
Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by carlover, Jun 17, 2013.

    1. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      • Like Like x 1
    2. jazz
      No Mood

      jazz Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      eardrum rupture from virus; barotrauma from ETD
      Please, let us know what you discover! :)

      I only briefly examined the website, but it looks like the CD's work on residual inhibition. The effect doesn't last long after the CD's are removed. Still, if you're spiking, the CD's would be wonderful for people--especially those who can't mask!

      I found four references to the dentinnitiser, but only two had brief conversations. The second reference cited some links, but they were no longer valid. (And their names seemed suspect.) There is a reference to a pdf on residual inhibition, but not from using the dentinnitiser.

      I wish there scientific were studies on the device. That the website looks amateurish is also a bummer! But, again, if the CDs work then nothing else matters. I know people love Petroff's CD's, but they are no longer available. Perhaps, these CDs can be used instead.
    3. James White

      James White Member Benefactor

      Toulouse, France
      Tinnitus Since:
      April 2013
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Maybe loud music. Not sure.
      Apparently, he is working on a special machine that will be released in august 2013. Still good to see some alternatives.
    4. AUTHOR

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Spoke to him today an engineer and a good guy.His machine which you can go and try before you buy in central england will sit in the room and somehow turn your T off,dont ask me how ring yourself!!!!!! Only while on though.
      It will be a combo of all his old machines .Plus he aligns your unique CD to your frequencies and does the same job.

      He works on this one day a week and obviosly through speaking to him a well meaning fella.

      He will let me know when its happening and ill go up there from london.
      • Like Like x 1
    5. Steve

      Steve Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Sheffield, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Flu, Noise-induced, Jaw trauma
      Looks interesting. The only problem with your unique CD is that it doesn't change with your hearing profile. And if you are having an off day when you create it, then you have something that is permanently not quite right.

      Looking at the info, it seems that it is basically customised masking. Your hearing profile, where you see the dips on a chart, is 'filled in' by sound that is assumed to be your tinnitus frequency - as long as your tinnitus actually does match any hearing loss that you have. The interesting part is in the sounds that he uses, I'd love to hear them and analyse the content.

      The price of the CD's is a bit steep, I know there is an amount of work that has to go into them but £37.90 for 3 CD's is not a 'special offer' at all.

      Did he say what he would be charging for the machine?
    6. AUTHOR

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      No he didnt ,but come on mate £38 for 3 cds is that really the end of the world?

      Try £1200 for 12 cds from sound therapy international? Now that IS steep ...and ive got the T shirt.
    7. John Michael

      John Michael Member

      Worcester. England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes Stephen Ostler is his name and he is a genuine guy who has suffered from tinnitus for the las ten years. He runs a radio / tv restoration business not far from me and is also an inventor and while he has no medical qualifications he does know a lot about audio and sound waves and developed various devices over the years that work on the residual inhibition method. I'm signed up to give his mark V model a go when he finalises the production later this year ( he devotes one day a week to his detinnitiser business) he claims that his device (s) work for him and as he has a similar high frequency whistling hissing tinnitus to me which seems to be quite common then I am hopeful it may work for me. Cost will probably be around £100 or so with a refund if not satisfied as stated on his website.
    8. kenji

      kenji Member

      Tinnitus Since:
    9. AUTHOR

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      just had a chat with the guy.He has nearly finished his latest model he will let me know.He will let people come to worcestor in the midlands uk to try it first.Remeber this is not a cure but sophisticted masker
    10. RichL

      RichL Member Benefactor

      Palmerston North NZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
    11. RichL

      RichL Member Benefactor

      Palmerston North NZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      OK, so it's a masker? sweet
    12. AUTHOR

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Just got this from Stephen

      You asked to be kept posted as to when I started tinnitus consultations again. You may recall this was waiting until the new "Detinnitiser V" was ready. Development of this product has taken far longer than anticipated. Anyway, it's now ready at last!

      The Detinnitiser is only available to try at a consultation. The consultation itself is completely free. There will be no pressure to buy anything and we will explore the lower cost options first. All the options are on the web site at .

      Why are consultations free? Well, they are useful to me because I can try out my products in a relaxed, informal setting with a wide range of tinnitus sufferers and build up a performance profile. Remember my method is not a cure, but it can give real relief. This is not 'tinnitus masking' either. Instead, it should be thought of as 'tinnitus displacement'. If your tinnitus is responsive to residual inhibition, I may well be able to help you. Nevertheless there are no promises, and you should come here in a spirit of healthy scepticism!

      For the present I am only seeing tinnitus sufferers on Sundays and Mondays. It may therefore be some weeks before I can see you. If you would like to fix up an appointment, drop me an email now and we will arrange a suitable time.

      With best regards,

      Stephen Ostler
    13. baz 22

      baz 22 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      just saw this on google, @carlover did you ever get the CDs? his product looks quite interesting, website seems kind of basic but it doesn't look like snake oil.
    14. Atlantis

      Atlantis Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Would all of us not know if it worked?
    15. Dutchy
      Not worthy

      Dutchy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Neuronmodulation suggests noise induced?
      Your hearing system doesn't shut down while you're asleep.Not to mention that T is an internal sound.
    16. AUTHOR

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Just to recap I didnt I have spent thousands on my poxy Tinnitus and im not spending any more
    17. Ma78

      Ma78 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise
      I've just downloaded the two different mp3s for $9.

      The first just sounds like white noise. It does the job of masking like most white noise generators do.

      The second one is a minute loop that you play on repeat. Every 6 seconds or so there are 3 seconds of short sharp bursts not unlike the chirp from a cricket but lower frequency.

      Before I go on, let me explain my T patterns:
      - If i am engaged in life the T is not on my mind and i can't hear it
      - If I am in a quiet room and engaged in a task, I may still subconciously "check" on my T
      - If I am in a quiet room and working on my computer and have failed to become engaged, the T is distracting which sets off a pattern of negative thinking

      I am trying the second MP3 right now. It does seem to be having the intended effect. That is, in a quiet environment the T is less distracting.

      With the T less distracting, I can begin to "trust" that I can sit in a quiet room without being bothered by my T. This allows my mind to roam and relax. It is this roaming and relaxing that I first missed dearly when T came along 14 months ago.

      I still maintain that the ultimate scenario for T is to live in an insect rich environment. (I spent 3 months throughout the summer on a beach when T first arrived and the crickets were a godsend. Joy came back to my life again).

      This may be the next best thing for a quiet home or corporate environment. That is important to me as I make my living in such environments. Being inconspicuous is important because I can't blast itunes all day.

      It's worth a try for the low cost.

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