Apr 18, 2013
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Sheffield, UK

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    1. Deanmcg
      Hi Steve,

      Just wanted to say I have had tinnitus for over 15 years. I came across your videos and they are really helping. Early stages but so good. You are a star my friend.
      The videos you uploaded with the frequency that changes. Is it possible to have that playing but also if I add some soothing sounds like waves or rivers. Is this possible? Or does it have to be only the tone frequency on its own?

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      2. Deanmcg
        It was the ACRN one you made. Is it normal for your frequency of the tinnitus to change a lot? As I can seem to keep to one frequency!

        Yeah I really think waves will help me. Its so calming for me. I love the sound of it.

        Have you got any files for 6910htz? I seem to be on this just now! But wondering if there is a site i can download the files?
        Feb 22, 2018
      3. Deanmcg
        thanks again Steve!
        Feb 22, 2018
      4. Steve
        It can be normal for the pitch to change. It happened to me when I first tried the ACRN device.

        If you PM me I can help work up some audio files for you.
        Feb 25, 2018
    2. Markku
      Thanks for being such a great and dedicated partner in our efforts to provide support, promote awareness and advance research!

      Next April we'll have known for 5 years. Incredible!
      1. Steve likes this.
    3. Astrid.R
      Thank you so much Steve! You have no idea how much your music helps... You are a life saver:)
      1. Steve
        Thank you! that's very kind of you to say.
        Dec 1, 2017
        Astrid.R likes this.
    4. John Sherwood
      John Sherwood
      I've read some of your past posts about ACRN tinnitus protocol. I have sorted out my frequency at 9374 hz. Could you set up for me a neuromodulation file I could use?
      1. Steve
        Hi. Your best bet is the free generator that one of our members created. Go to

        If you want a more general sound I have some sound files. The above link is very close to the actual treatment.
        Sep 29, 2017
        John Sherwood likes this.
      2. John Sherwood
        John Sherwood
        Thank you. Makes sense. What has been the most successful protocol for using the audio files. Simply playing the for hours at a time in the background with earphones?
        Sep 30, 2017
      3. Steve
        I personally think that listening time should be less than an hour per session, with maximum 4 hours per day. Otherwise the sound gets into your head.

        Try listening for 20 minutes each time, spacing the sessions out over the day.
        Oct 2, 2017
    5. Llouiseandhector
      Hello how are you? I hope all is well. Could you tell me if you still get ear fullness I have been having this for a good while now and it's worrying to me
      1. Steve
        Hi. Yes I do still get ear fullness. I am 99% certain it is related to muscles. I had an enforced period awn from the gym recently and noticed that the fullness had dropped. When I went back to the gym I realised the link and have much of the fullness back.

        My issue is around the neck.
        Sep 29, 2017
    6. C. R.
      C. R.
      Hi Steve, I'm trying to build my own neuromodulation audio file I use the program acid. Do you have any Ideas?

    7. Tom murphy
      Tom murphy
      Hi i am a 52 year old man suffering from tinnitus it has gotten worse in the last few months. Can anybody help me to deal with it as I can not cope with it
      1. Steve
        Hi Tom.

        There are things that you can try to help yourself out. It's really down to finding out what feels like it makes the tinnitus better or worse, then trying things out and experimenting with different therapeutic approaches.

        There is loads of info on different treatments around the site.
        Jan 9, 2017
    8. Jeff M.
      Jeff M.
      Steve, whats up ole buddy?! Hey man, Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas!! Thank you bro for all you do here on TT!!! You rock. Blessings to you and yours my friend!! Best, Jeff
      1. Steve
        Thanks Jeff. Only noticed this message now, sorry :)

        Hope you had a great break. Things are not too bad, although my ears are a bit blocked, have had a cold that just keeps giving.
        Jan 9, 2017
    9. Fiore81
      Hi Steve,I believe my T is on 4200, but there is a noise that seems to respond to 8200.I have listened at the sample track in this article:“telegraph uk tinnitu silenced by returning brain” and the highest pitch stopped immediately!I am unsure if I have another T or my T decreased dramatically and can hear some reaming noise. which frequency do you think could be the sample?Do I need a mix of frequency?Thanks so much
      1. Steve
        Hi Fiore. The ACRN treatment is designed for a single frequency, the advice they give is to pick the frequency that is the loudest for you. It isn't tested to use on multiple frequencies at once.

        You need to make sure you have matched the loudest tone and work on that one first.
        Dec 20, 2016
    10. highpitched ring
      highpitched ring
      hi steve two years ago you wrote about mdma as follows:
      I got a response back from asking Alexander Shulgin on a Facebook page ...etc etc. I'll update if / when I get a response.

      what is the final outcome, if any? thanks
      1. Steve
        Hi. I kept contact and chased it a few times but it just went quiet. The last I heard the people at MAPS were looking at it but I got no replies from them
        Dec 2, 2016
    11. JJLease4
      Steve, New here on the forum, wondering if you can give me some guidance, I just started using your MyNoises sound Neural Symphony wondering if you have any recommendations for the sliders, as you know there not EQ sliders and it made it a little challenging. It seems my Tinnitus is right around 8000 Hz... Also can you share with me the link you posted on creating your own Neuromodulation sounds in Audacity.
      1. Steve
        Hi JJ. My personal preset is Neural Drops, that works the best for me (after much playing around to get it right). I like to use animate too sometimes.

        I use Propellerhead Reason for most of my music work, I only use Audacity for notch filtering as the notch filter there is really good. All of my Neuromod work has been in Reason.
        Nov 11, 2016
    12. Alberte
      Hi Steve, l'm new on the forum. I saw a little video ( on this tinnitus site) of Dr Tarit Ganz Sanchez. She , and a young girl, talk about a medication curing tinnitus. What is it exactly? Thank you.
      1. Steve
        Hi. I'm afraid that we don't know the full detail but we are working to get more for the next videos. There isn't one answer for tinnitus, rather that this patient responded to a particular medication for a diagnosed underlying cause.
        May 24, 2016
    13. Ricardo1991
      Hi Steve,
      I am just wondering if you created the album, sounds to soothe? If so, thank you so much! I have been listening to the album it is just amazing!
      1. Steve
        Hi Ricardo. Yes I did and thanks for the comments, always nice to hear it's helping someone.
        May 17, 2016
        Ricardo1991 likes this.
      2. Ricardo1991
        Definitely! I've been habituating, but when my tinnitus gets a little annoying; I just plug in and zone out :)
        May 17, 2016
        Steve likes this.
    14. Kyxwz
      Hi Steve, could i write a mail to you? Have you an adress? Thank you, i hope for an answer! (i am the admin of the official italian group for tinnitus)
    15. BZMusic
      Hi Steve, Are you familiar with this Experimental Tinnitus Sound Treatment that's on YouTube?

      question: I'm a trumpet player and when I practice loud high notes I use silicone vera ear plugs. Although, the volume/loudness is reduced by a lot, there's a an "internal" sound that I worry might worsen my tinnitus.
      1. Steve
        I have heard that before and I've played with something similar, it seems to help a little but I find that having periods of silence or mixing tones like this with others works better than a constant flow of the same noise.
        Feb 1, 2016
      2. Steve
        All I can suggest on the trumpet playing is that you use a noise monitor and check the volume level and then see what your earplugs attenuate. Should help to understand if the volume levels may be dangerous over the length of time you play.

        There are some reasonably good apps to gauge volume for phones, at the worst they will give you a good idea of the level.
        Feb 1, 2016
    16. BZMusic
      Thanks Steve. I've been listening in the car and sleeping with it! I hope that I can give you a positive report soon. The 5th track in the playlist is the Notched White Noise track I made. (Just trying to hedge my bets.) Not exactly the way a clinical trial should be, I know. Don't really enjoy the the Notched but yours are relaxing and interesting musically!
      1. Steve likes this.
    17. BZMusic
      Hi Steve, The ACN tracks I got and use from YouTube (Acoustic Musical Neuromodulation Tsounds1) Are these 4 yours? I know they're experimental. What's the success like? Bob
      1. Steve
        Hi Bob, yes that's me.

        I haven't got anything reliable to base success rates on but the number of up votes versus down votes on YouTube suggest it's more helpful than not. Best I can say for now, though it would be great to run a trial of sorts to see how it can work.
        Jan 21, 2016
    18. BZMusic
      Bob Z. from Florida. i'm a professional trumpet player with Tinnitus. I found the ACN tracks & listen to them daily.
      I made my own notched white noise track and listen to it too. I use 4212 Hz as my tone. With the hissing type of T it's difficult to narrow it down to a pitch let alone which octave.
      Any comments or new developments would be greatly appreciated.
      1. Steve
        Hi Bob.

        With a hissing tinnitus it isn't the easiest to pin down any frequency. I made my general tracks for this type but they are experimental. They're in the free downloads section on the main forum page, just scroll down to see them.

        One thing with these types of audio therapy is to reassess your tone, so if you're notching audio you may well find that after a few weeks you tinnitus tone has changed.
        Jan 14, 2016
    19. ryand
      Steve, I appreciate your positive energy and dedication to this site and cause. I'm 2.5 weeks having T, (acoustic trauma , TMJ) On a Prednisone steroid, preparing to deal long term & have many side effects I've had good days just accepting my sounds and using the advice on this site. My one question is why when I lay down at night it sometime intensifies into head ringing for 1 hr or so.
      1. ryand
        side effects mostly involve effects from not sleeping from steroid
        Dec 2, 2015
      2. ryand
        ENT said it was the adrenaline produced by my steroid and my natural production cycle , right around 9m
        Dec 5, 2015
      3. Steve
        Hi. Wonder if when you lie down it could be the way you're sleeping? If you're putting pressure on your jaw that can intensify the sound, bit like when you clench your teeth.

        I used to sleep a different way but now sleep on my side and am pretty careful about the right pillow that's supportive, not cheap fibre ones.
        Dec 5, 2015
    20. Tim87
      Hey Steve, I am new to that site and also New to T and (I think) a little H. What do you think, should I try ACRN or the notch system? I am not really sure what to chose.... T was propably due to loud work outside and it looks like there is no hearing loss. Thanks for any help :)
      1. Steve
        Hi Tim. There really is no right or wrong thing as people seem to respond differently to each treatment.

        One thing I can advise is that in the early stages you need to forget about it as much as possible. Whether that means listening to sounds (soundscape, nature etc), gaming, fitness, work... What ever you do make sure you aren't in a position to focus on the T.
        Oct 8, 2015
        Tim87 likes this.
      2. Steve
        Try both and see if they feel like they are helping, best way to make the decision.
        Oct 8, 2015
        Tim87 likes this.
    21. Marien
      Your work helped me to lower the volume of my tinnitus last week (thanks) although this weekend my tinnitus was very bad. Keep searching the right frequency therapy. Thanks a lot Steve for the Audacity link. These tones you have composed are much shorter than the ACRN webapp. Is that because you have created these on Soundflower?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Steve
        The scale is exponential - for example A = 440Hz, next A is 880Hz, then 1760Hz, then 3520Hz, then 7040Hz and so on.

        The higher the frequency the bigger the gap needs to be for us to hear a difference in pitch. For example the gap between A4 and B4 is 53.88Hz - the gap between A8 and B8 is 862.13Hz.
        Sep 23, 2015
        Marien likes this.
      3. Marien
        Thanks Steve, i have a T of 12000 hz, so which track you have made till know covers the most?
        Sep 23, 2015
      4. Steve
        Well, maybe nothing specifically at the moment but I can have a look at making a track that goes up to that frequency. I can use some of the higher frequencies to create a file using only those frequencies near your T.
        Sep 24, 2015
    22. Tanmay
      Hi Steve, Thanks for all the posts here it has helped me a lot. After weeks of working on my Tinnitus frequency I am quite sure its close to 15500 Hz (+/- 15000 Hz). I know it sounds crazy but its the closer I can get. I cannot hear 16000 Hz. I was wondering if you could help make me a neuromodulation mp3 as I had a hard time making it myself. Thanks!
      1. Steve
        Hi. Unfortunately you need to be able to hear tones both above and below your tinnitus frequency, so using the neuromodultation technique isn't suitable Are you sure it isn't around 7500-8000Hz? Sometimes an octave can be confusing when you're trying to find the pitch (speaking from experience).

        If you visit the general fuzz site you'll see what the ANM sequence is and see what you can hear.
        Sep 21, 2015
    23. Marien
      Hi Steve, in your track on Youtube "Acoustic Neuromodulation - descending 5ths" you used tones all over the frequencies. I wonder what the highest freqency is. My Tiinitus is about 12000 hz. Thanks a lot .
      1. Steve
        Hi. The highest frequency is close to 10,000Hz - it's musical so it isn't precisely there, I think it's 9956Hz (D sharp).
        Sep 18, 2015
      2. Marien
        Hi Steve, thanks a lot for your reply. So because i'm not technical, if somebody could help me to make a mp3 musical with tones arround 11500 hz. f.e. 8805 hz, 10316 hz, 12531 hz, 15997 hz or a wider range. The webapp helped me a lot. Thanks a lot.
        Sep 18, 2015
      3. Steve
        Sep 19, 2015
    24. SeekIngAlpha
      Just posted about tinnitus remission. I have been practising mindfullness meditation and it has gone done to zero over the past few weeks. I've had it for 11 years and I am very confused about how to handle this change. Most people would say be happy about it. I am but I feel that I don't know how to handle such a big change. Please help. Thanks.
      1. Steve
        Hi. All I can say is that it sounds pretty awesome, I think that everyone here would love that. It is probably very strange though as you will have all of a sudden lost a frequency that has been there and it probably feels like you are missing something in your hearing?

        If it was me I would probably use sound enrichment (music or anything really) to stop me from thinking about it too much.
        Sep 18, 2015
    25. Shadgirl
      Any way to deal with unfriendly debates on hear? A friends thread is contently being bashed because he try ed sharing a message of hope.
      1. Shadgirl
        It was about how God helped him through the hard times. He wanted to encourage others to not give up and trust the lord. Don't seem fair to turn that message into debate of religions. Some are being vary mean to him.
        May 4, 2015
    26. Shadgirl
      I'm scared and going everywhere for answers. My tinnitus keeps getting worse for no reason and any time I take any medicine it spikes even louder for hours afterwords. Have you ever heard of this before? Do you know why its happening? Please answer. I'm about ready to have a heart attack.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Shadgirl
        I hope I acshly got in with the people I ment to reach! Theres four diferent numbers involved hear. And two arnt even on the webpage. There registered in my phone.
        Mar 19, 2015
      3. Shadgirl
        Guess what? My dad thinks fluid in my middle ear is my problem. This idea is supported by my new ear infection in my right ear again. This time they gave me Zithramax and Iv taken two doses of it, but I just learned that its one of the worst tinnitus causing meds out there. Do you know what else I could try? My ear infections are hard to get rid of.
        Mar 23, 2015
      4. Steve
        Doing some very quick research it looks like it is ototoxic in high doses, that doesn't mean that it can't be in lower doses too. It did seem like people recover after they stop from what I've read.

        You really need to ask your Doctor about it, tell them that you are concerned, they should look at your medical history and give you the best one that isn't ototoxic at all.
        Mar 23, 2015
    27. SickoMicko
      Hey Steve it's Mick. I have not as yet been able to open the files of the two audios you created for me. Still using the expensive MP3 player I bought on sale from the Neuromonics folks. Just didn't want you to think I was blowing it off, cause I'm not. I wish I could get this Neuromonics device to you so you could dupe it and put those f***kers out of business. I'll be back! Mick
      1. alley likes this.
      2. Steve
        Hey Mick, no worries there, I'll MP3 the files and mail them over and see if that does anything, although I have found they work best at high quality.
        Jan 23, 2015
    28. thesaint
      hi steve: Just joined and having a problem navigating. When I try to introduce myself, I can't see any place to add text or make comments. Please advise tx thesaint
    29. Alex Senkowski
      Alex Senkowski
      Hi Steve. I've been managing my T well for past month, but last Friday I had a panic attack and it increased in pitch. I'm keeping calm and taking things easy, but will the T settle down eventually?
    30. Shir
      Hello Steve,
      I was wondering if you can perhaps assist me in generating some sounds to help relax my tinnitus? I've had tinnitus since last November and the only improvement is that I'm able to fall asleep despite it. I have a hearing loss in the high frequencies (it starts from 4000hrz at 30 dbl, then 7000hrz and onward at around 60dbl). Thank you! Shir
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Sheffield, UK
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Flu, Noise-induced, Jaw trauma
    I'm a music production geek, love sound and music.

    Love playing games (Playstation), hiking, gym, making and listening to music, bananas.

    My day job is an environmental consultancy, would rather be making sounds but hey, it pays the bills.

    Oh, and of course, my other day / night job is here.


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