Anyone Gotten Botox in Their Ear? Anyone Gotten Inner Ear Surgery? Experience with Flexeril?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Chelles, Feb 19, 2015.

    1. Chelles

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello all, I'm wondering has anyone here ever gotten Botox in their ear? I've read that some doctors are using Botox to treat tinnitus and I'm wondering if anyone has tried it or know anyone who has. Also anyone here have ever gotten inner ear surgery? Did it spike or cause tinnitus? I'm trying to research my treatment options for inner ear myoclonus, I tried a muscle relaxer flexeril but seemed like it made it twitch more but now I'm wondering If the muscle was twitching because it was being relaxed as opposed to feeling tight? After I took it for 4 days I stopped and the next week the spasms got a lot better now I wonder if I should have given the pills more time to work.
    2. SleeplessSoul

      SleeplessSoul Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      If flexeril helps you sleep and agrees with you, maybe give it another try. We're you told that it can help with myoclonus?
      I know you can't take medications too well, so I'd you find something that agrees with you and gets you a few nights sleep, it's worth a try again.
      Are you staying on your magnesium?
      I personally am afraid of Botox but who knows, if there are enough success stories and if your body agrees with it, it's something to consider.
      The surgery has to be a last resort. I don't know anything anout the outcomes or complications of that surgery. Oh. Have your tried tegrerol or another seizure med? I read on here that it works well for myoclonus and there are several to try. I have been thinking about trying some gabapentin becasue I have it for other nerve pain. It's doesn't really agree with me a 100% but it's worth a shot.
      Just some ideas and hope for you Chelles.
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    3. linearb

      linearb Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      beliefs are makyo and reality ignores them
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Flexeril helps my jaw relax a little bit. Sometimes it seems like I get a quieter day after I used it, but I'm not convinced that's real.

      The one positive study I saw of flexeril for T, involved either 30 or 90mg per day for a period of time. That is vastly more than I have ever taken, I may have taken 25mg in a day once, but mostly I've used 5-10mg at a time, and not more than every week or two.
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    4. AUTHOR

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Flexeril made me sleepy the first time I took it and then it made me depressed idk it gave me a weird feeling and made several muscles in my body twitch including my ear but idk if it was because the muscle was relaxing. I have to go back to the doctor and try a diff medication and I wonder if physical therapy would work for neck muscles and jaw. I also get muscle spasms on my neck, esophagus, chest muscles and stomach too it's weird.
    5. SleeplessSoul

      SleeplessSoul Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Same here, with the neck and jaw spasms. I know they are causing some of this.
      I am thnking about trigger point therapy, acupunture, pt and chiro who does massage and stretching, not cracking. Something has to help.
      Flexeril is a hard medication to tolerate.
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