Ear Drum Is Vibrating/Pulsating

Discussion in 'Support' started by Fiore, Mar 18, 2015.

    1. Fiore

      Fiore Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I'm not sure if I have experienced this in the past but my bad ear due to ear syringing today has been vibrating or pulsating like it has a heartbeat of its own (I don't know) it comes and goes but it feels like its actually moving/breathing. My T started after ear syringing and then just brought a whole lot of other complications possible TMDJ issue/dental work.
      But anywho do any of you experience this? I have never experienced this before T-before getting it syringed. Sometimes that ear pops throughout the day when I swallow as well. My T sound doesn't increase when this thumping like feeling shows up but it scares me-maybe a malfunction in the little bones in the ear after the pressure the syringed cleaning caused (sigh)

      I notice it happens when crying, overly emotional, stressed but sometimes just out of the blue. You'd think I'd experience these vibrations right after the cleaning Feb 10- but no it started yesterday/today.

      Does this happen to you as well? No sound increase or appearance of sound just like a vibrating/pulsating feeling.
    2. Mark Beehre

      Mark Beehre Member Benefactor

      Wellington, New Zealand
      Tinnitus Since:
      05/2008 // 11/2014
      Fiore, I don't recommend you get your ears syringed if you have tinnitus. I would suggest drops only.

      The symptoms could be TTS: http://www.hyperacusis.net/hyperacusis/tensor+tympani+syndrome/default.asp

      You're almost 2 months in now. The trauma is still quite fresh. You will be feeling very differently by the end of the year. Just gotta keep moving forward. Stop trying to analyse your tinnitus, instead focus on spending less time reading about it and more time doing things you like. Trust me, it does make a world of difference!
    3. AUTHOR

      Fiore Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Mark Beehre
      Sadly my T is due to ear syringing-the first one too. Which sucks! Thankfully I only syringed one ear due to impacted ear wax causing me pain and T.
      I don't have H...yet. I hope these spasms stop though, will definitely stick to ear drops in the future though for cleaning.
    4. Chelles

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      It's the muscle spasming I had it for 5 months I hate it
    5. AUTHOR

      Fiore Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      So it went away after the 5 months? It annoying and worrisome for me...
    6. Chelles

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      No I still have it :( is yours 24/7? Mine comes and goes for a few minutes or for days!! I don't know how to make it go away I started with magnesium, vitamin d and now muscle relaxers.
    7. AUTHOR

      Fiore Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      No not 24/7 I hope it doesn't get to that point though. Today it came and went for a few seconds and left. 3x so far today (sigh)
      Yes Chelles! I did read that Vid D and magnesium can help with the muscle spasms. Will go buy some tomorrow.

      "Anxiety Girl-able to jump to the worst conclusion in a single bound" thats me alright down to a Tinnitus T -__-
    8. Chelles

      Chelles Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Fiore thats me too and since this new spasm I'm super anxiety girl lol
      • Funny Funny x 1
    9. volsung

      volsung Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I seem to have something similar. I stupidly let my ENT suck out ear wax from my non T ear and noticed pains afterwards. I now have spasms in the right ear which can last from a few seconds to over 12 hours. They start with a yawn, a burp or a stretch and then seemingly nothing can stop them until mysteriously they just do. It is scary as the periods of time I have them are getting longer. For a while they would last an hour or two. Then up to 5 hours now pushing towards 12. I've heard people can have it for days. Ear plugs are useless. The fear is that I won't be able to sleep and this will affect my job etc. Supposed to be heading off on hols two days from now. frankly I'm dreading that. Anyone any advice on how to deal with this. I would much prefer my ordinary PT to this madness

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