Hi There. My Name Is Rae-Lee.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Rae-Lee, Jul 19, 2016.

    1. Rae-Lee

      Rae-Lee Member

      Nova Scotia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hello, all.
      I am so happy to have found this forum. I was beginning to believe that I am the only person in the world with this issue.
      I have been to an ENT and had my hearing tested. They said my case is "odd" because it's both ears... CT scan has been ordered, but they say that it will be a few more months before I can get one.
      Well, that's about it... I'm tired of it, but hopeful that a cause and perhaps a solution can be found. Sooner rather than later would be nice...
    2. william adams

      william adams Member Benefactor

      S Jersey
      Tinnitus Since:
      December 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      one week after leg surgery plus hearing loss in higher freq.
      Hello Rae Lee,
      What was the results of your hearing test? Most of us with T have some type of hearing loss but there is others that do not which there T has developed from another source. Also having T in both ears does not seem to be uncommon with some of the people that have posted on this forum. Yes and it would be great if a cure for T comes about soon. There is alot of research going on and hopefully something will happen soon. Hopefully your T will go away where some of us habituate to the sound and it gets much better to deal with in time.. Good luck and keep us in mine when you need support.
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    3. AUTHOR

      Rae-Lee Member

      Nova Scotia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I will find out the results next month. The ENT only comes to my area once in awhile. His next trip out is Aug. 12...
      My hearing seems to be heightened... veritable sounds are louder to me now. Higher pitched sounds actually hurt (ie hearing people say words with "s" in them or sounds of tinkling bells, jet engines, eagle cries...)
      Then there is the highest pitched sounds that actually hurt my teeth!
      Like the sound of drilling or anything with a higher pitch like little RC cars...
      It came on suddenly, it's debilitating and I have no idea why...
      Seems air pressure has an effect as well.
      Anyone else have similar issues?
      It's 24/7. Worse at night when the house is quiet and white noise doesn't really help. Having the tv on helps a little...
    4. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      A warm welcome to Tinnitus Talk Rae-Lee.
      You will get lots of support on the forum and make friends along the way.
      Keep posting on the main forums....lots of love glynis
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    5. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Welcome to the forum. It seems that you have hyperacusis. I had severe H too soon after T and it was very hard to live with H. It turned all sounds so loud and piercingly hurtful as if my ears getting drilled. It made me stay away from outside and from any social gatherings. It was a scary and lonely time. Luckily like many members with H after developing high pitch T, my H slowly faded over time when I took off the earplugs for normal sounds. I mentioned my journey with T & H in my success story. For brevity, here is the link to it if you are interested. Don't worry too much. Give it time. Your H may fade too. God bless.

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