Chronic Pain + Tinnitus = No Peace. I Can't Do It Anymore

Discussion in 'Support' started by sideways, Jan 2, 2015.

    1. sideways

      sideways Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I have daily orbital pain and headaches. Then there's the incessant ringing in my ears. Nothing is getting better. Nobody is able to help me. I've been living with this for three years. Can't do it anymore. I just set aside 10 norco and 10 valium for a "rainy day".I just need an anti emetic and a few cocktails. I hate that I won't live to see my grandchildren. But after all I've been through with Lyme, I'm ready to go.
      • Hug Hug x 7
    2. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Sorry to hear about your sufferings, sideways. If you are having strong suicide ideations, please do contact the crisis line in your local area and seek counselling. Talk to your love ones. They are the one who can give you the support you need.

      Have you had the kind of prescription to control the pain & headache? I have a friend who had a bad cancer operation on the sinus and had suffered bad nerve pain and he has to take a chunk of pain killers every so many hours. Perhaps you can join a chronic pain forum to get support for the chronic pain.

      When I had my ultra high pitch loud T and severe hyperacusis, I have learned from the late Darlene Cohen who suffered from acute chronic pain and had to be bed ridden at her young 20s for sometime. She somehow found her way to cope with her pain with an approach which she called it 'Finding Joy Amid the Pain'. She recently passed away with cancer in her 60s. So she did survive that long with chronic pain and she was teaching people how to cope with acute pain. I am no expert to counsel people with chronic pain. Perhaps you can read up her writings.

      I have grandchildren too and I have ultra high pitch dog whistle T which could be heard above the jet noise in the last two fights I took. Finding joy amid the pain, that is what I learn from Darlene Cohen and it has helped me. Hang it there. Life is precious. You offsprings wil need your wisdom and support as they grow up.

      During my worst struggle with T, H, anxiety and panic attacks when I suffered daily and hourly, my last resort was meds like benzos, anti-depressants, sleeping pills, as well telling myself just donate my body for my love ones. I am not comparing your sufferings to mine. Each person has unique struggles. But at some point, when the mind keeps on floating the 'S' word daily, and the body and mind suffer so much, I just treated myself as a 'composted' body, like in nature mother plants compost themselves so the seedling plants can get the nourishment to grow up healthy & strong. I accepted my sufferings as if I were a composted piece of junk but dead and insentive to hurtful sensations. No more struggle with them. At least I could massage my tired wife daily and hugged the chilldren/grandchildren. I never thought I could make it through back then a few years ago, but never say never, I am back to living a normal and enjoyable life. Time has done some healing. Don't give up. Here is my posted story on TT if you are interested to read:
      • Like Like x 1
    3. jeannie

      jeannie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise-induced, Ear Infection, Medication... Who knows?
      please don't give up sideways!! we all know that feeling . life is to precious!:huganimation:
      • Agree Agree x 1
    4. DebS

      DebS Member

      Ohio, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Praying for you Sideways.
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    5. Fa82

      Fa82 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      @sideways I've been going through something similar, and I know the combination is enough to want to make an exit. I live with a buzzing head, noises that keep changing, etc and a lot of physical pain after my accident. What can I say? I agree things do not look good...

      I understand...feeling like you're going down the spiral staircase and you need to get help immediately. Talk to someone and explain your troubles. Vent on here - just do everything you can to hold on until the distress starts to dissipate. When your nerves get shot like that take a breather which will give you a clearer perspective; the peace of mind will allow you to return to more stable place. Try to slowly uncover the hope that is hidden underneath the debris of all the despair we all know. Pm me if you need to, call someone who will give you the strength to continue. Do not give in to the daily temptation of giving up!
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    6. AUTHOR

      sideways Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thank you. I've been getting botox treatment for over a year. It helps the pain somewhat. That tinnitus, not at all.

      I fight every single day. I live from one dr appointment to the next, always looking for the next one who will be the ONE who will get me out of pain. That is my main problem. The tinnitus is a huge insult to injury. I fight every. Single. Day. But I will know when the fight is going to be done. Some days it just seems closer than others.

      I'm trying to decide right now if TRT would be worth it or not, or even if it would be possible to achieve with chronic pain.
    7. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      There are doctors on this board and you can ask for their advice at the Doctor's Corner. Dr. Nagler is an expert on TRT and Dr. Hubbard on CBT. Dr. Gans seems to specialize in mindfulness healing. Dr. Charlie is a retired ENT. Most of the doctors they themselves had suffered with tinnitus. So they will understand your challenge with your T. You may also want to read through the success stories (under Knowledge Base) to see if other people's insights on coping or recovering from T suffering can be of help to you.
      • Agree Agree x 2
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    8. @sideways how are you doing? I have chronic pain and T and H. Hope things have improved for you :)
    9. quietatnight

      quietatnight Member

      Rockford IL
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma / firecracker
    10. Uhh What do you mean Louie? Of course I am ? :)
    11. felinefine
      No Mood

      felinefine Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      many years, but much worse after acoustic trauma in 2014
      @sideways I have also been dealing with these symptoms (and many more) due to Lyme and a toxic exposure. I thought it was crazy that something like this could happen. I admit, if someone else where to describe my symptoms I may have leaned toward hypochondriac....

      I am fortunately in the health field, and was able to go to many conferences and speak to doctors from all over the U.S. about these sorts of chronic health issues. I am at 75% now (was sick for 2.5 years) still healing and continuing to make improvement. Many doctors before had me on incorrect protocols (sometimes you must do some serious investigation yourself to figure out the main puzzle pieces that are causing your symptoms to persist). I'll pm you if you want to discuss more.
    12. Della

      Della Member Benefactor

      Austin, Texas USA
      Tinnitus Since:
    13. AUTHOR

      sideways Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I'm sorry I haven't been back. I'm still having a lot of pain. I am going to a headache center at the end of the month. I think Lyme disease is still an issue as well. I know it reactivated viruses via blood work (three of them plus, I also have mycoplasma. F-ing tick)

      All of this was caused by Lyme. All because of ignorant doctors (not all, but many), the fact that I didn't know that the lack of a rash did not mean all was well, and a tick that was on me 11 hours, at most.

      And I have my stuff for when I've exhausted all options and there is no hope left.

      Thanks for your supportive responses. I don't come here much so I did not see most of them.
      • Hug Hug x 4
    14. Blackbird26

      Blackbird26 Member

      @sideways I know you haven't been here I think, in a while. .but I just joined and have pain and T. Have you found a pain med that doesn't spike your T?

      TKS aND hope you are doing better.


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