Hi Everybody!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Kelly, Apr 12, 2011.

    1. Kelly

      Kelly Member

      Where is everybody? Finally a place to discuss Tinnitus....
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    2. Ben

      Ben Member

      hi everyone :)
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    3. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Welcome Kelly (& Ben)!

      We are slowly but steadily getting new people here, the start is always tough, but hopefully it all pans out in the long run.

      How did you get tinnitus Kelly? How long has it been? How are you coping?

      I was going to ask Ben the same, but then noticed your status message: you are one of those who've had it for a longer period of time. Do you think yours has been the same over the years or has it got worse/better?

      Best wishes for both of you,
    4. AUTHOR

      Kelly Member

      Hi Markku,
      Glad to be here...I hope this is a very successful site, although if it is....that will be kinda sad.
      I noticed my tinnitus 3 years ago. I was recovering from a gall bladder surgery and had noticed the normal ringing in my ears that everybody gets now and then, but I payed attention because it had happened several times that week, which I found very odd. I really noticed as I was attempting to go to sleep one evening. It was like an orchestra was playing very loud in my ears! I just thought it would go away until I began to loose sleep and the stress of it all gave me anxiety and dizziness and nausea...
      Went to the Dr. and he immediately prescribed Ambien for sleep and referred me to an ENT. My hearing was fine, but there was nothing he could do. Stop drinking caffiene, salt and consider Arches and sent me on my way. Two additional Dr.s confirmed nothing wrong with my ears. Just have to deal.
      Tinnitus has changed everything about my life. When I go on vacation, I think....maybe it will go away with relaxation, when I was found to be Vit. D defiecient.....maybe that's why I have the ringing, when my husband and I separated......maybe this has been the problem, when I had neck surgery for a herniated disk.....can't this help? When hubby and I got back together........still no change. I can't handle a stressful job anymore, so I've adjusted my lifestyle and realize the affects this horrible affliction has had.
      My ringing is like a whistling tea pot combined with the snowy channel on a TV. The volume changes but very seldom can i not hear it over everything. Loud restuarants in combination with the tinnitus offers too much stimulation and makes me irritable and my ears feel raw after. It was actually amusing one evening as we had a bunch of friends over to play games. Everyone was laughing, talking, children were running around and the tv was in the background. So what did I do? Well, I dimmed the kitchen light of course!!! Later my hubby said, "too much stimulation huh?" Guess that was the only thing I could control, but it helped.
      Sorry so long, however it's difficult to even summarize the new life that's been thrust upon me and no one seems to know what to do.
      What I wouldn't give for one day of silence.
    5. AUTHOR

      Kelly Member

      Hi Ben!! Guess we're the newbies!!
    6. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Same here. But really, with the advances and research that's on going, I'm quite hopeful we are able to see some sort treatments in not so far away.

      Your story sounds similar to many, what with trying all sorts of things in hopes of some help, at least I was like that too.

      Hope you continued taking Vit D, so many people are deficient :) I take one pill everyday, but then again I'm living in a country where there's enough sun shine to sustain proper Vit D levels for only 2-3 months per year :)

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