I Am a Mess

Discussion in 'Support' started by Andy, Oct 13, 2012.

    1. Andy

      Andy Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sept 2012
      Hi everyone

      Was holding on as it been only a week praying it was going to get better went out for a meal with my wife came home and it much louder sorry but I just can t bare this noise can any one tell me what's happening why is it changing and will it go back
    2. okrosie

      okrosie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      hi Andy, over 7yrs my t has changed, this high pitch ive got now is unbearable. 1st time i had it it was different in both ears, but over time there both the same i prayed mine go quieter, but im stuck wiv it, urs may settle dwn , i cant give u any answerer, wish i could, i do anythin 4 us all to have a quite life x
    3. DezDog

      DezDog Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Andy, have you been to see your doctor? I think you might benefit from some help with the anxiety. It need only be temporary, but you're going to get through this easier if you're not so distraught. Right now you've got two problems, one is T but the other is anxiety. Let your doctor help you get on top of the anxiety first. There's a good chance your T feels a lot worse because of the anxiety.

      Hang in there
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    4. okrosie

      okrosie Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      hi dezdog, ive really had no help wot so ever, went dr 7yrs ago he said live wiv it wen i went back did a test said i need hear check, wen ent 3 yrs ago they said hearin low in one ear,gave me aid talk 2 lady who say stay relaxed, do yoga. that was that i couldnt get on wiv aid as ringing in both ears so i felt unbalance, went i back told to stick iv it. so i didnt bother, now after 3 yrs my hearing the same T high pitch in both. where be4 there were different sounds been given dital ear aids which have cut some ringin i can hear ppl talkin, but looks like i need go drs get some pill to relax me . glad i joined this site as im find out more on here than drs etc
    5. mock turtle

      mock turtle Member

      puget sound
      Tinnitus Since:
      07/26/1992...habituated after 2 years; 11/04/11 new outbreak

      its gonna be very tough in the beginning...you are possibly going to think all kinds of terrible thoughts...i know i did

      you are not going to believe it but... you...will...get...better

      its going to take time

      your brain, believe it or not will become.... bored... bored... bored ...with tinnitus

      this is called habituation

      and it takes time,

      but the important thing is to do is, as little further damage as possible ! (avoid excessive noise exposure (EXCESSIVE..not ALL) and avoid drugs that are poisonous to the inner ear, (ototoxic drugs)

      btw many if not most tinnitus sufferers will note that anxiety, loud talk, loud music and certain foods , chemicals, will temporarily exacerbate their tinnitus....dont freak out, the tinnitus will subside to its level its previous level, in time if you minimize these exposures

      read about "n acetyl cysteine" and how it can help if you get whacked by a bad medication or noise exposure

      hang in there...i promise you you will get better, but it will take time

      heres my best suggestion, fight thinking about your tinnitus..divert your attention, anyway you can, soft music, conversation, chores, cooking, love, bicycling anything, ANYTHING, you can do to divert your attention

      exercise (promotes brain plasticity and lowers anxiety!

      and talk positive to yourself..."i can get past this ugly thing...its just a noise, i wont let this beat me...im tougher than tinnitus...im not alone millions of civilians and returning military are with me in this fight, i can make it..."

      here is the absolute truth, ....tinnitus only has the power that you give it..., thats a fact!

      right now my T is this really loud, really high pitched EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee sound with morse code like bleeps and a whole bunch of hissisng and other stuff...geeeze what fun......................not

      not gonna let this rob me of my life...im just not gonna let it

      im a spirit and tinnitus is the wind and i just let it blow thru me, as i pass by, unaffected

      hang in there
      mock turtle


      in may cases tinnitus slowly goes away and resolves for reasons we dont know

      please see a doctor to rule out or find low probability but possible other considerations

      and hey do read about n acetyl cysteine and tinitus, it might help
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    6. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Mock --- I just read up a little on n acetyl cysteine, and it does sound promising. Have you ever taken it yourself, or do you know anyone who has? It sounds as if it has little, or no, side effects, in the recommended amount (600 mg.). Might be worth looking into!

      Andy --- The other folks (above) have given you some excellent advice, and they are right. It WILL get better. Please don't give up, and consider taking something for your anxiety. That will make you feel a lot better, and help you cope. We are all in the same boat, and we hope you'll read and benefit from our experiences. Best wishes, and stay strong.
    7. mock turtle

      mock turtle Member

      puget sound
      Tinnitus Since:
      07/26/1992...habituated after 2 years; 11/04/11 new outbreak
      karen, hello

      yes two incidents stand out

      i was riding my bicycle and a guy cruised on by, matched my speed and then revved his engine way loud, no muffler

      it was like fireworks going off right next to me

      when i got home i started taking NAC 600mg 4 times a day for 4 days...my T returned to what passed for normal the day before the additional noise exposure

      also i was placed on an ototoxic medication despite my warning the doctor and pharmacist who assured me that azithromycin did not have tinnitus as a side effect. the bottle was not labeled with the generic name and the info i got the first day of research didnt indicate ototoxicity...i was a fool

      i woke up the next day to T twice as loud and a cacophony of new sounds...i hit the NAC big time and stopped the antibiotic right away...things got better

      both of these stories are anecdotal but its worth noting the the US navy has researched and used NAC to treat aircraft carrier flight deck personnel who have had their ear protection blown off during fighter jet take off and suffered extreme noise exposure

      i dont think NAC will help weeks and weeks after the damage is done...it works to minimize and reverse oxidative stress to the hearing cells in the direct aftermath of injury


      best wishes


      NAC can save your life if accidental consumption of certain poisons like whats found in some mushrooms and / or liver damage from acetaminophen overdose aggravated by alcohol


    8. Karen

      Karen Manager Staff Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      First time: Noise 2nd Time: Ototoxic drug
      Wow! It sounds like it really works, if taken soon after the incident occurrs This could be helpful for someone like Andy, whose tinnitus started only a week ago. I wish I'd known about it, back when I took my ototoxic drug (Lisinopril).

      I've heard that azitromycin is ototoxic, but I've taken it before, and it didn't seem to make my tinnitus any worse. It just depends on the individual, I suppose. Thanks for this information, Mock. and I am glad it worked for you after both incidents.
    9. erik

      erik Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Washington State, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      04/15/2012 or earlier?
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Most likely hearing loss
      Hey Guys and Gals, I took NAC in the beginning of my T unfortunately it didn't help me. However, after any louder than normal noise exposure even with ear plugs, I still always take NAC along with Magnesium and Vitamins A,C,E complex for a few days as a precaution. The Univ of Michigan did a study on Magnesium and Vitamins A,C,E for 5 days after noise exposure was effective in preventing permanent noise induced hearing loss.

      “According to the researchers, pre-treatment [with vitamins A, C and E and magnesium] presumably reduced the free radicals that form during and after noise exposure, and noise-induced constriction of blood flow to the inner ear, and may have also reduced neural excitotoxicity, or the damage to auditory neurons that can occur due to over-stimulation. The post- noise nutrient doses apparently “scavenged” free radicals that continue to form long after this noise exposure ends.”

      “Vitamins A, C and E and magnesium worked in synergy to prevent cell damage,”
    10. mock turtle

      mock turtle Member

      puget sound
      Tinnitus Since:
      07/26/1992...habituated after 2 years; 11/04/11 new outbreak
      erik , true that

      please add methylcobalamum ( the methyl form of vitamin b-12) to the list

      best wishes

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