Essential Oils Seem to Help My Ear Pain

Discussion in 'Support' started by annabel16, Jul 11, 2016.

    1. annabel16

      annabel16 Member Benefactor

      New England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      I'm writing because I found something that seems to be helping my chronic ear pain, and has subsequently had a positive impact on my T + H. I had an acoustic trauma 8/30/14 and lost most of the hearing in my left ear, and developed T and H. My T is variable and in both ears, and my H was much more profound at the beginning of my recovery, then seemed to stabilize after a year or so into a situation where I was still sensitive to noise and felt near constant fluctuating minor pain in both ears, usually triggered by noise or pressure fluctuations. Because of the constant fluctuation of pain and sound I felt I was making very little progress habituating. I was on a waitlist to see a neurologist at the Tinnitus Clinic at MEEI in Boston, affiliated with MGH and Harvard, for a year...and because it was such a long wait I think I had pinned too many hopes on this meeting. She diagnosed me with depression and suggested medication and lifestyle changes. Since I felt my depression was caused by my hearing problems, the last thing I wanted to do was take a medication that could potentially increase my tinnitus. As a last resort before filling the prescription I decided to try essential oils, since a friend with a rare neurological disorder is doing so well on them and one of her symptoms is tinnitus accompanied by "ice pick" headaches. I made one essential oil blend to treat depression, and another one I call "Immortal Blend" that my friend gave to me for my hearing problems. I will share it below. I started using the blends on 4/18/16, and since that time I have not had any ear pain. Without the constant nagging aches and pains I have found it much easier to habituate, and the volume of my T generally seems lower to me as well. I have had three very loud noise exposures since 4/18 with no appreciable change in anything (volume, discomfort, tension), and getting through the fireworks associated with the 4th of July in the US this year was a welcome change from last year.

      It's possible that this is coincidence, since hyperacusis is known to stabilize and improve on it's own. I believe that my relief began the day I started using the oils, so I am still using them...and I have started using EO for a lot of other things as well since I like them so much (cleaning, laundry, to help with sleep, etc.). One odd thing happened that I want to share because it has given me objective proof that the "Immortal Blend" has healing capacity: a few weeks after using the blend I was distracted by a throbbing pain in my thumb, and looked down to see that a scar that was 30 years+ old was angry and red and pulsing. I continued to use the oil, and 2 months later my new scar is less than half the size of my original scar, the bump continues to diminish, and most importantly I actually have new sensation on the tip of my thumb that I haven't had in 30 years. (I'm 50, btw).

      I did take a "med holiday" for a day or two after taking the oils for several weeks, to test what might happen. I did not notice any change in my ears at all...still no pain, still no noise sensitivity. I did notice a change in my emotional state and felt I was slipping back into a funk, so I resumed using all my oils.

      I have read "miracle cure" threads here before, and understand that some people might be upset because here is another "snake oil" remedy that may not help, and will certainly lighten your wallet. I can only speak to my own experience, and I want to iterate that this blend seems to have taken my pain away and improved my hyperacusis and my journey toward habituation...I still have tinnitus.

      What follows is the essential oil blend recommended to me, as well as the method of application. I have only used the blend and the application method described here, following it up with the "milking technique" that is described where I use my finger tips to trace a groove from behind my ear down to my collar bone. In other words, I have not used helichrysum "neat", nor have I put the blend on a cotton ball and left it in my ear. I can't comment on these suggestions other than to say I would not try them for myself. Helichrysum is very potent, and why take a chance that I might overexpose myself to something so potentially useful thereby causing a situation where I might not be able to tolerate it?

      Here's the blend I call "Immortal Blend":

      To a one ounce bottle add 15 drops each of cypress, juniper and lavender and five drops of helichrysum, blend well by rolling gently between your palms. Fill the bottle with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut or jojoba. Let it blend 24 hours and keep in a dark, cool place.
      Application methods: Put three drops in the palm of your hand and inhale deeply. Apply to the back and front of your ear lobe and the back of your neck. First massage each ear lobe, then behind the ears. Always move in either an up and down movement or in a circular movement. Do not apply pressure. In the front of your ear is a small pointed bump called the tragus, that is in front of the auditory canal, the opening to your ear. Massage gently directly in front of that in an up and down movement. Then from under the ear lobe gently massage down and under the jaw line. The oils with enter the neurovascular gateways located in these areas to effectively trigger your relaxation and healing response. Do NOT put the oil in your ears!
      Oher options include applying 1 drop of the immortal blend on a cotton ball and placing it the ear canal, leaving it overnight. Gently clean the ear the next morning with a warm washcloth.
      Another application method involves using helichrysum neat (not diluted in a carrier oil) and apply 1-2 drops in front of the auditory canal. Gently grasp the lobe and firmly but gently pull in a circular motion. Do this ten times to allow the oil to be absorbed and increase circulation in the ear canal. Continue by gently stretching and massaging the ear lobe, gently stretching it downward and out. Continue massaging behind the ear lobe. Be sure to spend several minutes massaging. Then begin "milking" which will increase lymph drainage in the neck and throat. This will help reduce the swelling that often comes with tinnitus. Just behind your ear there is a slight indentation, just under the ear and behind the jawbone. Place your finger there. In long, gentle, but firm strokes rub your finger downward under the jawbone all the way to your collarbone. There is a natural groove that your finger will fall into naturally. Repeat this motion ten times. If you should find that your finger begins to meet resistance apply 1-2 more drops of the blend or the helichrysum neat.
      You can safely repeat every few hours.

      I have tried several different blends to uplift my mood, and they all of these seem helpful and satisfying to me: lavender, bergamot, and lemon are good to start. Warning: citric oils like bergamot and lemon are photoreactive.

      I have really appreciated the support and suggestions I have received on this forum, and hope this suggestion provides some relief to others.
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    2. DebInAustralia
      No Mood

      DebInAustralia Member Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Geelong, Victoria
      Tinnitus Since:
      Ty for this post

      Im interested in eo but not so much for t directly but for helping with my anxiety..

      Which brand do u use?
    3. AUTHOR

      annabel16 Member Benefactor

      New England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      Some people are purist but I have a hodge podge: doTerra, Young Living, Simplers, Rocky Mountain oils, a few others, and make sure I read the label carefully to be sure it is 100% pure essential oil and preferably organic. I have a few cheaper Now brand oils and I use them more for fragrance than for therapy.

      I make roller balls of different blends I make using a carrier oil- (I use fractionated coconut for a carrier oil) and then I use an electric diffuser (where you add water to a reservoir then add drops of oil) to keep my house and office peaceful.
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    4. Sara_Bond

      Sara_Bond Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      What do you mean by in front of the auditory canal? Where is it exactly?
    5. AUTHOR

      annabel16 Member Benefactor

      New England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      In my original post the section about the actual recipe and application, beginning with the words "To a ounce bottle add..." is the recipe that was given me by my friend, and those are not my words. I wish I had tried to make that more clear by using a different font, sorry. I read it to mean apply the helichrysum neat to the tragus, the part of the ear that is prominent and partly covers the opening to your ear.
    6. jross7

      jross7 Member Benefactor

      NE Pa.
      Tinnitus Since:
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      Would you share your exact "recipe" for helping with your emotional state? I am anxious to get the oils to try this...thanks so much for your input!
    7. AUTHOR

      annabel16 Member Benefactor

      New England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      Absolutely, jross. I should tell you that I am not an aromatherapist. just a new user who has done a little research. A quick google will give you tons of recipes. It is very easy to make substitutions by the way, because there are many essential oils that promote wellbeing.
      Here is what I'm using.
      So, I took two rollerballs and labeled them day and night.
      My day depression blend is:
      2 drops each
      lavender- great for anxiety and depression
      bergamot- (make sure it is steam distilled because otherwise it will make your skin photoreactive to the sun)
      clary sage- "perhaps the strongest essential oil for nervous system disorders like anxiety and depression"
      frankincense- "best essential oil for fear and panic, stress, also good for cellular balance"
      ylang ylang- for stress and panic
      Gently blend, then add a carrier oil to the brim. I use fractionated coconut carrier oil.
      My night depression blend is:
      1 drop jasmine- mood booster, stress buster
      3 drops lavender
      2 drops clary sage
      2 drops ylang ylang- smells erotic, why not? ;)
      3 drops Roman chamomile- great for sleeplessness
      2 drops frankincense
      Again, fill to brim with carrier oils. There are many types to try.

      I was lucky enough to have a friend with a bottle of jasmine eo when I made this blend, smells divine but ridiculously expensive.

      Day is a littler perkier, night is a little more relaxing. Apply to pulse points, temples, back of neck, can also apply to hands then massage the bottom of your feet, paying attention to the long top mound of your foot -the area that conjoins with your toes, the ball. You apply as needed, even as often as every two hours as long as you are remaining attuned to yourself, a minimum of three times a day. Don't use if you're pregnant nor use on a small child, these are potent highly distilled plant oils, do yourself a quick google to basic safety- like don't use oils that will make your skin react to light. Remember most essential oils need a carrier oil before you apply directly to your skin, like these roller balls.

      The part of your foot that corresponds with your ears, by the way, is under the two smallest toes, the part of the main body of your foot from which your two little toe spring and that's a good place for the Immortal Blend with helichrysum, for anyone reading this who may be trying to treat minor and constantly changing ear pain.
    8. AUTHOR

      annabel16 Member Benefactor

      New England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      I want to thank you for your questions, too, because because it helped me think some more things through, too. For example, your question about which brand? I'm less sure than ever now what to recommend, it's complicated, isn't it? There are many competitors and lots of marketing types... Right now I'm feeling good about recommending Aura Cacia and Plant Therapy, which in US is easy to find at GNC and Whole Foods. I have others and I like almost every brand I have, but some I am suspicious of in that they are thin or weak.

      I just noticed that I don't like the smell of perfume as much as i used to. My sweat smells really good. Sorry, TMI.
    9. Sara_Bond

      Sara_Bond Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise exposure
      Thank you Annabel, your words were clear. I just wanted to be sure that I got it. I used to use a lot EO, way before T&H.

      I already have Helichrysium oil, and tried the past two days. Actually I already used it against pains, but it seems that it enpower the pain more than dissipating it. I'll give a try on the long term and will give you a feedback. :)
    10. AUTHOR

      annabel16 Member Benefactor

      New England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      One of the symptoms for me of T + H is perhaps a 20% reduction in my ability to focus. My Immortal Blend contains juniper, which helps provide focus (as does peppermint), so if you are having problems with focus I might add a drop or two of a focusing eo to my day depression blend if that's one of your symptoms, too.

      And Sarah, please do let me know how it goes? How does the recipe or application compare to your experience when it empowered the pain?
      • Informative Informative x 1
    11. jross7

      jross7 Member Benefactor

      NE Pa.
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank you so much for all your good info! So nice of you to share more question,if I may? Where do you get these empty roller balls to use? Possibly on those eo sites? Thanks again for them very specific info as I have never used eo before....good info all the way around!
    12. AUTHOR

      annabel16 Member Benefactor

      New England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      I've seen rollerballs and other supplies at The Vitamin Shoppe and GNC, mom and pop nature supply stores, essential oil stores in tourist towns. Oh yes, Whole Foods.
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    13. jross7

      jross7 Member Benefactor

      NE Pa.
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thanks once again!
    14. Nonna

      Nonna Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I used them for 6mos, when I stopped my etd came back. even though I really blame the central air unit for drying up and irratating my throat. I stopped using the eo's after googling EO ototoxic.
    15. AUTHOR

      annabel16 Member Benefactor

      New England
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      acoustic trauma
      Hi Nonna, I googled essential oil otoxic and I didn't come up with anything. There are definitely some oils people shouldn't use, and they're highly potent so you should research before using any of them. I'm wondering what you found that your turned you off? A few times since I've started them I've tried to taper down or have plain forgotten, and I've always felt an increase in my symptoms that has me turning back to the oils. Has anyone else out there given them a try?

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