Hi everyone

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Tony9814, Nov 2, 2011.

    1. Tony9814

      Tony9814 Member

      Hi everyone, My name is Tony and I'm from Toronto, Canada.

      Well I guess the topic for today is the letter " T ". It started for me 5 days after my 55 birthday. It's not what I wished for when I blew out the candles on the cake. Since then I've been in a stressfull state.

      The buzzing & hi piched tones are with me 24/7. Been like this since Aug/2011, so I'm a newbie at this. So far its sent me to the hospial passing out in the emergency department. Had them running around thinking I was having a heart problem. Got served right away, will have to remember that one in the future. They did a CT, and sent me to a ENT, she told me it would go away within 2 months after she saw there was nothing on the MRI. WRONG. Still have it a long with really bad headaches & sinus trouble. My doctor told me to live with it.

      Sleeping was dificault at first but now I sleep almost normal. Trying to teach myself that the sounds I hear is what quite now sounds like. Not there yet. Some days are really bad emotionaly for me. Even during the day as soon as I let my mind rest the sounds and headaches come a calling.

      Well thats me complaning again. Word of thought. My Physiatrist told me to take it one day at a time.
    2. Dexi

      Dexi Guest

      Hi Tony,

      Sorry to hear about your (relatively) new 'constant companion'. On top of the tinnitus you are plagued with headaches and sinus troubles. Tough mix, I would say. When your mind is 'resting' and the sounds and headaches 'come a calling' what do you do?

      You may already be aware of this, but in case you are not, I just thought I would put this forward for you. A little trick with tinnitus is to avoid letting it take 'centre stage'. This means that while trying to adjust to the tinnitus and learn the 'how' to live with it (as opposed to blindly doing so) it is important to have a constant sound source in the background at all times. (This is one approach and may not be for everyone, so your mileage may vary).

      The constant sound source might be a radio/tv in the room set to a low volume- whether it is an actual program, or just white noise. The key is to never let the tinnitus be present all by itself. Give it a little competition and it can't take centre stage. Some people use a simple tabletop noise generator that creates 'nature sounds', others use relaxation-type music.

      Hang in there. If you are ever unsure of your diagnosis and/or treatment, be frank with your physician and if your symptoms don't improve, perhaps a second opinion might bring fresh insights.

      Take care of yourself.

    3. Karl

      Karl Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Tony -
      I suggest that you see an audiologist about getting a tinnitus masking device. This is a small barely noticeable device that will send a faint wispy noise into your ears. It works for most people with tinnitus.

      You can make your own "poor man's masker" by listening to white noise on an IPod. (On this site, Jim has posted a whole bunch of MP3 tracks.) Masking devices use white noise. Some have music, some don't.

      When you listen to white noise, all the hair cells in your cochlea become stimulated (because white noise consists of all frequencies). As a result, your brain is less able to focus on the tinnitus sound, and it blends in with the other sounds. Adjust the white noise low enough so that you can still hear the tinnitus. I have been told that gradually your tinnitus sound losses its importance. "Fear" is the cycle you need to break, because it will reinforce your awareness of the tinnitus sound.

      Another thing: You complain of sinus problems. Many people have a jaw problem called TMJD that is misdiagnosed as a sinus problem. About 1/3rd of people with TMJD also have tinnitus. If so, a bite guard (or...?) may help.
    4. Don H

      Don H Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Tony, You were right when you said "newbie" with your T. I know right now you won't believe me but things WILL get better. Your limbic system will settle down and believe it or not you will habituate to the sound and it will become much less significant, so hang in there leaf fan. One of the best quotes I have read was from a Tinnitus doc who said T "is a neutral stimulus". Your brain isn't there yet...you are classifying it as a threat which makes it more pronounced. Every day there are "neutral stimuli" that you hear but your brain gives low priority, ie clocks, furnaces, fans, clothes dryer, car engines. The trick is to reclassify your T to the same low priority. If I was you I'd worry about the Oilers beating up on the Leafs, and not so much about your T! Keep us posted my friend.
    5. Karl

      Karl Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi again Tony.

      You mentioned that you are going to a psychiatrist. One word of caution: If your p-doc has prescribed an anti-depressant, some of these medication (such as Zoloft) can cause severe ringing in the ears. Be sure you read the warning labels for the medications that you take. I almost made that mistake, but I read the label.

      There are anti-depressants (such as Remeron) which do not have "ringing in the ears" as a side effect.

      - Karl
    6. mock turtle

      mock turtle Member

      puget sound
      Tinnitus Since:
      07/26/1992...habituated after 2 years; 11/04/11 new outbreak
      Hi Tony

      sorry about the birthday wish thing...yeah this T is ugly

      you said , ".... Trying to teach myself that the sounds I hear is what quite now sounds like..."

      may i say, i think what you said is brilliant!

      hang in there
      mock turtle

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