Hello from Australia

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by jimmy, Aug 28, 2013.

    1. jimmy

      jimmy Member

      Port Stephens Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Hey guys i'm 17 years old and have had tinnitus since i was 14, reading other posts this looks to be a very early age to develop tinnitus. It's fair to say that i have abused my ears a fair bit in past 3 years, i have been to many heavy metal concerts and i also play the drums, i love listening to music blasting from my headphones (especially Metallica), they sure ruined my ears when i saw them live last year, was kinda worth it though. It's fair to say i haven't really payed any attention to protecting my ears until a few days ago when my tinnitus started to get worse. It has been a very mild frequency until recently, I have been very stressed because i'm in my last year at school and my HSC is just around the corner. I think this stress has caused my Tinnitus to increase, i work-out allot, 5 days a week and that seems to calm me down, i don't notice it throughout the day. But once i get home and its quiet or i'm trying to get to sleep at night i can hear it full blast. Any advise on how to get to sleep would be great. Just wanted to get my words out there and let people know what i'm going through hope people read this and can relate to me... Tinnitus is a bitch ino but i'm sure we can all find a way to help each-other out and get through life without stressing about hearing loss and lack of sleep .... peace to all you guys :)
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    2. Sherri786

      Sherri786 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hello Jim, magnesium chelate supplement and camomile tea ( night blend ) and some white nose helps me sleep.
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    3. AUTHOR

      jimmy Member

      Port Stephens Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Thank you Sherri will try it :)
    4. MT09

      MT09 Member Benefactor

      Prefer not to say.
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Stress induced.
      Hello Jimmy! Man, that's a sad thing you got it so early. However, a good thing is you don't have it as bad as most people have. So you're quite safe. Search around the forum to get info on how to get sleep better. But, that's not the only thing you should worry about! You should take extreme care of your ears now so that you don't make it worse, and that's very, very important!! Firstly, get rid of the earphones. Stop listening to music via earphones. This is as advice I give not only to people with T, but to everyone! Earphones are bad for everyone. Rarely is fine, but everyday usage is bad for everyone and should be avoided. But you've got T, so avoid it completely. Second, protect your ears from exposure to loud noise. Good to know you play the drums, but wear ear protection when you do so. You can continue working out, that won't be a problem. Keep it light though, you're just 17. Apart from these, take some time to go through all interesting threads on this forum(trust me, it's the best forum you can find!) and it will help you to get to know more about the T and how to keep it under control. Ask around if ya need help. Take care.;)

      P.S; Great to have a fellow Metallica fan! I'm a BIG fan too! (y)
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