4 Weeks In...

Discussion in 'Support' started by eldudebro, Aug 29, 2014.

    1. eldudebro

      eldudebro Member

      Glasgow, United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma/Loud Music.
      Hi everyone.

      I am now 4 weeks into this, doesn't seem to be getting any easier. Waking up from what little sleep I get to hear the noise in my ear hasn't gone away really is soul destroying.

      I've been plagued by thoughts that i've done this to myself over the past week with loud music exposure over the years, i'm only 33 so I feel I am way too young for this....obviously not.

      I'm waiting to see an audiologist to get my hearing checked out. I've been playing with some online audiogram tests and it does seem i have some hearing loss over the 2-4k range. Confirming my fears really...

      Anyways, here's hoping it gets better for us all....
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. undecided

      undecided Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      You'll get better. Everybody goes through some really tough shit at least once in their life.
      There's no getting away from that.

      I'm a little older than you, as I was getting older I thought that nothing could touch me.
      Well this has touched me (perhaps a little inappropriately even :) ) but it's all good nowadays.
      Take a look at the retigabine/aut00063/61 threads, u might feel better.
    3. lucy7

      lucy7 Member

      north west England
      Tinnitus Since:
      i'm only 34 and have had tinnitus for 5 weeks as well as hypersensitivity to sudden noises. I think the main trick is to try and forget about it/distract yourself as well as make sure you look after yourself as much as possible so have more tolerance. I am finding that loud noises such as running water in a steel washbasin or the cooker fan make mine get louder. I had a hearing test last week and was told i had severe hearing loss in my left ear, so was sent for an MRI which I am going to see someone about next week. I can't believe how I didnt really know anything about this topic until 5 weeks ago!! having access to google is a mixed blessing!
    4. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      I have empathy for what you are going through. The early phase of tinnitus is always the toughest. Most of us have been there and done that. There are many worries and distorted thoughts about the future. Please don't get too distressed. This phase will pass and most likely you will get better. You may want to get some masking to help you along. Try read up the success stories to give yourself some comfort and hope that things will get better. You can also learn some insights from others who have habituated to tinnitus. Take care and God bless your recovery.
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    5. AUTHOR

      eldudebro Member

      Glasgow, United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma/Loud Music.
      It sure is tough. I had a good day yesterday, could barely hear the T, had to really focus to hear it. Got my hopes up that it was beginning to go. Today it seems it's back with a vengeance, what a maddening condition.

      I just seem to be at it's mercy at the moment. Feel like i've lost myself. I'm definately not the same person i was before this struck just under 5 weeks ago now. I am supposed to be going back to study at university in a few weeks time and I really cannot see how it's possible whilst I am in this mindset. Talk about lousy timing,,,,
      • Hug Hug x 1
    6. Ken219

      Ken219 Member

      New York Area
      Tinnitus Since:
      Summer of 1990
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure?
      @eldudebro unfortunately life is fickle. Not sure what you are doing to deal with your onset of 'T' but research vitamins and medications. In the beginning it is hard to concentrate on anything but 'T'. I suggest you go back to school. Try distracting yourself from 'T'. As you know from reading other's posts 'T' gets better with time. Hang in and God bless.
    7. Kathi

      Kathi Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      HFHL and stress

      4 weeks! I remember the horror of that time--apprehension for the future--anxiety through the roof. Believe me please, it will get a lot better. I didn't believe it when the veterans here told me that-but it is totally true. It will get better. I too, blamed myself because of my anxiety and loud music through headphones in my past--I thought I brought this on myself, but know what? Blaming and guilt are absolutely useless emotions. If we let our emotions rule than T will be worse. I took the advice of the veterans, I got some meds to help me sleep. My doc gave me 10 nights worth of Ambien. I didn't hear my T when I slept so it was a break. Try to use white noise to sleep and get some sleep meds if you think they will help. Here's something that may help while you sleep.
      White Noise : 9 Hour Long Tinnitus Masking

      Also try some relaxation and deep breathing exercises. There are many on iTunes--I recommend Yasmine Buraik's
      Journey into Relaxation. This is still part of my daily routine, along with some exercise.

      Be gentle with yourself--stop blaming anything and know that the future will be better. I am proof. I am 10 months into intrusive tinnitus and I'm okay.
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    8. AUTHOR

      eldudebro Member

      Glasgow, United Kingdom
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma/Loud Music.
      This is what I am struggling with. That i did this to myself. I too have a history of loud clubs/concerts/headphone use and I am convinced this is what's put me where I am now. If I had known of such consequences I would have been far more cautious. I was aware of tinnitus, however it was something i would never have imagined happening to me. I thought it was a problem for the older generation who spent 8 hours a day working in horribly loud enviroments. I've never had ringing ears in my life before it started. I always assumed it was a gradual thing. I'll never shake this regret now.

      I have been taking vitimin b-12, omega 3, magnesium and zinc supplements the last few weeks. Not sure they are having any effect however.
    9. Mark McDill

      Mark McDill Member Benefactor

      Papillion, NE
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Likely stress, anxiety, an antibiotic and nsaids
      This is how I started out too; it was a living hell. I had the same fears about the future and guilt about the possibility I'd done it to myself too.

      As far as your fears are concerned; let me tell you that my life is back to normal -- T no longer upsets me or rules me. Albeit your present situation is overwhelming (beyond all reason), this is your future -- getting your life back. Try to dwell on this fact (that your future will be fine) so that your anxiety will come back down to earth. The more you can relax and accept your situation, the better your situation will be.

      Try to understand that your brain believes the sound is a danger and is placing you (unwillingly) in fight/flight mode (extreme anxiety). The more you understand that you are not in danger the more you will calm down and your T will start to calm down as well.

      As far as your guilt is concerned; let it go. What if you did do this to yourself? Beating yourself up will not make your T any better; it will only drive you into a depression (you don't need that right now). T is depressing enough as it is; let go of the guilt. Work on relaxing and accepting the situation. Do whatever relaxes you the most -- and keep doing it until you relax; the more you can accept your situation (stop fighting on the inside) the more you will relax (and T will calm down).

      Until then...prayers!!

      • Agree Agree x 3
    10. Ken219

      Ken219 Member

      New York Area
      Tinnitus Since:
      Summer of 1990
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure?
      @eldudebro Listen to Mark. Sleep and control of anxiety is the key. Take medication to help you get through the rough patch. I take Ambien, Xanax etc.. My 'T' is loud but with the help of meds and time I eventually get completely off most meds. When I have a relapse I know what meds to take and how it does help me. 1990 my onset of 'T' I was afraid of taking meds.. 1995 When My 'T' became so loud I said what the heck. It helps.
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    11. UserID

      UserID Member Benefactor

      Tampa, FL
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      It's a here-a-little, there-a-little process that brings relief, el. I agree with Mark, forgiveness is important. Give yourself a break. Also, as you keep in touch with folks (us) who have learned to not give so much attention to the ringing, you will learn what helped one person, then another, and you'll try what they did. For me, change began after I acknowledged deeply the fact that this thing hasn't the power to kill me. Then, I looked to sound therapy to help mitigate the noise I hear in my head/ears. While searching everywhere for something that was as close to what it is I hear, I finally fell upon Mike Petroff's CDs, and it was his nature recording (crickets) that permitted to me to finally return to my favorite pastime reading. Getting that back was a major milestone and helped my attitude tremendously.

      You too will find something that helps, I'm certain of it. It may take a little time, but it will come. For now, you may want to learn to relax, to let go of the stress that T can cause especially in the beginning stages. I do a technique called "The Relaxation Response," which can be found easily online. You begin with steps that lead you to tighten all your muscles individually working up to your neck and chin and letting go, but eventually you won't have to do the slow routine of working each muscle because you'll be able to "let go" of the tension in your body by a mere command. It's a marvelous tool that I highly recommend.

      You WILL overcome the intense anxiety. Trust me.
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    12. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Your T is so new and yet you are already having a good day when you barely hear the T. You should take that as a positives. My first 6 months was all panic and hell. T is unpredictable and it can come and go without reason at times. Also, setbacks are very common among recovering T sufferers. So be realistic. Be positive and be prepared for this reality. T is a formidable enemy if you allow it. It doesn't have mercy on its victims. The more we are distressed and depressed, the more T's tyranny reign. It feeds on our negative emotions. So I chose positivity over negativity a while ago and I made compromise with life, by accepting T as a reality but going about living my life as abundantly and enjoyably as I can. It wasn't easy at the start. I had to drag the tired and stressed out body to go out to do something while it wanted nothing to do with anything except to focus on T and to stay in bed. But given time and persistence, it gets better and better.

      Don't worry about the study. It will come a time when you are focussed enough to study. Neenie is a good example of being able to study for audiology while she was very distressed by T a while back. Relax and be positive about the future. Take care and God bless.
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