Hello everybody, I am Carlo

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Carlo, Sep 24, 2013.

    1. Carlo

      Carlo Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello everybody,

      my name is Carlo, I’m from Italy. I have had tinnitus for 2 months now, it suddenly started one evening (or at least that was the moment I realized it), just before to sleep, at left ear. It sounds like a hiss.

      After few days I went to the ENT, he prescribed intramuscolar injections (methylprednisolone - cortisone - 7days + others 7) and a supplement named Tinnit (choline, zinc, magnesium, vitamins b6, b12, etc): no effects. In the meanwhile the doctor discovered I have a low hearing loss at high frequencies, I had too a NMR to check if I had a neurovascular conflict or a Schwannoma (a acoustic nerve tumor), everything was normal.

      ENT changed therapy, starting from 2 weeks ago I am taking Fluxarten (antihistaminic) 10mg 5 days a week and Alasod ( antioxidant enzyme) everyday, I have to say my T improved about 30%. But I can’t say if the improvement is related most to the new therapy or it’s too because I am getting used to T.

      I just add that the first two weeks were terrible, I was in a loop of anxiety-insomnia, to broke it a psychiatrist friend of mine prescribed a therapy based on a antidepressant (SSRI) and lorazepam: it’s working, and now I am back to sleep in the night (I feel lucky too because my tinnitus lowers at bedtime).

      From time to time I use white sound or similars to cover the hiss (I have a app on the phone), and I am trying to do all my best to fight. Check this forum it’s a great help for me, thank you for your patience to read these lines,

    2. TJPositive

      TJPositive Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Welcome Carlo. :)

      Hate to make this about me, but I can't help but notice how different of an approach your ENT has to mine! You're very lucky that you were able to be offered some immediate help in a time of need. When my T spiked a raised itself to intolerable levels (at first) just over a month ago when I was able to see a specialist about it the session didn't last more than 10 minutes and I was sent home with dietary table and told to write down all the foods I eat over the course of 2 weeks. After those 2 weeks I went back and he didn't think there was anything wrong with my diet so I was then asked to have a blood test. Again, after 2 uncomfortable needles in my arms I got back to him the next week and that turned up to be normal.. so he then requested an allergy test, balance test and a hearing test. All of them yielded no clear results. At my third meeting with him he made a diagnoses pretty much based on a hunch that it may be a viral infection, and I'm currently in the middle of taking a number of vitamins and getting immune-boosting injections twice a week for 3 weeks until I see him again.

      Anyway, this forum is bound to be of some help and support. I'm fairly new here myself and although I've mostly been browsing threads about other people in the same situation it's nice to know we aren't alone in this.
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    3. AUTHOR

      Carlo Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thank you for your reply, TJPositive :)
      you're right, I was lucky - I feel sorry you couldn't have immediate help. A viral infection it's of course a possibility (in my case, for example, a couple of weeks before having T I had a strong cold). As I understand, the doctors prescribe supplements and vitamins to protect the inner ear cells. Anyway, immune-boosting injections haven't side effects and could work. And yes, it's nice to know we aren't alone in this!
    4. AUTHOR

      Carlo Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      I made a mistake in my introduction post. Fluxarten is not a antihistaminic, but a calcium channel blocker.

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