Dr. Douilards' Sonic Toothbrush Treatment?

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by Jeff, Jul 3, 2012.

    1. Jeff

      Jeff Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Gang!
      Just joined, and good to see I'm not the only one out here with the ringing.
      Done tons of research on the web and always come back to the same thing. No real cure. Just a matter of time I hope.

      My ringing started decades ago with a kickoff of very low tones kind of like the humming you'd hear from a truck idleing out in the street with flowmaster mufflers. Or a train yard where the diesel trains sit with there engines on late at night. That's the only way to explain it. I actually believed it was the train yards a couple of miles away to the point of calling them up to tell them to turn them off. Surprise!!! It was the onset of T.

      Now just a ringing that amplifies with different sounds around me like water falls, rock music (which I believe was the root cause), and a multitude of other triggers. I've learned to live with it though. Sometimes you can go for days without it bothering you, and other days it just plain ticks you off. On the good side, if you can hear it, it means you're still alive...Lol! Never give up, and always believe. It's a test of faith for me. No pills, CD's, needles, etc.

      But the one thing that sparked my curiosity was this Dr. Douilards' tecnique with a sonic tootbrush against the side of the ear in which the frequency generated gave some sufferers temporary relief from the ringing. Well, I thought to myself, as kooky as it sounds, I'd like to try it. What's the worst that can happen??? Nothing! But then I could just brush my teeth with it, so not a total loss...Right?

      Problem is, all the posts that I've seen here that post the Doctors You Tube video are not working when you click it to start. It states "Private Video" and won't play. Anybody out there have a better link, or how to find it on You Tube? Dr. Douilards' Life Spa is a dead link on Google, so I don't know where to go.
      Happy 4th of July, and protect your ears!(y)

      If anyone has a true success story from using UST, Tell me about.
      I'm getting more interested in sound therapy. Thank you.
    2. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
    3. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      I posted here as I can write more words.... lol

      Hi Jeff! Nice to meet you!

      I continue to find reductions in my T volume. I have "experimented" with several treatments. I am not sure what exactly it is that is helping me. I eliminated most EMF producing sources with Neutralizers, use negative ion producing sources, and am now working with systemic enzymes and magnesium supplement therapy to finish it off.the UST continues to work I think even though i don't use it daily anymore.

      My T is very manageable for me. And the good thing is is that it hasn't increased but continues to maintain or reduce in volume. It is a relief for sure!

      If you try the UST therapy, it has a money back guarantee. So, you are not out much.

      Nice of you to say that you have gotten to know me. I like that! ;)
    4. AUTHOR

      Jeff Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thank you for the encouragment. Im still reluctent to spend the $47.00 at this time, but have not ruled out trying it. Many treatments for many people I'm seeing. My T has not been to the point of insanity, yet it would be nice to lose it forever. I'll post again soon. My sons 18th today, and the 4th tomorrow. I'm still interested in that sonic toothbrush thing though. Any feedback on that?
      Thanks again. Have a great week!
    5. calin

      calin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oct 2011
      A couple of us tried the sonic toothbrush. I did not personally find that it made a big difference. It does help with circulation though!
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    6. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sonic toothbrush ,just a bit of residual inhibition sadly

      You will get the same effect from an old chinese exercise beating the heavenly drum.
      forfinger pushes the small flap over the ear canal ,ring finger taps on the forfinger a few dozen times,hundreds maybe. Now how do your ears feel ,they will feel and sound great .....forabout a minute.

      All the best ,Pete
    7. AUTHOR

      Jeff Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Interesting concept Pete,

      Wife walked in while I was doing this and looked a little puzzled...Lol!
      You're right though. About a minute of "feel good". Can't do it while driving though unless it's one side at a time.
      If for no other reason, the ringing is a reminder that I'm still alive, and that's a good thing.
      Research will have a cure some day, and I'll be at the front of the line, or second.
      Thanks again.
      Kind regards, Jeff. :headphone:

      BTW: What kind of cars are you into...Classics?
    8. carlover

      carlover Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello Jeff , mate ,when it comes to cars im a 10 year old:D Any and all.

      See you beat me by 6 years with Tinnitus , how did you get yours?

      Pete ;)
    9. AUTHOR

      Jeff Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Pete,
      As far as an exact reason for the T, not sure. Probably the numerous rock concerts of the 70's, and 80's. Led Zepplin, AC DC, etc. Always in the front row. Same goes for the raceway, and dragsters, motorcycles, drumming, electric guitars. Nowadays I try to remind the kids with their Ipods, and ear buds like my mom tried to warn me. Does anyone take heed? Nope! Not even I.

      Mine is just the high pitched whine like something electronic. Fades from ear to ear, and certain sounds can make it more intense. In the early stages it was a very low hum that could be masked with white noise. No more though. It's pretty much a constant, and when it's triggered by high frequency sounds in certain types of music, I just drown it out with more volume...Lol! I'm a rebel by nature. The less I think about it, the less it bothers me. Can't fight it, so I join it.
      There have been rare occasions where it goes away altogether, and you really notice that. Short lived though. I try to keep up on research, and that gives me hope, just as my son has type one diabetes, which is managable. We will see a cure for that AND "T" I believe, in our lifetime.

      On a lighter note, I to love the automobile. The older the better. I collected Chevy Corvairs for years. Almost every year, make, and model. 1960 thru 1969. A real love affair with this machine. Corvettes are another weakness, but I'm going to have to win the lotto before I own another one. Living in Southern California all my life (and my dads good taste in cars) has introduced me to many machines I'd love to own. Maybe I should find out what Jay Leno's secret is.
      Heck, even "he" has a Corvair in his collection. The guy can't be all that bad.
      Didn't mean to be so long winded....Whew! :facepalm:
      And where are "you" from Mate? Don't say Boston now.
      Thanks again.


    10. erik

      erik Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Washington State, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      04/15/2012 or earlier?
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Most likely hearing loss
      Jeff, nice to see you live your life in spite of T....better to live life and enjoy life with T, then regret life in misery and still have T.
      • Like Like x 1
    11. AUTHOR

      Jeff Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thank you Eric.

      Life could be so much worse. I'm actually crazy enough to say that I enjoy it just to make it easier to get along with...lol! Be thankful for each day. Think a good thought before your feet hit the floor when rolloing out of bed, and the goodness will follow you throughout the day.

      Best Regards,

      Jeff / San Clemente, CA:headphone:
    12. erik

      erik Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Washington State, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      04/15/2012 or earlier?
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Most likely hearing loss
      Yup either way we got to live with T, might as well live life happy then with regrets
    13. AUTHOR

      Jeff Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Amen to that brother!

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