Hearing Aids

Discussion in 'Dr. Stephen Nagler (MD)' started by Teri, Feb 14, 2015.

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    1. Teri

      Teri Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Dr. Nagler

      I have struggled with my hearing for quite some time. With the onset of T, I had some hearing tests with an audiologist working with the ENT. My hearing fluctuates. I tried one hearing aid for one ear (which has moderate loss). I did not get an aid for the other ear as the loss was mild. The Audiologist was not familiar with maskers to include with the aid which is what I was hoping for. The aid was very "screechy" and I could not adjust. I opted to wait. Fast forward a few months, I tried another aid with a different Audiologist and it was a much better aid as it had a built-in masker for the T, as well as being more sophisticated as it did not have the "screechy" noise. However, because of the fluctuation in my hearing, I opted to return the aid until my hearing stabilized. Given this information, will you please help me with the following questions:

      1. Is it possible to get a benefit from hearing aids if hearing fluctuates?

      2. How am I able to determine if hearing is a result of nerve damage vs genetics vs loud sounds?

      3. I have also been told that I have endolymphatic hydrops which probably affects my hearing. I notice my hearing can be distorted. Will hearing aids help with distorted sounds?

      If there are some questions and/or additional information you would like to add, please feel free to do so. Thanks.
    2. Dr. Nagler

      Dr. Nagler Member Clinician Benefactor

      Atlanta, Georgia USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi @Teri -

      Your very good questions would be best addressed to an audiologist and/or a neurotologist. Unfortunately I am neither, and I would be on rather shaky ground trying to answer responsibly. So - with apologies - I believe I'll decline to respond.

      stephen nagler
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