Can You "Feel" Your Tinnitus?

Discussion in 'Support' started by RaZaH, Jun 11, 2014.

    1. john2012

      john2012 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      thanks cartman for the big detailed post, will be useful to many, seems trapped/compressed nerves not only cause pain but tinnitus. a lot of people are going to try out your idea. i imagine even shock-induced tinnitus sending nerves and muscles into spasm, would be good if a chiro/osteo could resolve all tinnitus.

      In addition to the pulsatile beat felt by laura, it's emerging that people do feel their tinnitus because of the QUALITY of the sound alone. I've read of some likening their tinnitus to a dentist drill or even a chainsaw ripping thru sheet steel or the classic nails down a blackboard. Although any tinnitus can be distressing, clearly theses are exceptionally distressing, aversive sounds because they would make most people want to retch.

      If tinnitus is heard thru the same brain parts by which you'd hear normal sounds, then tinnitus is like hearing a real sound. hearing such awful sounds for more than a few seconds in your own head might thus become a painful distressing experience. the brain might therefore convert those sounds into physical sensations to match your psychological expectations. you'd therefore deduce that a psychological approach might let you detach from the feeling, but how. probably the most tried route is distraction. but it aint always that easy. but maybe practice is the key.

      what we now need is for more people to come forward with graphic descriptions of their tinnitus, detailing how it impacts their quality of life, from work to social interaction. for example, my partner's is so bad that he finds it difficult to focus on my face when he's talking to me and it seems to build while he's forcing his sentences out. i can see he is in pain. if this was the 18th century frustrated ignorance would call it madness, but its a neurological torment. but we'd welcome the tag 'mental' in so far as that would open the way for liberation thru psychological tactics. if we can share our worst experiences, others may suggest clever ways out, just as cartman has provided for subsets of tinnitus where nerve pressure is the culprit.

      ps i'd just like to use this post to say a little prayer for Autifony. it could feasibly solve this and more. never run out of hope.
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