Angry, Anxious and Apathetic — Worries Over Making the Tinnitus Worse

Discussion in 'Support' started by Trav_44, Dec 22, 2019.

    1. Trav_44

      Trav_44 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Assaulted By a Car Alarm
      I developed tinnitus a few weeks ago and it's been manageable in my opinion except for sleep (whistling insomnia) in the first 2 weeks and I really haven't spent much time with clients this month. It's a slower time of year in my business and I am thankful for that. I'm also thankful that my level of tinnitus hasn't gotten worse. Truthfully it's gotten a little better but I know I'll have to get back to a normal schedule soon and double my stress load and triple my face time with the world.

      As of right now my friends are at the bar less than a mile from my place celebrating a birthday and I can't bring myself to explain what's going on. Really never thought ear plugs and a dB meter would be part of my wardrobe. I don't think I'm going to be able to go up there. The anxiety over making the tinnitus worse is actually worse than the tinnitus at the moment. I'd pay A LOT of money if I could guarantee this noise level. School loans, mortgage, car payments? Nope I'll sign up for level 2 tinnitus package please.

      I've read quite a bit on here and am aware of how bad it can get. I hate to complain about what I'm dealing with but this all so surreal. 32 years old years and a car alarm puts me in check. Hopefully not checkmate.
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    2. boliston
      No Mood

      boliston Member

      Taunton, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      30th April 2019
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      The thing I have learnt with tinnitus is that the early days are very stressful - I'm now 8 months in and only really in the last couple of months would I say that the stress is startling to subside a bit so my life is not 'dominated' by tinnitus related stress - I still have tinnitus, it's just that the impact now seems less - it might be that my tinnitus is not as bad now but it varies a lot from day to day so difficult to quantify - the main thing is that it does not seem to demand as much attention so interferes far less than it once did.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    3. astaff14

      astaff14 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Earwax/Botched Irrigation/Noise Trauma
      Anxiety is a huge part of what makes tinnitus horrible in my opinion. When I’m not feeling anxious about making it worse from every little thing I find that the ringing doesn’t bother me too much. You said a car alarm? How long were you exposed? I’ve had tinnitus for about a year and nine months but it feels like new again after a fire alarm coming up on 2 months ago. I’m getting better and the most annoying times have gone, but it really is the anxiety that’s holding me back.

      It will get better. For now it’s important to take care of your ears well but in time you will likely be able to live life pretty normally.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    4. AUTHOR

      Trav_44 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Assaulted By a Car Alarm
      It was approximately 1 minute but I was fully exposed during certain times of the incident. I never felt uncomfortable and surely didn't understand the how far tinnitus could reach. The funny thing is that

      Idk if I'm locked into tinnitus for the long haul or not. I truly hope not. I dont want to "deal" with it for the next year or 10. I know that's
      Thanks for input. I've had several conversations this week about tinnitus in the real world. My mother, father and 2 best friends have a ring in their get up. 2 other military friends are afflicted but seem to have no problems outside of annoyance. I'm completely beside myself how this is not a problem for these people. Every single one said you'll get used to it.
    5. JohnFox

      JohnFox Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unknown. Sudden loss of 100% hearing R ear with Tinnitus
      Hang in there! It's still very early, and you have good chance of real improvement. If I can get "used" to this thing, then there is hope for you. I guess I wouldn't say Im used to it. I might put it more like, "I have been able to over time accept it and simply decide that I'm not going to allow it to overwhelm me with negativity". The thing is, I simply don't have any choice. It's there, in my head, and probably isn't going to go away. It's the hand Ive been dealt, and I have to play it. It's been a year now for me, with significant tinnitus, (hissing, static, jet engine noise), 100% hearing loss in R ear, and hyperacusis in L ear. It hit me suddenly. Yea, no fun. Mt T does fluctuate a bit. I guess you might describe it as "reactive tinnitus". It is always there, but does ramp up whenever I am around outside noise (coffee shop, hardware store, any room with talking people,) and it lowers significantly at night after I have been in a quiet bedroom for awhile. So at least I have that to look forward to. All in all, I am going on with life, and enjoying life. Things are not the same, but I still have a quality of life that I enjoy. You will too, even if your T remains with you. Be patient, I think you will be fine.
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    6. just1morething

      just1morething Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ disorder, airplane barotrauma, noise exposure.
      Not everyone gets used to it. I suppose it depends on what's causing it and how severe it is.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    7. AUTHOR

      Trav_44 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Assaulted By a Car Alarm

      Thank you for the kind words and encouragement John. I'm managing in my own way. It really does mean something to me when others share and I thank you for that. Looks like I'm stuck with T for now but can't hear it over normal conversation so I guess I have nothing to complain about. Keep hearing that I'll get used to it. I'll @ you if I find the cure
    8. grime
      In pain

      grime Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 2018
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      idk, noise? stress? maybe even dormant syphilis returning
      Not everyone has gotten used to it.

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