinnitus device are potentially big deals to me. I understand this will pass to some extent, but I have to help that passage along with treatment.
    23. DooDooBrain
      I'm 2 years in. Hyperacusis a little longer. Tinnitus is bad when stressed, but the hyperacusis is bad always. I have to wear musicians earplugs just to function. Often anxious. Even if I didn't care about clubs or concerts, noise from everyday life is too much for me. And I still have a candle-like flickering flame of interest in doing stand-up comedy and acting - which require noise tolerance.
      1. Loui
        @DooDooBrain sorry to hear about your bothersome tinnitus and hyperacusis. Have you tried to function without earplugs? I got better when I just tried to live normal. I do use earplugs when I’m in environments I find bothersome like restaurants and bars. I think the anxiety makes the whole situation worse in a lot of cases.
        Oct 31, 2021
      2. Loui
        I manage my problems if I keep the anxiety under control. Unfortunately, my anxiety is bad right now due to other health problems and I find the tinnitus and hyperacusis more bothersome at the moment. I sincerely hope things will be back to the new normal again.
        Oct 31, 2021
      3. Loui
        I hope your noise tolerance will get better in time and that you’ll be able to pursue your dreams. I don't want to be a downer but I think we have more sensitive ears and that we always have to be careful with load sounds. I don't count on being able to live a fully normal life. I will never be around some sounds that would be considered normal. For my part, I’m happy as long as I can pursue my career goals.
        Oct 31, 2021
        DooDooBrain and Damocles like this.
    24. DooDooBrain
      I'm glad you're doing better. Hopefully the taper is easy.
    25. DooDooBrain
      Definitely an older question, but have you tried Tofisopam for tinnitus/hyperacusis? It's technically a benzo, but operates much differently. Chemically, it is a 2,3-benzodiazepine, and doesn't carry the same risk for dependence.
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      2. DooDooBrain
        Well, benzos do help, as do antidepressants (have taken both). Which one do you take if you don't mind? Perhaps myself or another would benefit? Cymbalta helped for a while, then pooped out on me.

        I hear ya about the "old life" and I hope to get some of that back via the Silverstein Hyperacusis Surgery in Florida and the Susan Shore device (hopefully coming out 2022).
        Oct 7, 2021
        IntotheBlue03 likes this.
      3. Loui
        @DooDooBrain I’m on Sertraline 50mg for now. I consider to taper next year.

        I don't think I ever will go back to my old life. I miss the time I didn't think about sound, it just existed. I’m 32 years old, clubbing and concerts aren't that important anymore.

        I have very mild hyperacusis and the tinnitus is also quite low but unfortunately, I can hear it almost everywhere. I’m not that bothered by it anymore.
        Oct 17, 2021
        DooDooBrain likes this.
      4. Loui
        @DooDooBrain where are you on your tinnitus journey?

        Remember this too shall pass
        Oct 17, 2021
        DooDooBrain likes this.
    26. Damocles
      Alpacas getting tinnitus, pretending to like people and buying alcohol now. We truly are in the end times.
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      2. Damocles
        Also, loving that Swedish guys. Wish I could hear it being spoken in front of me. :(

        Maybe one day. <3
        Sep 17, 2021
        ZFire likes this.
      3. Stacken77
        @Damocles Hah, what I wrote was a Swedish proverb. I find it hard to translate, but it kinda means "you're always the creator of your own fun". We're just fooling around about alpacas with alcohol and tinnitus; we're kinda the creators of our own fun you know, how silly it may be. lol
        Sep 17, 2021
        Damocles and Steph1710 like this.
      4. Damocles
        Perfect translation, in my opinion.

        Thank you for explaining, I love it!
        Oct 26, 2021
        ZFire and Stacken77 like this.
    27. Massi91
      hey there :)
      1. Loui
        Aug 22, 2021
    28. Loui
      I pretend to like people everyday. That’s called being an adult and that’s why we’re allowed to buy alcohol....
      1. Born To Slay
        Born To Slay
        I only like people after I’ve had alcohol, well, or phenibut.
        Dec 4, 2020
        Loui likes this.
      2. Exit
        Cute photo:)
        Not taken in Sweden I presume?
        Hej from Norway
        Aug 19, 2021
      3. Loui
        @Exit hej hej, the photo is from a alpaca farm nearby the city I live in ☺️
        Aug 22, 2021
        Exit likes this.
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Noise induced