Check Out TMJ and Get Treated by a Massage Therapist

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by John Glass, Apr 7, 2018.

    1. John Glass

      John Glass Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      December 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Allergies, Eustachian tube dysfunction
      I have had tinnitus since December 2016. On most times but occasionally off. It may be largely silent for 4 days a month but the rest of the time it drives me crazy. I was diagnosed with Eustachian Tube dysfunction by an ENT with no treatment option except Netipot

      I have continuously tried to open my Eustachian tubes by holding my nose and blowing with my mouth closed, and use a Eustachi device to do the same thing. I constantly take antihistamines when exposed to allergens. I have tried countless treatments by an acupuncturist and chiropractors. I just discovered the best treatment so far.

      I had been told by my chiropractors and acupuncturist that my TMJ was mild, and could be adjusted by my chiropractor. I had regular adjustments for my TMJ as part of my chiropractic appointment.I did this for over a year thinking my TMJ was not the cause of my tinnitus and dizziness.
      Everything changed for the better this week.

      I needed to see a massage therapist for my tight neck muscles and for a feeling of numbness in my feet. I asked the massage therapist to do some work on my TMJ as my mouth mildly clicked when I ate food.

      I soon discovered that I had very tight jaw muscles and my TMJ was pretty bad. After two treatments of about 25 minutes each by a very good massage therapist (it was painful to be treated but worth it), the clicking stopped. Best of all, the tinnitus went way down in volume.
      I couldn’t believe it.

      I want everyone to explore tbis avenue if they have the least bit of jaw pain or their jaw clicks, even if mildly. As stated above, my chiropractors ( I saw 3 different ones) and my accupunctirist thought it was a mild case only and wasn’t contributing to my tinnitus. The chiropractors made a one time TMJ adjustment and I kept doing my Eustachian Fube clearing routine with mild to no results. I only wish I had pursued the TMJ problem more vigorously.

      I would strongly recommend that anyone with Tinnitus explore this treatment option with a Massage Therapist, not a chiropractor or acupuncturist.
      Good luck
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    2. dayma

      dayma Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I just got my TMJ lower appliance. My TMJ never bothered me but it definitely is crunchy and clicks when I eat and talk. I have a chiropractor but I need to consider a massage therapist also I think.

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