Here We Go...


Oct 9, 2013
Tinnitus Since
My name is Rachel, I am 33.
T is new & I guess, mild, but I am very low & anxious at present. Even writing this is hard for me as it makes it 'real'.
History: started early Sep this year, so I have had it for about 1 month. There are times when I think it has gone.
I am a long term earplug user (since student days) because I am a very light sleeper. Earplugs keep my marriage a happy one! So one night when I noticed a new noise ( when you wear earplugs there are always 'head noises' ) but this was new, like a mosquito.
I assumed straight away it was impacted earwax (another common earplug problem). When I finally got an appointment with doc last week, she said my ears were totally clear..... I then plummeted into a black hole.
Last night i went to bed & it seemed worse than ever. There was a new noise, more high pitched competing with the mosquito. I sobbed until i was sick & my husband comforted me. I finally went to sleep with exhaustion.
I can only hear the noise when there is nothing to drown it out. Most things do drown it out, so I understand that I must be grateful for this. It is very like a mosquito, so much so that I have been scouring all the rooms for the flying sods. Of course there are none.
I continue to wear earplugs because I am such a light sleeper and strangely they do not make the noise much worse, apart from this new high pitched sound.
Of course I have been speculating as to the cause and have come up with a few possibilities:
Nasal spray addiction: probably for 2 years I have used these to clear my nose at night. Googling shows they can be linked to T
Air flights in August and also swimming in outdoor pools - infection?
Hearing loss? I have not noticed any.
I practice yoga and also in August started a new practise (as did my husband) called the Five Tibetan Rites (google it!) One of the exercises involves spinning or rotating. Not fast, but spinning nonetheless. Of course I have dropped this one for now, as there could be some kind of vestibular link?
I didn't particularly have a wild youth filled with loud noise; less than average, but of course some.
My ears have felt 'odd' on & off recently; a bit echoey and perhaps some pressure. Nothing of note though.
All very confusing & not much to go on, just lots of googling which is torture!
Awaiting another doc appointment so we will see what they have to say. I have started oil pulling to try to detox.
Any thoughts much appreciated. It is terrifying and life as you know it is suddenly shattered. It is easy to assume the worst.

Wishing you all the very best.
Thanks for reading my waffle, it actually felt good to pour it out.
Hi Rachel.

As you said. Try do be grateful that your tinnitus only can be heard when it is silent. People out there have a much louder tinnitus and are doing just fine. If you allow it to bother you, it will. It's that simple.

You should stop wearing earplugs when you are sleeping. Our ears don't like silence. If you put humans inside completely soundproof boxes, most of us will actually hear some tinnitus. Try to sleep with some nature sounds on. Maybe its hard in the beginning, but you will get used to it.

Try not to think about why you got it. Leave that to the doctor. If he can't find out why either, you probable never will. Don't Google around to find the answer, you wont find it there. It only makes a stronger connection with your tinnitus.
Hi Rachel,
Some of your story sounds very familiar to mine, although mine is possibly a little louder. You said there are times when you think it's gone - that's fantastic! Perhaps given time it will go for good :)

Im 6 weeks in and I'm still struggling most of the time but I do know that the more I think of it, the louder it is so I work very hard to stay distracted - I carry my iphone with me to ever room listening to an audiobook/music and I try not to put myself in quiet situations. I'm trying to prepare myself better for nights when it gets quite a bit louder (bedtime)

I also try not to stress and I see a naturopath for help with that. I take B12 and magnesium for sleep and relaxation. And getting enough sleep is a big help - although with young children I rarely get enough ;)

There are lots if different suggestions here in terms of supplements and tips in coping and everyone is so friendly and helpful on this forum and more than happy to help with any questions you have.

Take care of yourself x
Thanks both for your replies.
Amelia, having young kids certainly helps in some ways; you have to keep on going! My 4 yr old is the best, he distracts me & drowns out sounds with his constant natter.
Got doc appt this morn so we'll see.
It looks like you look to alternative therapies for healing, as do I. I haven't looked into supplements yet, but have always assumed my diet (I am a bit of a health nut) would have the right things in. Know you can't assume though.

Have you found out what has causes your T? I'm obsessed with cause at the moment; I guess because if you know the cause there is a better chance of fixing it. However as Meeruf rightly said, there seem to be thousands of 'possible' causes & is it a waste of time stressing about it?
Well better see what doc says ;-)
All the very best,
Hi Rachel,

I have a 4 year old too (and a 20 month old) and yes - they do distract! lol

Since my T started I've had a few tests (hearing, bloods, MRI and CT) which have all come back normal - with the exception of my CT (I've just popped up a new post about it in the support area...)

I've narrowed it down to either:
a) My ENT suggested a nasal flush/douche and after a week of using it, one day I did it and it was REALLY painful. Hurt horribly, but I thought that perhaps it had dislodged something sinusitis wise. That night my ears started ringing and haven't stopped
b) This year in particular has been very stressful, but at the same time as I started the flushes, my daughter was booked in for an operation and I stressed to the max about that. I think if T can be caused by stress that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Plus I've always suffered anxiety so I guess its been building for a lifetime
So either sinus wash, or stress.

Either way, if it was the wash I can't do anything about that now - except not to do it again! and if it is stress then I can (and am) doing something about it. Probably needed to anyway. I tend to look at my T as "alarm bells" and its telling me to slow down, get more sleep and not sweat the small stuff.

I've also cut caffeine and chocolate out - BIG sad face there because they are my 2 favourite things, but I think I feel better for it.

Goodluck with the Doctors tomorrow, and please let us know how you go xxx
Well, the doctor didn't do much; took BP (normal) prodded & poked my ears (normal) & said as there were no other symptoms, to come back in a couple of months if still have it.
Not sure what I expected really.
Feeling down now as noise is def louder this eve.

Big respect for cutting out caffeine & chocolate Amelia, they are also 2 of my favourite things. You must have been cranky for a bit!
It's amazing the link between mind & body. We can't underestimate the effect of stress & anxiety. I hope your daughter is well?
Well, guess I better go wind down now & see if I can lift my mood a little.

All the best xxx
Actually I've tried to cut caffeine before and could never do it. I think with the onset of T I was stressed out of my eyeballs so I didn't notice the withdrawals because I was too busy noticing my T!

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