Hello, Recently Got Tinnitus from SSRI

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Majbritt, Sep 15, 2017.

    1. Majbritt

      Majbritt Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      August 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Possible SSRI side effect
      Hi everyone.

      I'm a 37 year old woman who usually doesn't have problems with tinnitus. Sure I could hear some ringing once in a while and if I had been to a concert I could hear a sound for a short time, but it always went away. In the beginning of August I started on Sertraline as I was depressed. I have been on other antidepressants before, citalopram, venlafaxine, and fluoexetine. I never had that many side effects, mostly just the "brain zaps", which was regular on every antidepressant I have been on. My doctor insisted I started on Sertraline, because it had less side effects. After a couple of weeks I noticed the sound in my ears as I had been to a concert. I did realize that it was a possible side effect, but read that it was temporarely. After 4 weeks I increased dosage from 50 mg to 100 mg and by now I was more aware of the tinnitus as I had read it could be permanent. After a week on 100 mg I felt as though it had gotten worse, so I stopped the Sertraline. I had no side effects besides the tinnitus, not even "brain zaps" as I usually have.

      It's now two weeks since I stopped and the tinnitus have gotten even worse. I also now have the "brain zaps", so I assume it's withdrawal effects, I'm experiencing now. The last time I stopped with antidepressants, I had the "brain zaps" for several months after and as long as I have those, I know something is off in my brain and I assume that something can also cause the tinnitus. So I still hope that the tinnitus can stop. I talked to my doctor and he never heard of anyone getting tinnitus from SSRI. I have an appointment with an ear doctor in about a month.

      It's really becoming a problem for me. I'm already depressed and now the medicine, that were supposed to help me, gave me tinnitus. I'm afraid to start any new antidepressant. I'm an introvert and need my silence and right now it's not possible. I have downloaded an app with sounds and fall asleep to pink noise and use it during the day. It's better to listen to that than the loud noise in my head. I'm very nervous if this is permanent.

      Anyone have experience with tinnitus and SSRI side effects?
      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. josho771

      josho771 Member

      Newcastle, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      That's because the chances are really low, 0.1 - 1% chance to get it from anti depressants, your other tablets didn't give you ringing.. so maybe it could be something else?
    3. AUTHOR

      Majbritt Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      August 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Possible SSRI side effect
      It could be something else of course, but I haven't really changed anything. I haven't been exposed to any high sounds and haven't had any colds lately. My doctor checked the pressure in my ears and it was fine.

      If it comes from some ear problem, shouldn't I have other symptoms?
    4. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Welcome to the forum. Drug interaction or withdrawal symptoms are only one possible reason for T.
      There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including but not limited to drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear wax build-up, ear-wax removal suction, ear or Eustachian tube infection or ETD, ear drum injury, fluid build-up in ears feeling pressured or fullness, sinus infection & congestion especially with a bad cold, TMJ, TTTS, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma/shock, head trauma & injury, neck injury or muscle problems, hearing loss, Meniere's Decease, barotrauma from sudden change of air pressure such as during landing & taking off on flights especially with blocked nose causing failure to balance the pressure changes, slapping of the ears, deep grief for the loss of loved ones, untreated sleep apnea, extreme, extended stress, anxiety & panic disorder, etc., etc. Hope your T is from a treatable cause that may not be from drug interaction. I have use Prozac on and off for years. It is a SSRI but it has no effect on my T. Good luck. Take care. God bless.
      • Like Like x 2
    5. fhs

      fhs Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Gun range
      Where did you get your information from because I have a medical source that says the incidence of tinnitus is over 1% while taking the drug. SSRI discontinuation syndrome can also cause tinnitus.


      Common (1% to 10%): Fatigue, fever/pyrexia, tinnitus, asthenia

      TABLE 2 Treatment-Emergent Adverse Experience Incidence in 4- to 8-Week Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
      Tinnitus 2%

      If 2% of people get tinnitus after just 4-8 weeks on the medication the rate could be much higher if it's taken for a longer period of time.
    6. AUTHOR

      Majbritt Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      August 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Possible SSRI side effect
      According to the medical company tinnitus is among the side effects with 1-10 % risk. I also read 2 % other places.

      I don't think I can do without the medicine, especially not if the tinnitus continues. Being depressed is one thing, being depressed with tinnitus is worse and it really effects me.

      I read a study about a person who got tinnitus from Sertraline and it didn't stop until she started taking mirtazapine, which is also an antidepressant. I know you can use some antidepressants for tinnitus and since I do need the antidepressants due to depression, maybe that's a possibility.
    7. Kolisar
      No Mood

      Kolisar Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi @Majbritt, and welcome.

      Everyone experiences tinnitus differently, and different medications affect people in different ways. It is possible that your SSRI caused your tinnitus. I understand the fear of being without the medication, have you considered speaking with your doctor to switch you to another SSRI that does not list tinnitus as a possible side-effect? Most doctors will work with you to address your concern as their job is not only to make you well, but to help deal with medical issues to increase your quality of life, and tinnitus certainly affects your quality of life.
    8. AUTHOR

      Majbritt Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      August 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Possible SSRI side effect
      Thanks :)

      I will call my doctor tomorrow. It's a new doctor and he will stop in two weeks, so he doesn't know much about my history. I will ask for flouexetine back. I was on it for a couple of years and only had few side effects, no tinnitus for sure. I originally asked for it, but he wanted to start me on Sertraline, because it had fewer side effects.

      I have had a very bad weekend and I really do feel that I need the medication. I have periodic depression and was put on flouexetine by a psychriatist and was told I should continue for the rest of my life. I stopped because I tried to get pregnant and when that failed and I got even more depressed I sought help with another of my new doctors and she refused to give me my medication. I then got even worse and finally did get some medication, but then got the tinnitus from the medication.

      I'm quite bitter about not getting my original medication, because if I had, I don't think I would have gotten tinnitus. But I guess anger is a step in the process for most tinnitus patients :(
      • Hug Hug x 1
    9. Kolisar
      No Mood

      Kolisar Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hopefully, your tinnitus will taper off and the symptoms will vanish. And, yes anger is certainly part of the process. I believe (and this is just an opinion, as I am certainly not a doctor), that when you get tinnitus you end up going through the grieving process. Tinnitus, again, in my opinion, amounts to a loss and trauma; you lose some hearing, sanity, silence, what ver it is, but there is a loss, and any significant loss results in grieving. So, be angry, it is good, but make sure you are angry at the right thing, do not take your anger out on the people who love you but may not understand what you are going through, and work through it. Getting through the grieving process will help you along the road to habituation.

      I wish you luck, hope that you get both your medication and tinnitus addressed, and that you find the happiness that you need. Please keep us updated on your progress.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    10. MeBeSurfer

      MeBeSurfer Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      SSRI Medication, Movie Theaters, or Gaming Headphones
      I got mine from Celexa. I actually think what happens is that we took the SSRI meds, and the serotonin on our brains was being changed. This change likely altered our susceptibility to loud sounds. You said you noticed it after a concert. I noticed mine after a movie I saw that was pretty loud. I would warn anyone taking SSRI meds to avoid loud sounds in the beginning, until the SSRI meds are settled in.
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    11. dingaling

      dingaling Member

      London UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      unknown, probably loud music
      Dear Majbritt

      Welcome to the forum. I have been in your position (but resisted SSRIs). Tinnitus can easily cause depression and having depression already will just perpetuate the cycle especially if you have time to dwell or ruminate over things.

      You (and your doctor) are the best person to decide on whether you need to take SSRIs and if so, how important are they for you and would you be willing to accept any side effects as a consequence?

      Here is the word "accept". This can be a long-time coming for people with T as some can never accept their T. I sense at this moment you might be feeling a little angry, i.e. "why me?" but

      Are you keeping yourself busy? Do you have any other health-related issues? Doing the sound therapy with pink noise etc is good - surround yourself with quiet pleasant sounds.

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