Thanks for the warm welcome Markku!
Yeas, that's my pic and these past four years have definitely been chaotic and a definite learning experience with myself and how to handle anxiety and all that comes with tinnitus.
Perhaps the first year is the toughest, getting into the groove of your tinnitus, lol so, sorry you're dealing with that I know it's galling, but thanks for such a great site!
I had ringing on and off but one day I noticed the perpetual ringing and asked everyone around me, "can you hear that?" of course no one could hear it so, I figured I was the only crazy one lol.
I'm not sure what caused it, perhaps all the wonderful concerts I went to but my ENT doc was baffled too, he let me know I had nerve damage, hearing loss etc.
That was two years ago.
I'd say about a week ago or so, I noticed my usual ringing increased /;
- that's been tough on me, perhaps it's stress and my little one yelling. I'm taking some natural medication... so, I'll wait and hear lol.
Thank you again Markku